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#176042489Monday, October 12, 2015 12:34 AM GMT

((You were so cool, though. You were just inactive ;-;)) You have not surrounded me, you merely placed me in a target-rich environment.
#176042897Monday, October 12, 2015 12:39 AM GMT

(Lol rhino you are right sorry for being a nut, I should of just remade it, I apologize for being rude. I just got kind of upset when I saw the other persons cs get accepted and the wording you used to deny my Cs, if you could forgive me I would still love to join, but I understand if you don't)
#176043074Monday, October 12, 2015 12:41 AM GMT

((It's perfectly fine. If you go on Bebithetuffles ISRP you will see I did the same thing when he denied my CS I thought was really well. You can have as many goes at a CS as you like. That is if the second doesn't get accepted.)) You have not surrounded me, you merely placed me in a target-rich environment.
#176043246Monday, October 12, 2015 12:44 AM GMT

(I have no idea what's your stance on romance so I'll keep it platonic for now) -Oliver- The two held each other in a light embrace for a while, until it became a little too long and started to become just a little embarrassing. Oliver scratched his head, while Katarina turned her cheek and coughed. Oliver broke the awkwardness by asking a question, "so Julianus, shouldn't you be doing that task the Boss asked us about?"
#176043458Monday, October 12, 2015 12:46 AM GMT

"Or you could listen to what this kid told us and chase down the scouts" You have not surrounded me, you merely placed me in a target-rich environment.
#176044126Monday, October 12, 2015 12:54 AM GMT

(Okay total revamp of backstory) CS: Name: Aleya Teuna McKinley Age:24 Gender:f Bio: Aleya grew up in middle Ireland as a bakers daughter. At a young age she became hateful with her constant life in a town being ransacked by the king of England's tax army forged in the later years of the country, leading her to seek combat training to avenge the slaughtering of her parents for alleged tax fraud. At age 18 she found herself in Belfast Ireland under the wing of a young and prestigious Aurthur O'Conner, the General of Belfast's army. During her long and grueling years of training O'Conner taught Aleya the arts of the bow and sword she quickly became proficient at both but preferred the bow over sword, after her 21st year Aleya became an infamous outlaw in the English streets after slaughtering the "grand tax army" in her town of drogheda. Branded as a terrorist Aleya stalks the streets of London murdering English officials for the independence of Ireland and to sate her own thirst for English blood. Specialty: Bow Woman Appearance: Aleya stands at 5'4' with a nimble physique and a fair appearance, she also has short dark hair that sways across her green eyes. She has slightly pale skin and wears enforced cloth trousers and shirt with leather reinforcements along the vital parts of her body. She also wears a black hardened quiver across the right side of her hip and a sword on the left all tied to a belt across her hip sagging at the right. Preferred weapon: bow
#176044286Monday, October 12, 2015 12:56 AM GMT

((Denied. You left out weakness.)) You have not surrounded me, you merely placed me in a target-rich environment.
#176044433Monday, October 12, 2015 12:57 AM GMT

((Wait holy hell weakness isn't even in the CS, that was just something some put. Cons of having a bad memory)) You have not surrounded me, you merely placed me in a target-rich environment.
#176044528Monday, October 12, 2015 12:59 AM GMT

(Okay total revamp of backstory) CS: Name: Aleya Teuna McKinley Age:24 Gender:f Bio: Aleya grew up in middle Ireland as a bakers daughter. At a young age she became hateful with her constant life in a town being ransacked by the king of England's tax army forged in the later years of the country, leading her to seek combat training to avenge the slaughtering of her parents for alleged tax fraud. At age 18 she found herself in Belfast Ireland under the wing of a young and prestigious Aurthur O'Conner, the General of Belfast's army. During her long and grueling years of training O'Conner taught Aleya the arts of the bow and sword she quickly became proficient at both but preferred the bow over sword, after her 21st year Aleya became an infamous outlaw in the English streets after slaughtering the "grand tax army" in her town of drogheda. Branded as a terrorist Aleya stalks the streets of London murdering English officials for the independence of Ireland and to sate her own thirst for English blood. Specialty: Bow Woman Appearance: Aleya stands at 5'4' with a nimble physique and a fair appearance, she also has short dark hair that sways across her green eyes. She has slightly pale skin and wears enforced cloth trousers and shirt with leather reinforcements along the vital parts of her body. She also wears a black hardened quiver across the right side of her hip and a sword on the left all tied to a belt across her hip sagging at the right. Preferred weapon: bow Weakness: body reacts to the stimulation of pain aggressively. Has the bad eye of most of England due to her status as terrorist. Strength: Can talk her way out of most situations and can blend into a crowd well.
#176044632Monday, October 12, 2015 1:00 AM GMT

((Original was accepted, those were not even in the CS, someone put that in there and I forgot they weren't a thing)) You have not surrounded me, you merely placed me in a target-rich environment.
#176044910Monday, October 12, 2015 1:03 AM GMT

(Baby, I wanted to nerf my character...) Cadenza poisoned the Lords water supply. She fated into the darkness of night. "Too easy..."
#176044957Monday, October 12, 2015 1:04 AM GMT

((It's fine)) You have not surrounded me, you merely placed me in a target-rich environment.
#176098477Monday, October 12, 2015 8:28 PM GMT

-Oliver- "Capturing and torturing eh?" Oliver seemed to ponder this for a bit. "Alright, but I prefer that I get my equipment first. Can't sneak and fight around in these", indicating to the rags he was currently wearing.
#176101039Monday, October 12, 2015 9:00 PM GMT

"They don't know we know they are there, so I'll meet you out there." You have not surrounded me, you merely placed me in a target-rich environment.
#176115249Monday, October 12, 2015 11:55 PM GMT

