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#173654080Tuesday, September 08, 2015 4:03 PM GMT

To keep Blox United active organised, PrinceJamieL made this forum so everythig can be made clear on how we work. Blox United's ranking system is without a doubt different from other Ro-Soccer groups. Not only do we want to win cups, but we want to do it in style! - Fans - The Fans rank is mainly for the Fans of the team. They should turn up for every game to support Blox United! They should also buy the kits to help keep the group running, all Group funds now go towards the team and advertisements to bring more people to the team. Most of the time, they're linked players and will be ranked up but fans of Blox United are appreciated especially when it comes to positive support! Fans are not permitted to write on the Groups wall as information on the wall has to be group based. However, they do get a Forum where they are allowed to talk about anything they like! - Linked to the Club - A time when a Fan or a scouted player is near their acceptance into the club, they must apply for a certain position and sign a Contract with the team. Before all this, the person linked must be checked by PrinceJamieL and must be approved by him. If he isnt approved by PrinceJamieL the person can prove them self worthy by applying for a Club tryout. But the person must NEVER be turned down because 'They aren't good enough.' - Academy - The Blox United's academy is a great chance for the less experienced players to play for the club, mainly the less disciplined players and new players are assigned here but if a player in the main team isn't showing enough in the owner's eyes they'll be demoted here. They'll get the chance to pick a number for the Blox United kits. It's important that every player wears the current Blox Unted kit when it comes to real games for the club if they're caught not wearing the correct kit they'll be banned for 2 weeks. Every new signing must start from the academy unless the owners think otherwise, anyone caught ranking someone without the owner's knowing the person will be banned from the group along with the HR for 1 month. -Academy Captain- The Academy Captain is a determined, disciplined and skilled player who has started to show great character for Blox United, they'll be considered a High rank for the Academy and can help organise trainings with the Academy Coaches. They can also play for the main team if the owner's approve and will wear the Blox United Academy Captain armband for every academy game. They should understand all of the rules in the group and after 4 weeks will be promoted to the main team. -Academy Coach- The Manager will have to pick four people to help coach Blox United's Academy, this is to make sure the academy can improve rapidly so they aren't at the academy for too long. A Training must be hosted once a day, the trainings must have a plan and have be approved and observed by the Manager. If the manager cannot observe the training another trusted High rank will and write an report based on that training and it'll be sent to an Owner. Friendlies have to be planned and a squad has to be approved by an Owner. -Main Team- The main team are the best skilled, disciplined and leaders out of the Academy but are no longer considered as a Academy player. Every Main player must play at least 10 minutes of Ro-Soccer football every month. The playing positions are, Goalkeeper's Defender's, Midfielders and Forwards. They must also purchase the Main team's kits and only be in 2-3 Ro-soccer groups to keep activity at an all time high.   -Main Team Captain- This is a player who knows the rules 'like the back of their hand.' Most importantly they must be mature and be able to control the team whilst playing.  They must be in only 1-2 Ro soccer teams including Blox Unted and have the group set at their Primary. Also include somewhere on their profile that they're Captain of Blox United's main team and have to wear the chosen kit that includes the Blox United armband in every game. This player should be the best In the main team performance and activity wise and will be picked by the Owners. The player can lose this rank at anytime if they aren't proving themselves worthy and someone else will be picked.   -Main Team Coach-   A Main Team Coach will have to host a planned training session everday trainings mustn't have the same plan and have to be different. Coaches must discuss this between them. Again these have to be approved by the Manager and observed. Friendlies must be planned and the squad must be approved by an Owner and the manager 24 hours before the game. If any unplanned games are played it can cost a demotion, as it's bad for the group and is considered unprofessional. Tactics must be taught to the captain and he must get a say in who plays.   -Manager- The Manager is a person who understands the game more than anyone and can bring success to Blox United. This person must appoint 2 Main Team coaches to control the Main squad and 4 Academy Coaches, these can be appointed from a Retired rank or scouted by the Manager. It's his job to observe the Academy's training and write a report monthly based on how good they're doing and anyone who has Main team and Captain potential. He must also write up a same report for the Main Team but this will be once every two months. -Retired Legends- Retired Legends, is the hardest rank in Blox United. Most of the players in the rank consists of the Main Team from the 2012-2013 period as they made most of Blox's History. Sadly, they're no longer considered active but they can come out of retirement at anytime to help manage the squad. To ever get this rank, you without a doubt must be approved by the Owners. -Retired Player- This rank is essentially the same as the Retired Legends rank but the players haven't proved themselves worthy of being considered a 'legend.' To get this rank, you must be in the main team and basically announce your retirement that's all. You can come out of retirement at any time to help manage the squad if you feel like, play again. -Owner- The whole of Blox United is managed and controlled by 'the owners.' The owners consists of two people whose jobs are quite different. The first owner is TheEpicCookies200, he controls mainly the Blox United's Academy & Main Team he'll check if anyone has potential to be in the Academy or Main team. He'll also host tryouts and observe the Academy's trainings. The second owner is PrinceJamieL, (Or Jamiekarl123.) He mainly controls the Forums, High ranks and Blox United's training fields and the Home ground. It's his job to keep the activity of the group high at all times. Before anyone joins, they're observed by Jamie. He's the only person with the authority to control the Audit logs to make sure the high ranks are doing their jobs. Without a doubt these two must be shown the most respect out of everyone. And are the only high ranks that can exile a person.
#173654083Tuesday, September 08, 2015 4:03 PM GMT

#173662774Tuesday, September 08, 2015 7:13 PM GMT

its gonna end in 1 day

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