#174098528Monday, September 14, 2015 1:19 AM GMT

englandish is salty b-but i was just repeating what dan said i can't make any europe jokes bare with me shame i saw god cry in the reflection of my enemies
#174099110Monday, September 14, 2015 1:25 AM GMT

"b-but i was just repeating what dan said" get it because england is on an ocean "shame" i still can't make any good europe jokes
#174099266Monday, September 14, 2015 1:27 AM GMT

get it because england is on an ocean im- omg that was terrible i cant- i still can't make any good europe jokes try harder i saw god cry in the reflection of my enemies
#174099353Monday, September 14, 2015 1:28 AM GMT

"im- omg that was terrible i cant-" top tier comedy right "try harder" i can't
#174099402Monday, September 14, 2015 1:28 AM GMT

god tier comedy i saw god cry in the reflection of my enemies
#174100645Monday, September 14, 2015 1:44 AM GMT

ur attitude is englandish eng Hahaahahahahahahshootme
#174100802Monday, September 14, 2015 1:46 AM GMT

ok //shoots// i saw god cry in the reflection of my enemies
#174119635Monday, September 14, 2015 9:32 AM GMT

nice rp, guys
#174120249Monday, September 14, 2015 10:14 AM GMT

Good sarcasm, nerd.
#174174149Tuesday, September 15, 2015 2:52 AM GMT

CS(player) Name: Alexis Mathis Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: A visually appealing 16 year old girl. She blonde hair. She really doesn't care about how other people think about her, so she tends to dress plainly. She has brilliant green eyes. Personality: She is very smart, but spends much of her time playing Skyrim. She sometimes has a hard time remembering that Dajahl is not just a character, so they may sometimes get into fights. However, she still cares a lot for him despite their fights. She has a habit of calling him a pervert (which he can be,) and a crazy cat. (Which he isn't) Initial Commands: Develop: Azure Wings- Alexis creates wings made of blue metal and flies. Elder Magic: Fireball- Alexis has access to magic from the Elder Scrolls. She learns more about this through the story. Fires a sphere of flame. Chronomancy: Triple Accelerate- Alexis can use a magic technique that allows her to alter time so she can go three times faster than the fastest object in the area. Weapons: (None, at the beginning. I will set the setting out when RP starts) Bio: Not much of a backstory. She's a normal girl, from a normal town. CS (Character) Name: Dajahl Race: Kahjit Age: 19 Gender: Male Appearance: A big, tiger striped kahjit. He is from a larger type of kahjit, so he takes on the more powerful aspects of a big cat, such as physical size and strength. He has orangish-reddish eyes. He usually wears leather pants, and hardened leather boots. His fists are protected by fingerless gauntlets that have metal plating on the knuckles. His fists and claws are both equally as dangerous. Personality: A bit tempermental, and a bit of a perv. While he doesn't take things to far, he is a cat and he does have a habit of getting too close to people. This usually causes Alexis to scold him about being a perv. He is a good guy at heart. Weapons: His claws and fists. Magic: Fus Roh Dah- You know what this does. BOOM!! Fus Yol Dah- A modded combination of Fus roh dah and Yol. Same effect as Fus Roh Dah, but also combines it with intense flame. Bio: Alexis was following a modded questline when he was defeated. The last thing Dajahl remembers is being Fus roh dah-ed off a cliff. Dajahl has completed many modded questlines, but not yet completed the main one.
#174174244Tuesday, September 15, 2015 2:53 AM GMT

I'm dying of laughter I think it's clear nobody wants to join this
#174174439Tuesday, September 15, 2015 2:56 AM GMT

Trying out a new character type this time. Correction, you and Bebi do not want to join it. And someone else too, but I'm too lazy to look at anything but character sheets ATM.
#174174561Tuesday, September 15, 2015 2:57 AM GMT

Correction Only the forum idiots who have brain matter the size of a raisin to join this It's one thing to make a horrible rp It's another to have the forum's most hated rpers join it
#174174929Tuesday, September 15, 2015 3:03 AM GMT

Rock, it's one thing to be mildly judgmental. It's another thing to stalk people and flame their threads over it.
#174175006Tuesday, September 15, 2015 3:04 AM GMT

I did some rewriting of this anyway, I'll put up the rewritten version here later. It has a bit more detailed explanations on how and why this all happened, including details on the Cyvers.
#174291266Thursday, September 17, 2015 12:24 AM GMT

Ok, so, rewritten plot: In the year 2015, millions of gamers suddenly fell into comas after being defeated in a video game. Their minds were pulled into a world created by every network and connection in the world. However, this event was just one event in the course of three years... a series of events that could forever change both worlds. 2013- A computer virus infected all systems in the world. Miraculously, it went completely unnoticed. However, strange events began to happen all across the physical world. 2014- The virus entered the Net World, and created monsters that attacked the world's inhabitants, human-like beings that called themselves Cyvers. 2015/ Modern Day- Millions of gamers fell into comas while playing a video game. In the real world, the reasons may be forever unknown. ------- Info on the Cyvers Cyvers are humans, but with attributes and attacks. These are decided by their eye color. Red-fire Blue-water green-wind brown- earth gold-light purple- shadow Grey- all elements and healing
#174294277Thursday, September 17, 2015 12:55 AM GMT

I think it's very clear nobody will join this Except for forum idiots Now ask for what people actually want
#174294993Thursday, September 17, 2015 1:02 AM GMT

i joined. he just never checked my character sheet. cri cri cri cri cri cri cri cri cri cri cri
#174295288Thursday, September 17, 2015 1:06 AM GMT

Ok, so we are starting now. Any flaming or rude comments end here... OR ELSE! Alexis wakes up in an unfamiliar place. The wind ruffles the branches. Suddenly, Alexis realizes that she's not alone. She hears snoring near a tree close to her. She looks over... and screams. "Meorow!!!" Dajahl the Kahjit exclaimed, jumping back into the tree and bonking his head. His fur was standing straight up, and his eyes were wide from being startled. He looks quite ridiculous.
#174295362Thursday, September 17, 2015 1:06 AM GMT

(If I say nothing about your CS, it generally means you are accepted.)
#174296264Thursday, September 17, 2015 1:16 AM GMT

this is so bad no stop ur bad this is bad ur ideas are bad ur rps are bad STOp i saw god cry in the reflection of my enemies
#174296530Thursday, September 17, 2015 1:18 AM GMT

Folie, if you want to talk crap, go to OT. If you want to RP, shut up and actually do it.
#174296629Thursday, September 17, 2015 1:19 AM GMT

"Or else" Or else ehat Are you going to hunt me down for speaking my mind Not like you'll get within a mile of my house because it has landmines everywhere Lets team up to stop this eng bb
#174296914Thursday, September 17, 2015 1:22 AM GMT

Folie, if you want to talk crap, go to OT. If you want to RP, shut up and actually do it. lol this is no rp this is a poorly-thought out idea with a half-assed plot and a terrible host stop Lets team up to stop this eng bb mk rock bb <3 i saw god cry in the reflection of my enemies
#174297086Thursday, September 17, 2015 1:24 AM GMT

*proceeds to play sympathy for the devil on loudspeakers while riding in a helicopter* :)