-Oliver- "Yeah, yeah I'll see you there after I change." Oliver waved off Julianus. "You wouldn't happen to have any of my gear on yah"?
#176214224Wednesday, October 14, 2015 6:05 PM GMT

"No" He said running off to his room to put on his armor. He swung open the door, and ran in without bothering to close it. He grabbed his chest piece and slid it over his head, and slid his hands and forearm through the arm holes and pulled the armor down sliding his arms through all the way. He immediately went for his bracers and laced them on. He tightened the laces on his chest piece, and reached for his belt which held his utilities and weapons. He wrapped it around his waist and tied it at the back making sure the hold was secure. He then grabbed his cloak, swinging it around his right side sliding his arms through the sleeves. He ran out of his room into the lobby whilst buttoning his cloak. He burst out of the door and headed for the nearest hill to duck behind. He reached into his cloak from the top part that wasn't buttoned and drew one of his knives from his belt scanning the hills for any figures roaming around. It was barely sun up, but it was enough to where they would need to have green clothes on to blend in. Waiting for Oliver on the hill which was to the immediate right of the lobby door, he continued to search for any sign of where they may be... You have not surrounded me, you merely placed me in a target-rich environment.
#176311086Friday, October 16, 2015 2:54 AM GMT

-Oliver- Oliver shook his head, giving off a mirthless laugh. He turned to Katarina, and raised his left brow in mild confusion. "So Kat, what do you plan on doing? Chances are you won't want to stay here. Best to head off home and hire some guards to protect you for a while, someone might see you leaving." Katarina looked to be deep in thought after Oliver's statement. Chances were, someone would see her considering her lack of stealthiness. On the other hand, maybe she could stay here and they wouldn't bother her, however unlikely that was. While Katarina was deciding, Oliver slipped past her and looked for any semblance of his gear, only finding some basic civilian clothing. Giving a quick shrug, he quickly got changed and used his rags to fashion a rough, but effective bandanna to hide his face and pad a few soft areas. He walked back into the previous room and found Katarina packing quickly. "I see you took my advice," he commented as he adjusted the bandanna. Katarina spared a quick glance upward and went back to packing. After a short bout of silence, she replied," well since you're always giving such good advice, I thought I should listen to you for once. "My, my is that sarcasm I hear?" Oliver said amused. "The ever so noble Katarina, using such a crude method of speaking? What has the world come to? Katarina bundled up the dress she was holding and threw it at Oliver. Giving a quick laugh, he handed back the dress and turning serious said, "take the back door and look like you've been injured. Chances are they won't pay too much attention to someone who's already injured." Katarina nodded in understanding and headed for the door. As she was halfway through she turned back and quipped, "be careful Oliver, I don't want to visit this place a second time." Oliver waved her off and prepared to leave. Stopping, he remembered that he should look for a cloak. He scanned the room and decided to just use the rough, brown bed cover he was just sleeping on. He threw it over his head and sneaked out the door towards Julianus.
#176335622Friday, October 16, 2015 6:52 PM GMT

Hearing the door of the base crack open Julianus adjusted his head slightly so he could confirm it was Oliver. 'About bloody time' He thought to himself waiting for his friend to join him on the top of the hill. Julianus reached for three shuriken in case they need to engage at a distance. He was happy he decided to pick up some souvenirs on his trip to Japan awhile back. He slowly peaked his head over the top of the hill to scan the hills more closely to determine where to move next. He examined a hill roughly 25 meters north east. 'No, too many blind-spots and open areas on the path to the hill.' He thought to himself as he discounted the hill as a possibility. He noticed a hill directly to the east and noticed that they could easily sneak by a couple wagons that blocked them from view and gave them a few peeking holes from in-between the boards. He patiently waited for Oliver to join him so they could move. You have not surrounded me, you merely placed me in a target-rich environment.
#176560998Tuesday, October 20, 2015 2:20 AM GMT

(Sorry, been busy with school) Oliver scanned the area outside the door, looking for any unexpected surprises that Julianus missed. There was a gentle wind blowing from the west and the morning sun didn't leave many shadows for him to use. Finally, he reached the top of the fill and crouched by Julianus. "What's the situation?," he asked.
#176584678Tuesday, October 20, 2015 5:57 PM GMT

"Contacts not spotted,we're heading east to that hill over there, use the wagons as cover" He informed Oliver as he started quietly but swiftly making his way DOWNTOWN-((Had to)) down the hill to get behind the wagons of all the quotes to choose from as your siggy, you picked that one -PurringThunder
#176613296Wednesday, October 21, 2015 1:23 AM GMT

Oliver followed Julianus down the hill and hid behind a wagon, the owner not even noticing. Oliver looked for anyone that resembled the contacts, but saw nothing but the buildings.
#176694321Thursday, October 22, 2015 6:42 PM GMT

As he approached the peak of the hill he noticed the scouts running along the dirt road that led to town "There!" He whispered in an excited tone as he threw a shuriken into one of their arteries quicjly running after the other of all the quotes to choose from as your siggy, you picked that one -PurringThunder
#176700030Thursday, October 22, 2015 8:39 PM GMT

Oliver jumped down the hill. following Julianus down the hill. Splitting off, he ran to the left, lest anyone was ready to ambush them.
#176702070Thursday, October 22, 2015 9:12 PM GMT

Julianus ran up behind the second scout wrapping his arm around his throat pulling him back. Julianus landed on the ground back first with the man struggling on top of him, he tightened his grip around his neck, and pushed the mans head forward depleting oxygen to the brain rendering him unconscious of all the quotes to choose from as your siggy, you picked that one -PurringThunder
#176704294Thursday, October 22, 2015 9:47 PM GMT

Oliver didn't believe that those two were the only ones. Scanning the hills, one by one he looked. There they are, hiding behind behind the hill. He dashed off towards them.

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