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#173031816Wednesday, September 02, 2015 2:44 AM GMT

Character Sheet: Name: Valin FitzCrismspaed Age: 30 Gender: Male Biography: The Crimspaed family, a small family of counts that have stretched back to the for Kings of Luchia and even beyond, was were Valin hailed from. Running along a good stretch of land bisected by two major rivers and many creeks, Valin took his time to truly admire nature. A poet and a true gentlemen, he excelled at the skills of the gentry and even beyond, with a knack for managing his own estate. And so set out with his own name and bid farewell to his home for a last time. Eventually, he headed out as he was only the 4th son of the family and wouldn't inherit much, he made his way to the King's court. From there, his gentlemen manners and a surprising skill of flattering, Valin was selected to help form a new settlement in a far off land. A gentlemen and administrator in a far off land, he might not have the right experience to survive. Family Name: House FitzCrimspaed Personality: A flatterer and a gentlemen of the highest level, Valin has no trouble earning friends or keeping the peace with his words. But he can't bring himself to cruelty, and his pleasing nature often causes anything to run up extra expenses. Appearance: Tall but not imposing with slender limbs, groomed blond hair and a short braided beard with brown eyes. His skin is well tanned all around, and almost always he wears outfits that befit any respectable noble. Other: Nekcihc Kingdom Sheet: Galvinst (In honor of the Lord Galve) Name: Galvinst (In honor of the Lord Galve) Banner Description: A Gray spade over a crimson background, with a black border. Land formation created on: Right on the sea, overlooking a wide bay that perfectly suits a good harbor. Most of the land around it is grasslands with a river coming in from the west. Woods are on the very edge of it. Main Import: Timber Main Export: Fish! Glorious Fish! You have settled on a ridge high above a natural bay with a wide 360° view. At the bottom of the bay is a bed of sharp, jagged rocks that will kill anyone if they haven't already died from the fall. You were initially attracted to the position due to the fact that there's a small field of strawberries.

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