#175978390Sunday, October 11, 2015 7:20 AM GMT

" You can become a monster? " She asked him. Close to finishing her breakfast,after that she would go continue her duties as a servant.
#175978577Sunday, October 11, 2015 7:27 AM GMT

"Metaphorically speaking," Damon informed you, "though, men are monsters in sheep's clothing already. We're no worse than the things we hire others to go out and kill." He lets out a sigh, "forgive my ramblings."
#175978630Sunday, October 11, 2015 7:29 AM GMT

She laughed a bit before finishing her meal. " Not at all Damon. You've been explaining finely and politely. I thank you for your time to answer my questions,I hope we see each other again soon. Now I must attend to the work assigned to me. " Lucia said to Damon before getting up from the table and placing the remaining dishes onto the appropriate place. She proceeded to go do her work.
#175978821Sunday, October 11, 2015 7:36 AM GMT

Damon nodded to you as you stood up and walked off. He seemed, well, happier from talking. Maybe he just needed to speak his mind, and about his past. After putting your dishes away to be cleaned later, you had a decent amount of work to do. This involved mostly cleaning. And so, you set out doing this cleaning. It wasn't very strenuous, and at times, it was fairly relaxing. A bit later in the day, you were dusting off a few bookshelves when a servant came to you. "Madame Lucile needs to see you in her room," the servant says. You wondered what the Mistress would need to see you for. It wasn't often that she personally called for you to meet her in her room.
#175978999Sunday, October 11, 2015 7:42 AM GMT

" What? Why? " Lucia asked the servant before just dismissing her words. She shouldn't keep the mistress waiting. After the girl had arrived to her room,she would knock upon the door and wait for a response. If she did get a response she would come in and hear what the mistress wants.
#175979234Sunday, October 11, 2015 7:49 AM GMT

"Oh, Lucia?" Lucile asks you from behind the door, "please, come in." Opening the door, you see Lucile's room is extremely dark. In fact, you can't see anything. Curtains are blocking natural light, and the only light in the room are the oil lamps on Lucile's desk, where she's currently sitting. Her grim face is lit by the lamps, as well as the desk and chairs in front of it. "Please come have a seat, Lucia."
#175979426Sunday, October 11, 2015 7:56 AM GMT

" Yes Mistress. " Lucia proceeds to sit down onto the chair,nervously looking at Lucille. " Um. If I have done anything to displease you I'll correct my mistakes...I don't want to be fired...I'll work harder! "
#176020942Sunday, October 11, 2015 8:09 PM GMT

"Hmm?" Lucile asks, with a somewhat confused look on her face. "Oh, no no dear, I'm not firing you. I just need you to go out and buy some things for me," she says, holding out a shopping list and some kind of card to you.
#176032544Sunday, October 11, 2015 10:25 PM GMT

" Oh! That's a relief. But couldn't you just ask for one of the servants to hand me this instead of handing it to me personally..? " Relief poured into Lucia's heart as she found out she wasn't getting fired. " In any case. I'll get it. " She proceeds to walk outside and go out to town.
#176033457Sunday, October 11, 2015 10:36 PM GMT

"I like talking to people personally, face-to-face. That card should let the shopkeepers know to put everything on my tab. Just show it to them," she says as you walk out the door. You then make your way out of the house and through the front gates. Now in the market district of Yhortham, you still haven't taken a look at the shopping list in your hand.
#176061794Monday, October 12, 2015 5:02 AM GMT

As I walk I would like to take a look at my card just to see what she needs to buy. After that I'll get right onto the task with confidence.
#176133836Tuesday, October 13, 2015 3:49 AM GMT

You looked at the card, which had a bunch of long and official sounding words, a picture of Lucile, and a seal of approval. You come to the realization that the card used to purchase items and the shopping list with said items are two different objects. You look over to the shopping list instead. Written in neat handwriting was the following: -1 Sprig Rena's Sage -3 Sprigs Bat's Tongue -1 Cup Ground Sickleplant Petals -1 New Day Leaf -1 Fresh Red Rose You're not sure what these things are, or where to get them. There were a few market stalls around selling vegetables, a few other selling flowers. There was also a small apothecary's shop, which may have what Lucile requested.
#176134202Tuesday, October 13, 2015 3:57 AM GMT

Well let's start simple. Lucia walks towards one of the stalls with the list closely in her hands,careful not to lose it. She stands in front of the stall and straightens up before speaking. " Good Morning. I am here to procure some ingredients,would you happen to have any.. " She starts to recite her shopping list.
#176134325Tuesday, October 13, 2015 3:59 AM GMT

