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#174415859Saturday, September 19, 2015 1:09 AM GMT

"Quick" Version: Games are played 3v3, 4v4 or 5v5. The ball used is not a power ball, but is the 'travel' ball or 'pink' ball. You must jump to catch a ball that is 10+ yards from the Line of Scrimmage (LoS) or else it is incomplete. You have 3 hand-offs and 1 sneak per drive. You kick from your 40 and can onside if it crosses the other team's 40. Extra Points are done from the 10 yard line. You cannot dive for a TD unless there is absolutely nobody around you. Attire: Every player in the game MUST wear a team jersey of some sort. They must be easily distinguishable from the home team's jerseys, and if they are not the away team will be "Swaggified", or any suitable way to distinguish each team's players. You can not play in a game if you are not wearing similar apparel to the rest of your team. Jerseys can be provided via the "Tee Shirt Cannon". ID: http://www.roblox.com/Tee-Shirt-Cannon-item?id=80576928 --Penalties-- Most of the rules from NFL also exist as PFL rules. Some have different penalties. False Start: If the offense passes the line of scrimmage or throws the ball before the hike. 5 Yards (keep down) Offside: Going over Line of Scrimmage on defense before the hike. 5 Yards Encroachment: Going past the line AND hitting someone before the ball is snapped. 10 yards Illegal Pass: A pass by the QB who is past the line of scrimmage or if it violates any other passing rules. 10 Yards Too many players: More than the stated amount of players are on the field 5 yards Excessive Sneaking: Violation of sneaking rules. 5 yards, loss of down Defensive Pass Interference: Tackling a receiver past 5 yards of the Line of Scrimmage is considered pass interference 1st down at spot of foul Offensive Pass Interference: Tackling a CB covering you. 10 yards Unnecessary Roughness: If you tackle AFTER the play is over. If you continue doing this, you can be ejected and suspended by the league. 10 Yards Unsportsmanlike Conduct: Spam, complaining against a refs decision, or excessive celebration 5 yards; Player it is against gets a warning, if conduct continues then an ejection. Intentional Grounding: If a QB gets rid of the ball by passing to an area with no one from their team in it. 10 yards Delay of Game: If the clock is running and a team takes more than 15 seconds. 5 yards Double Ball: If more than one ball is in play by the offense at the time of the hike. 10 yards, dead ball. Loss of down. Illegal kick: Ball exits the playing field somewhere that isn't the back or the kick didn't go far enough Receiving team's ball at their 40. Illegal Dive: If the dive violated diving rules. 5 yards from the spot of the foul, same down. Illegal HO/Screen/Low: If the aforementioned restrictions are violated. 5 yards, loss of down --Calling a Flag-- To call a flag a ref must say "FLAG" or " *FLAG* " play continues if this is said. This can be stated in chat or use ":h". Refs are encouraged not to use ":m" during a play unless it is a dead ball. If the penalty calls for a dead ball foul then the ref must use the ":m" function and must say "Dead ball" The clock stops when a flag is thrown, no matter what. --Conversion-- Sneaking is not allowed during a conversion. A 2pt conversion can only be done by pass or handoff. If you begin a conversion you CANNOT kick for the 1. The kick would be considered no good (as it would be an incomplete pass). --Diving-- A player may NOT dive for yardage. A player may only dive on 4 occasions: 1) To celebrate into the end zone if it is CLEAR that they won't be tackled 2) To catch a pass or to jump 3) To block a kick 4) To rush a QB in a very strange attempt to tackle. --Fair Catch-- To call for a fair catch, the player who is catching the ball must say any of these phrases: "FC", "Fair Catch", "Fair" For the fair catch to take into effect, the ball MUST be caught. If it hits the ground, the fair catch call is now cancelled and the other team may down it or recover the onside kick. --Glitches-- If a glitch causes a player to fall then they are not down until tagged. If the player falls then slides a long distance, then the play IS considered down where they first fell Seats count as downs if tagged, BUT if the seat is at the end of the game or half, the team gets 1 second back on the clock to make another play --Hiking-- No passing before the hike....no handoffs before the hike. All hikes must happen INSIDE the hashes. Centers are not used to hike the ball, the QB says "hike" while holding the ball out. Whoever hikes the ball is deemed the Quarterback. Illegal hike is dead ball, replay. --Jumping-- Only the QB is allowed to jump with the ball and he is only allowed to jump behind the LOS. --Kickoffs-- Kickoffs can take place anywhere between your goal line and your 40. Onside kicks are allowed but only if it goes past the opposing teams 40. Only 1 onside kick recovery per quarter. However you may kick as many as you want if you are losing. Although, if a team used an onside kick in a quarter when they were losing, but managed to get in the lead, the onside kick for that quarter has already been used and may not be used again. As usual the kicking team if they pick up the ball is not eligible to return the ball. The ball if onside kicked is place on the defending teams 40 but if its long kicked then the ball is downed in where it is recovered. The receiving team is always allowed to return. You must kick inside the hashes. ALSO SEE: Tackling on Kickoffs & Kickoffs: Illegal procedure --Kickoffs: Illegal Procedure-- If the ball goes out of bounds the ball is on the receiving teams 40 WITH their possession. IF the ball on an onside kick doesn't get to the 40 it is still live ball. If the receiving team picks it up then they can return the ball. If the kicking team picks it up then illegal procedure counts and its on the 40 with receivers possession. An onside kick that exceeds the limitations will be deemed Illegal procedure, No rekick. --Lag-- If lag causes an incomplete pass the play is not redone unless it was a 3rd or 4th down play. If lag causes an interception it can be redone. If lag causes a missed extra point it can be redone but they MUST kick for 1! The ref gets final say. --Limits-- Handoffs and Low passes are limited in the PFL Only 15 handoffs are allowed in a game. There is a limit of only 2 lows by any given team per drive. These lows MUST follow low rules. Lows behind the LOS counts as a low pass. --Movement before a play-- Is allowed as long