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#175069862Sunday, September 27, 2015 8:16 PM GMT

"Decisions in our lives will effect on what we stand on tomorrow: the ground, the skies or down below." - Josh (AKA Kolrr) --------------------- The prison doors quickly jolt open, the pound of the doors slamming on the side wall awakes anyone who still snores. A guard slowly walks by, glancing at you as you stand up. "Prisoner 247363. Deckard Grayson, correct?" He says calmly as other inmates walk past him. "Yes, Bruce. Y'know me by now." You answer quietly as he walks away, towards the cells. You get up and out of your cell, walking with the crowd you spot an open cell, and the cafeteria... OPTION ONE: Hide in the cell OPTION TWO: Continue walking to the cafeteria
#175071547Sunday, September 27, 2015 8:35 PM GMT

#175075349Sunday, September 27, 2015 9:17 PM GMT

Take a dump on the floor!
#175077201Sunday, September 27, 2015 9:42 PM GMT

You rush into the cell and hide under the bed... You hide there until everyone's gone, the guard checks around and makes sure no one's behind, he doesn't notice you and continues into the cafeteria. You get out of the bed and walk out, looking you just sit there relaxing. "What a day." All of a sudden, Rhys pops out crouching, "There you are! Where were you, Deckard?" He says in a shushed manner, you sigh and look away, Rhys gets up and holds out his hand to help you up. "C'mon, Deckard. Let's get out of here." He says while looking at you in a little bit louder tone. You look away once again, spotting the vent above the hallway, you suddenly get an idea... OPTION ONE: Go with Rhys OPTION TWO: Go towards the vent
#175077612Sunday, September 27, 2015 9:48 PM GMT

take a dump in the vent!
#175078000Sunday, September 27, 2015 9:53 PM GMT

two how many tootsie pops does it take to get to the center of a lick
#175079095Sunday, September 27, 2015 10:08 PM GMT

You get up, pushing Rhys out of the way and walk towards the vent... Rhys steps up and says, "Hey! What's your problem?" You remain silent and continue to the vent, Rhys realizes what you're doing and follows soon after. You look around to find a way up. "So, the vent, eh Deckard?" He says silent. You nod and wander around, looking in inmate's rooms to find a custom ladder up, Rhys catches up to you and suggests, "Hey, why don't I boost you up?" You pause, look back and answer, "Sure. C'mon, Rhys, one more job to do." You and Rhys walk towards the vent. Rhys holds out his hands like a plate, you step on the hand and you lift up into the air, gripping the edge and climbing into the vent. "Rhys! My turn!" OPTION ONE: Leave Rhys behind OPTION TWO: Bring Rhys along
#175081208Sunday, September 27, 2015 10:36 PM GMT

Rhys can be helpful! (Maybe?)
#175081332Sunday, September 27, 2015 10:37 PM GMT

two how many tootsie pops does it take to get to the center of a lick
#175084008Sunday, September 27, 2015 11:14 PM GMT

You lend out your hand, Rhys jumps up and grabs it, pulling you forward. "Deckard! Come on, man!" You grab a hold of the ledge to secure yourself, you pull Rhys up and you both get aboard! You two crawl down the vent for five minutes, until you reach the warden's office. The opening to view the office breaks and hangs, making you fall! --------------------- ~ RHYS' STORY ~ You grab a hold of Deckard's foot as he falls, you try to bring him up, but he just seems a bit heavy! "Deckard, what have you been eating?!" He grunts and pulls himself up. You struggle to hold him up because of his weight. Or you are thinner than him? Suddenly, another inmate: Ace, grabs your foot and pulls you away, you still hold Deckard, Ace tries to make you let go of Deckard, but you try as hard as you can to hold on... OPTION ONE: Let Deckard go OPTION TWO: Continue to hold on OPTION THREE: Fall together (Sometimes you will change character to character once and a while, depending on what choice you make during the story)
#175084071Sunday, September 27, 2015 11:15 PM GMT

Three Let's pull a Until Dawn Sent from my iPhone.
#175084134Sunday, September 27, 2015 11:15 PM GMT