Having not specified which sort of stall you go to, you make your way to a vegetable stall. A man with a rough beard and short brown hair is there, chopping up carrots. "Hmm?" he says after you've finished reading, "no, I don't carry any of that here. Sounds like weird medicinal stuff though, maybe the apothecary has what you need."
#176134619Tuesday, October 13, 2015 4:05 AM GMT

( Sorry. ) " Oh. Thank you for your time. " She politely says to him,she proceeds to go to the apochetary shop to obtain whatever the mistress needed.
#176135671Tuesday, October 13, 2015 4:29 AM GMT

As you enter the Apothecary's, a little bell above the door rings. The place smells very strange. There's no common scent, as though a bunch of herbs, plants, and the like were competing for who would freshen up the room. The place was fairly small and cozy. The entire single-room store was made of wood. Entering the room, to your right was a long counter that stretched from the North and South walls of the store. At the back wall of the counter were several plants, herbs, medicinal plants, and vials of liquid being displayed. Behind it was a man, or what you assumed to be a man. He was dressed in the garb of a plague doctor. His body was covered by a long dark brown robe, underneath being a dark shirt. A black cowl covers his head and a brown beaked leather mask, with eyes that resemble goggles, hides his face. Sat atop his head is a brown plague doctor's hat with a black brim. Going across his body diagonally is a brown leather belt carrying a few vials and pouches. His voice is slightly muffled by the mask, but you can hear him clearly. "Hello! Welcome to my store! Please, take a look around! Everything is for sale, besides me, of course!" he says with a little jubilant laugh.
#176136972Tuesday, October 13, 2015 5:02 AM GMT

Lucia gave the man a smile and a giggle. " I'm here to obtain a few items. " She took out the shopping list and started to recite what she needed to procure. " That's all of them I guess. Do you happen to have any? " The girl asked him.
#176171005Tuesday, October 13, 2015 11:02 PM GMT

"Oh hoh hoh, I believe I have all of those!" he says with a happy-looking and energetic nod, "I don't have that rose though. Not one with romance. Ahahahah!" He walks to the back wall and pulls several plants and herbs off, putting them into a neat little leather pouch for you, setting said pouch on the counter. "That's going to be 37 Suzus in total, miss."
#176178579Wednesday, October 14, 2015 12:32 AM GMT

Lucia gives him to card which she needed to show in order to put everything on her Mistresses tab. " Lady Lucille requests that you put everything on her tab. " Lucia said to the man,taking the leather pouch with her.
#176178914Wednesday, October 14, 2015 12:36 AM GMT

The man nods and takes out a small sheet of paper, pressing the back of the card against it. You see it left a stamp of some sort. He hands the card back and begins writing on the paper. "You take care now, try not to get blown up by the mixing of those herbs! Ha ha!" he says with a happy laugh.
#176179658Wednesday, October 14, 2015 12:43 AM GMT

" Blown up... " She stares at him for several moments in silence before speaking up again. Blown up? Was that really going to happen? If whatever Mistress Lucille is trying to attempt fails will she die? What if she's planning some sort of suicide? Oh dear. Lucia then speaks up to the shop keeper again. " Do you have any idea where I can find the rose sir? "
#176182082Wednesday, October 14, 2015 1:11 AM GMT

"Maybe you could take one off a person's grave. Not like they need it," he says grimly, shortly before bursting into a jolly laugh. "Oh hoh, don't do that. Well, I suppose you could, but that's a bit macabre, isn't it? Ah hah! Mmm... I think there's a little flower shop in the... poorer district. You'll have to go through the gate to get there, then you're on your own trying to find it."
#176182391Wednesday, October 14, 2015 1:15 AM GMT

" Thank you. Have a nice day sir. " She bowed politely before going out of the shop. Lucia made her way towards the 'poorer district'. The servant found the gates and proceeded to walk towards them and into the other district to find a flower shop.
#176183653Wednesday, October 14, 2015 1:29 AM GMT

You find yourself having arrived at the gates. A pair of guards with halberds look at you and block the way. "What's a sweet girl like you doing trying to go over there?" "You know it's dangerous, don't you?"
#176184730Wednesday, October 14, 2015 1:43 AM GMT

" Dangerous? " She questions these two guards. Dangerous? Has it always been dangerous? How was she supposed to get the rose if it was dangerous. Maybe there would be another shop but...She wasn't sure if she would find one here.