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#174220182Tuesday, September 15, 2015 10:52 PM GMT

Head Referee: The role of the head referee is the hardest job, and will be the highest paid job. The head referee for NBAR will be responsible for organizing and training our Referees. The head referee is responsible for keeping our refs active, and hosting trainings, and hiring more refs. There must be 2 referees at each game. One ref must be present to work the clock and one will be doing the calls. The head referee also will have to find an appropriate Officiating uniform for each ref to purchase and wear. Each ref must be qualified for there position. Only qualified refs are allowed to ref, and not just anybody thats apart of the board. Group Moderator: The group moderator is the easiest job. The job of the group moderator is to make sure anything that isn't related to NBAR stays off the group wall. Your also responsible for ranking and deranking players, and accepting all join request. And making sure that the group wall is being used appropriately. Team advisor: The job of the team advisor is to make sure each team has a facility to practice at, and to make sure the team owner is active. If a team or a teamowner isn't active then you are to report back to a commisioner, and we will deal with them. Developer: The job of the Devoloper is to make the best NBAR Arena, and update it on a regular. Also makes parks and places for the group. The devoloper will be paid. We are hoping for a team of Devs but 1 or 2 is fine. ___________________________________________________________________________________ In order to become apart of the board you must be active and proffesional. We expect each member to take NBAR very serious and make it there main priority. In order for your application to be read you must invite 2 new members to NBAR. The more you invite the higher chance of your application being accepted. Application: Desired Position: Do you have expierence with this role: As a member of the NBAR Board how will you benefit the group: What do you think NBAR needs to improve with? Are you willing to make NBAR your main priority? How active are you? Will you be able to attend all meeting? Do you have any ideas for NBAR? List the names of the people you invited to join our organization:

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