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#174782661Wednesday, September 23, 2015 8:57 PM GMT

~-Story-~ (Warning, there is some gory violence) You kneeled wearily against cold cemented floor, lined with bone fragments of past humans. You felt your face dripping cold blood, it pooling on the ground before you, your hands are shackled behind your back as you slump forward gasping for air. Your memory is dazed and faint, suddenly light blazes through cell bars over your head. Where are you? A dungeon? Standing over the little hole in the ground, your cell, is a large guard. "Stand up scum" the man hisses through clenched teeth, his iron plates draped in blue silk signify he is a man of the king. You are in a kings dungeon? Why? The guard flicks up a latch in the iron bars, opening a small hatch, you grimace at the horrible sound of metal screeching. The guard looks oddly pleased, he kicks a rusted lever, it opens a large metal door on the side of your cell. As he motions you out he remarks "Today is a specially scheduled event". As you pace through the cold and uninviting door way and up the stairs the guard finishes his sentence "Your execution". The words send chills up your spine as your head fills with a red haze. The guard shoves you forward, pushing you toward an open area, in the center is large board, slammed into the ground is an axe. You begin to feel light headed, the guard strikes you in the back, knocking the wind out of you. As you collapse, he locks your shackles around a metal spike standing straight over the ground. You barely notice your surroundings, a snowy wooded outside area, your knees stinging against the icy cold snow. Two guards and a man dressed in an all blue coat step forward. The guards surround you, one struggles to rip the axe from the frozen earth. The man in the all blue silk coat opens a small leather book. He flips to a page that seems almost at random. The man begins to speak, "We were not able to retrieve a name, so you shall be referred to as Barbarian. You, Barbarian, have been tried and convicted of multiple atrocious crimes, such as the highest form of treason, murder and arson" What are they talking about? When have you ever done those things. You begin to thrash violently, trying to rip your shackles apart. "Keep quiet, you pig!" a guard screams as he kicks you in the side, the pain seems vague and numb. You scream in rebellion as the man tried to continue, "Punishment for such crimes is execution." In a fit of terror you scream louder, the man tries to finish "May god rest thyne, and may god bless thy soul" he shuts the book, his face shadowed with contempt. The guard beside you raises the axe, your mind fills with a red violence, an untamable hunger for blood. Time seems to slow, with a sudden burst of adrenaline you rip your iron shackles in half. Before the guard wielding the axe can even scream you split his skull with nothing more than your bare fist. The guard behind you tries to run, but all he can do is watch in pure horror as you shove your fist through his chest, exploding his heart. The man in his blue silk coat tried to turn and run, but tripped on the bitter cold snow, in a fit of rage you grab him by the neck, tearing his head off his shoulders. The last guard silently paced backwards, he was frantic with horror, in panic he pleaded with you. Begged you not to kill him, but you couldn't stop, you raise both fists and mutilate the man against the crisp white snow. The blood of all of those men pool around the soles of your bare blackened feet. You crumple to your knees as the sudden gravity sets in. The force of what you just did weighs down your chest, you can't breathe. A thought numbs your brain, "It isn't who I am that's the question, it's what I am" ~-CS:-~ Name: Age: 20-60 preferably Appearance: Gender: Godly Power: (Example: Dark magic, fire manipulation etc.)
#174783233Wednesday, September 23, 2015 9:04 PM GMT

Name: Elix [no surname] Age: 29 Appearance: A man of little appearance. He has a pale, sickly face, and baggy, dark eyes. He has a lot of stubble, dotted around his chin and around his cheeks. His hair is short, disheveled, and pretty much messy. He has blue eyes, like the ocean, hence his power. Although, his right eye is completely white. He's wearing a brown shirt, a ragged brown coat and woolen pants. Gender: Male Godly Power: Water Manipulation sarcastic remarks from a juvenile delinquent.
#174783406Wednesday, September 23, 2015 9:06 PM GMT

[accepted, making a thread]
#174784274Wednesday, September 23, 2015 9:18 PM GMT

(What era is this in?)
#174784337Wednesday, September 23, 2015 9:18 PM GMT

The middle ages, maybe 6th century. (medieval times)
#174784373Wednesday, September 23, 2015 9:19 PM GMT

(Goodbye then. -leaves-)
#174784418Wednesday, September 23, 2015 9:19 PM GMT

#174784461Wednesday, September 23, 2015 9:20 PM GMT

I know you like futuristic rps blazing but that was uncalled for
#174784999Wednesday, September 23, 2015 9:27 PM GMT

Name: Maliso Age: 31 Appearance: She has long dark hair, and a voluptuous build. She is very short for her age, but beautiful. She also has blue eyes, and a nice white dress made of rags [or lace] Gender: Female Godly Power: Disaster Manipulation

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