as it doesn't violate penalties like False Start, Encroachment, or Deep Man The ball itself is not allowed to change hands before the play has begun. --One Minute Rules-- At one minute left in each half a "one minute warning" will be issued, stopping the game clock. Inside the 1 minute warning one rule changes: 10 seconds per play (instead of 15) --Overtime-- The game goes on with people scoring TDs until one offense is stopped. You MUST GO for the 2pt conversion. If at any point a team scores a value higher than the other (EXAMPLES: Team A score a FG Team B Scores a TD) then team B wins. If this continues for more than 3 TDs by each team it is considered as a draw. In playoff situations, there are no draws. The game will continue until one team wins as would normally win in a regular season overtime game. Sneaking rules are the same, and Handoffs are reset back to 3 upon overtime. LONG STORY SHORT: You have to stop the offense AND have the lead/take the lead. --Passing-- A low pass is any pass behind the line of scrimmage, or within 10 yards of the line of scrimmage. Players do not have to jump to catch these passes. If a player jumps and catches a pass either behind the line of scrimmage or within 10 yards of it, the pass is NOT considered a low pass. A low pass is only allowed if the pass is within 10 yards. Every other pass much be a high pass (jump to catch) of some sort. As for lows, if the pass is caught on offense it's still incomplete. If it hits the ground it's incomplete. If the defense catches it as an interception the low rule does not apply. --Pass Rush-- A Pass Rush is defined as a player crossing the line of scrimmage in an attempt to reach the Quarterback. A player crossing the Line of Scrimmage without clearly attempting to reach the backfield is not a rush, just a player who crossed the LoS. Rushing without a tackle is still deemed a rush. If you are rushed you DO NOT get a free sneak. The ref gets to make the call on whether the QB was rushed or sacked. You may NOT drop your tackle to sack the quarterback, if a rusher is caught doing so, it is unsportsmanlike conduct. --Play clock-- There is no play clock in PFL unless the clock is running. If the clock is running and the team with the ball holds on for more than 20 seconds, then it is considered Delay of game. If the clock is not running you still are not allowed to stall for more than one minute. --Review/Challenge-- Coaches are allowed to challenge plays for review if review is available. Challenge Rules: 1) 2 challenges per game 2) 1 more challenge is awarded to the coach if his past 2 challenges were successful 3) Failed challenges will take away a timeout. 4) A team cannot challenge if they have no timeouts. Referees are allowed to stop the game to review a call if they deem it necessary. It will be ruled an "official timeout." They can also do this to "conference" over a call. --Running-- Handing the ball off counts as a handoff. A team is allowed 3 handoffs per drive. --Sneaking-- If the QB is rushed they do NOT get a free sneak. Only 1 free sneak is allowed per drive If the QB appears to be sneaking but doesn't cross the LoS before getting tackled, it is rendered a Sack and the QB still has a free sneak. If the QB is sneaking and his teammates block for him, it is NOT considered Pass Interference if he crosses the LoS. You are NOT allowed to block for your QB if it is not clear he is running or he is more than 10 yards from the LoS. --Tackling on Kickoffs-- You are not allowed to tackle on kickoffs until one team has possession. If the kicking team tackles, the other team gets the ball at receiving team's 40. If the receiving team kicks, there is a re-kick from 5 yards closer. Both of these penalties can be declined by the respective teams. --Tackling a Receiver-- Players are not allowed to tackle receivers until the ball has been missed or caught. Tackles are allowed within 5 yards on receivers, if you tackle a receiver past 5 yards from the LoS it is defensive pass interference. --Teams-- Coaches are allowed to play in the games. The games are 3v3, 4v4, 5v5. Uneven games of 2v3, 3v4, and 4v5 are allowed but the game cannot be started this way. Both coaches must agree to an unbalanced game. Games can only be started with equal teams but can be come uneven. Teams are allowed to sign people during games. --Timing-- PFL currently has 3 minute (180 seconds) quarters with timing rules as those in NFL. A play can only last 15 seconds on the clock. If a play last longer than 15 seconds the clock is stopped but the play continues. The clock is stopped when the referee is moving the chains. --Team Rights-- When a team enters, or is created in the PFL it gives up the rights of it's team name and ownership. Name Changes, Location Changes, Ownership Changes, Folds, and Closes all must go through the Commissioner for approval. The team is allowed to pull out its owners and players at any time but the PFL retains the right to retain the team name, location, and logo. The PFL retains the right to fire the owner of the team if they are deemed unworthy by the EB or Commissioner. The PFL retains the right to change team names, logos, and owners at any time for any reason The PFL also retains the right to, at any time, force the owner to draft more players due to inactivity. --Free Agents-- Players can be released or cut at any time but players can only declare free agency while in the offseason. Free agency can be declared a MAXIMUM of twice in the offseason by a single person. Free agents can be picked up at any time except in the "draft lock" before the playoffs. --Trade Policy-- Teams can trade players, and picks during the season. Team owners are not allowed to trade themselves, or their entire roster, or all of their draft picks in a single trade. Trades can be reversed by the league if they are deemed illegal. --Scheduling Policy-- All games are posted on the schedule forum posted in the description of the PFL. You can contact your opponent to reschedule. You cannot exceed 3 games in one day. You cannot schedule a game after the end of your current week. A league week starts Monday at 12:00 AM EST and ends Sunday at 11:59 PM EST. --Referee Policy-- There must be a referee present at a game for its score to be counted as official. If no referee is present, the team owners must notify the Executive board or SaltirenHD immediately. If a team owner prevents a referee from attending a game in any way, the owner will be punished by the league.

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