#175084769Sunday, September 27, 2015 11:25 PM GMT

You let go, making Deckard, You and Ace falling onto the desk of Bruce AKA The Warden! Deckard lands on the desk back first causing it to break in half, you land beside Deckard, landing straight on the floor, but Ace had it rough. He lands on the sharp side of the table front first, impaling himself in the stomach, the sharp points go right through him, revealing the sharp points sticking out of his back with pieces of guts on them! Ace shouts, "AAGGHHH!" You and Deckard get up quickly, looking for a way out. There's a window, closet and the door to a hallway... OPTION ONE: The window OPTION TWO: The closet OPTION THREE: The door
#175084999Sunday, September 27, 2015 11:28 PM GMT

OPTION 2 (wait what about Ace he's cool)
#175085244Sunday, September 27, 2015 11:32 PM GMT

You open the closet, The closet is small, but it can fit two people within it, Ace continues to groan in pain and try to unstuck himself, but the sharp bits get stuck inside of him, bleeding on the table and the ground! "C'mon, Rhys!" You stop and look at Ace, then the closet and the window... OPTION ONE: Hide in there with Deckard OPTION TWO: Hide Ace in there and find another way out OPTION THREE: You and Ace go out the window
#175085436Sunday, September 27, 2015 11:35 PM GMT

three Poetry is sour...
#175086344Sunday, September 27, 2015 11:46 PM GMT

You get Ace unstuck, but with pieces of wood still within him... "Rhys, what are you doing?!" He whispers to you, Ace again groans in pain, You open the window and helps Ace out, "I'm getting Ace out of here, he needs help!" You too get out the window and onto the ledge, closing the window, leaving Rhys to either rot or be punished in there. Ace continues to groan, Bruce busts through the door and looks amongst the broken table, "What the?! Someone broke in!" He shouts. You and Ace panic, you rush down the ledge to another window. Ace seems to be blacking out, he falls off, you catch him but you grasp onto the window as you do... OPTION ONE: Let go of Ace OPTION TWO: Help Ace up
#175088453Monday, September 28, 2015 12:13 AM GMT

#175088769Monday, September 28, 2015 12:18 AM GMT

1 He's dead weight Everything is coming up Mill House!
#175091731Monday, September 28, 2015 12:53 AM GMT

You think of the only thing to keep you both alive. You slowly let go of Ace, he drops from the four story building, he lands backwards on a dumpster below, but instead of landing safely. He lands back first on the edges of the metal dumpster, hearing the loud cracks of his spine, landing with a splash of blood. "Farewell, Ace." You speak quietly, you continue onwards down the ledge, finding the cafeteria covering two stories of the Prison. There's lamps above leading to another vent, and the ground going somewhere else... OPTION ONE: Scale and cross over the lamps OPTION TWO: Walk around on the grounds
#175096644Monday, September 28, 2015 1:45 AM GMT

(alright I want to know if we could've saved all 3 of us real quick) OPTION TWO, two of the same never works twice
#175096838Monday, September 28, 2015 1:47 AM GMT

"Time moves on. On moves time. Opposites could be equal." -Joshua AKA Kolrr (Random Quote Time!)
#175097397Monday, September 28, 2015 1:54 AM GMT

@Shrekticus, (You hang on to the window and pull him up at the same time, As you struggle to pull, you lose strength, as you almost have him up. You slip, both falling to your doom. You land face first, splatting brains and blood every where. Ace falls and impales himself on a branch from a tree not to far, the branch breaks and lands on the ground, ripping Ace in half. GAME OVER - RESTARTING AT THIS DECISION) There you go.
#175097458Monday, September 28, 2015 1:54 AM GMT

#175098270Monday, September 28, 2015 2:06 AM GMT

You slowly lower towards the ground. Landing on the ground, you walk towards the doors, hearing foot pattering and others speaking. You look out the opening, seeing inmates and guards talk the talk and walk the walk. "People haven't noticed we've been gone." You look around, spotting a the showers on the right side of the cafeteria. As you get closer, you hear someone walk in... It's Ace's brother... Brad "Bravo" Marvins... ------------ DECKARD'S STORY As you look out the closet, you spot Bruce. He looks around the room, he looks out the window, nothing in sight. "Darn it, Why'd you leave me, Rhys?!" He'd whisper. The Warden would keep scanning the room, he'd look at the closet. You could hear him whisper, "Maybe..." He'd walk closer towards the closet, you get nervous. You'd think, what will he do? (Now choices can have punishments. Choose wisely) OPTION ONE: Rush him OPTION TWO: Wait in the closet

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