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#174102994Monday, September 14, 2015 2:12 AM GMT

I think Roblox should work on making Roblox for Chromebooks. Who agrees Roblox should come to Chromebook
#174103092Monday, September 14, 2015 2:14 AM GMT

Well, since chromebooks are rising in the market, I guess why not?
#174104285Monday, September 14, 2015 2:28 AM GMT

techically you need to have roblox as a flash game for that to work. so i guess its better to stick to a mobile device to play. no support.
#174104657Monday, September 14, 2015 2:33 AM GMT

#174104757Monday, September 14, 2015 2:34 AM GMT

no support we dont want games on apple's ripoff version.
#174107523Monday, September 14, 2015 3:16 AM GMT

Wtf? chromebooks are made by google If you need help in the eggs aisle, just ask Sam n' Ella.
#174115635Monday, September 14, 2015 5:52 AM GMT

Well for roblox to be flash in chromebook is untrue. It should be possible to run it without flash player.. They got an android app why not a chromebook app?
#174116752Monday, September 14, 2015 6:38 AM GMT

Chromebooks run a stripped down version of gentoo linux, you can install Wine and run roblox on a chromebook pretty easily. or you can use Crouton and dual boot Ubuntu, which you can use to install Wine and run roblox or you can use crouton to install windows vista Roblox on ChromeOS alone is not going to happen, it doesnt naturally support desktop applications like that, and even then, most chromebooks dont have the hardware to play roblox at all. I mean, the average chromebook: 2gb of ram 1.8ghz processor 16g storage integrated graphics I mean, unless you're running a nice acer, or a google pixel or something, theyre not meant to play games. The OS is designed for just the chrome browser, and the hardware itself is meant to do just that. Im running Roblox on an acer c720, 2gb of ram, 2.6ghz processor, 16gb storage and integrated graphics, running roblox hrough Wine on ubuntu, and its crap. Even on my Pixel, 16gb of ram, nvidia gtx 850m, a 3.7ghz intel i7 and 128gb of storage, running it through wine on openSUSE, it doesnt like roblox. Roblox is not meant for it.
#174116906Monday, September 14, 2015 6:46 AM GMT

NNNNNNEEEEEEERRRRRRRDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you need help in the eggs aisle, just ask Sam n' Ella.
#174119028Monday, September 14, 2015 8:49 AM GMT

Hows it going?  
#174122286Monday, September 14, 2015 11:59 AM GMT

No support; just get yourself a gaming operating system. --http://youtu.be/hod0WtYE4SA?t=1s <--What's good!? (Add Unication's post count to this account)
#174128704Monday, September 14, 2015 3:25 PM GMT

Thats hardly an option for most people, especially not for roblox lel >screw the linux version >spend 800$ on a mediocre gaming pc just to play roblox
#174129975Monday, September 14, 2015 3:54 PM GMT

Chromebooks are pieces of crap that can barely handle YouTube videos.
#174130160Monday, September 14, 2015 3:58 PM GMT

Roblox can work on old machines.. my old laptop had a AMD Athlon tf-20 1.60ghz processor with 2GB of DDR2 ram, and AMD Radeon hd 3200.. Roblox ran great for me. Now i have an intel pentium b960 with 4GB DDR3 and 2nd gen intel hd graphics... Roblox still runs great.
#174130760Monday, September 14, 2015 4:10 PM GMT

You're a terrible liar.
#174133968Monday, September 14, 2015 5:22 PM GMT

Roblox use to be alot less computer intensive, in 2008 i was playing roblox on an old Dell desktop with a 1.6 ghz processor, 1gb of ram (which was alot) and some awful nvidia card from 2003. However now, thats like the bare minimum. And it likely wont work at all considering that computer was using XP. Chromebooks (hardware wise) can run roblox, just not well. Dont expect 60 frames on even the lowest graphical setting. Software wise, its almost a requirement to have a linux distro installed.
#174135725Monday, September 14, 2015 6:00 PM GMT

Better question Why the hell would you even buy a Chromebook
#174139625Monday, September 14, 2015 7:19 PM GMT

Because they cost 100-200$ and work just fine for browsing the internet, which is great for anyone in school/college or for people who just like to watch youtube videos and use social media. I bought mine in my senior year of highschool for the sole purpose of writing papers, then turning them in online. Then i put linux on it for "muh gaeyms"
#177800479Tuesday, November 10, 2015 7:00 AM GMT

Because a chromeboom is a lunix based off version just only modified by Google. Thats why you cannot possibly play it. Roblox needs Windows or Mac to run due to there advanced more powerful CPU Card, And lunix doesn't have that.
#177809765Tuesday, November 10, 2015 4:20 PM GMT

Jesus mate, that grammar is awful. Because a chromeboom is a lunix based off version just only modified by Google. -Google took Gentoo Linux and modified it to make ChromeOS. Thats why you cannot possibly play it. -With decent hardware specs, you can run roblox on ChromeOS, but its easier to run it on a Linux croot using something like Ubuntu or Sabyon. Roblox needs Windows or Mac to run due to there advanced more powerful CPU Card, And lunix doesn't have that. -Windows, Macintosh and Linux are all Operating Systems, they have nothing to do with the possible power of a CPU, Which isnt a card at all. Please educate yourself before you come in and try to talk about something you know nothing about.
#177811808Tuesday, November 10, 2015 5:34 PM GMT

Chromebooks are anaemic. Don't waste time with 'em, you'll only be able to play a cut-down version of mobile on 'em. Besides, even though 95% of the work for a linux port is done, the last 5% take three times as long as that. Would you rather spend six months with no updates just to play on a worthless device, or would you prefer a bunch of engine and development updates? (Speaking of which... SteamOS. If that gets big (probably) then we'll have linux roblox.)
#177813561Tuesday, November 10, 2015 6:43 PM GMT

Chromebooks can have decent specs, the cheaper ones can still run roblox, like my acer, just not at max graphics. In the midrange of about 300-450$ you get specs decent enough to play above 30fps at middle graphics settings. If you felt like dropping the equivilent of a macbook pros worth of cash, you could get a google Pixel. The base model has a 2.2ghz i5, 8gb of ram and a gtx 940m the better model has a 2.4ghz i7, 16gb of ram, and a gtx 970m So the specs are there to run a full version of roblox, its just the game needs to be build on different C reading architecture.
#177813618Tuesday, November 10, 2015 6:45 PM GMT

Also, steamOS is going to be a flop. Theyre specialized gaming machines with a really dumbed down Debian fork as their OS, which is made for the entire purpose of playing games on steam, and only the games that the developers are willing to port over to linux. So at the start all you would see are Source engine games, minecraft, terraria and other semi-obscure titles. Steamboxes are insanely overpriced for what they are and remind me intensely of macintosh. With underpowered hardware at a very high cost.
#177906083Thursday, November 12, 2015 5:01 PM GMT

I highly agree,
#177909049Thursday, November 12, 2015 6:43 PM GMT


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