#176679173Thursday, October 22, 2015 5:28 AM GMT

(I really wish Pick had continued on with that encounter. That particular monster was based off a Japanese myth that I got really scared of, and put her in the RP to help get over that fear. If you want me to, I can include her in your RP as well, later on.) As the creature slams its blade downward, you roll away from it, the blade barely missing you. Quickly hurrying to your feet, you grabbed one of the torches. The creature turned to look at you, then directed its eyes to your torch. Slowly, the creature backed away, hissing at you. You noticed a black spot on its scaly hand where you'd attacked it with the torch previously.
#176679364Thursday, October 22, 2015 5:35 AM GMT

" Get away from me you monster! Come near me and I'll burn you! " Her voice started to break a bit, her defiant screams being quite loud. She waved the torch around in front of her, trying to scare it off.
#176679618Thursday, October 22, 2015 5:47 AM GMT

The creature continues to hiss at you. It looks like it could pounce on you at any moment, but it seems to be afraid of the flame. Though, it's making no attempt to escape or run off.
#176679713Thursday, October 22, 2015 5:52 AM GMT

She took off her cardigan, setting the tip alight and throwing it onto the lizard like creature. After that she attempted to disarm it by burning his hand.
#176679771Thursday, October 22, 2015 5:55 AM GMT

(I'm almost certain you don't have a cardigan, just a cotton shirt as stated in your appearance. You can take that off and burn it though, but then you won't have a shirt.)
#176679949Thursday, October 22, 2015 6:06 AM GMT

( oh ksorri i must be thinking of something else. ) The took another torch from the wall and threw one of them at him like a javelin. This was going to be tricky.
#176689565Thursday, October 22, 2015 3:46 PM GMT

As you throw the torch at the creature, it attempts to leap out of the way, though the torch catches onto a piece of rubbish hanging from the creature, setting it alight. In a panic, the creature leaps into the water to extinguish itself. You can't see it now, and have no idea where it's lurking.
#176706141Thursday, October 22, 2015 10:17 PM GMT

Lucia proceeded to run to the ladder to climb back to the poor district. She had to get out of here, this thing was dangerous. Anything was better than here, heck she could even climb over the wall if she had too.
#176740506Friday, October 23, 2015 2:41 PM GMT

You manage to scamper up the ladder to the surface, instinctively shutting the manhole behind you. There's a man in a worn-out black longcoat and dark brown top hat leaning against a wall with his arms folded. "Something the matter down there, miss?" he asks, not looking up at you.
#176740725Friday, October 23, 2015 2:47 PM GMT

" There's..a thing down there. I don't know what it is but it's some sort of lizard - thing that attacked me and possibly killed everyone inside. I don't know! I just don't want to get near that place again. " Lucia gasped and panted in panic, she wanted to go back home so badly. This wasn't for her, she was just a servant. She needed to get back, be with her friends and mistress. Paint, clean or whatever! Just anything other than this. " Do you know where the wall is again? " She asked the man she had talked to her earlier.
#176740912Friday, October 23, 2015 2:53 PM GMT

The man seems to chuckle a bit. "Just a lizard? Hmm. The wall is just on the outskirts of the district, surrounding the gate. No chance of you climbing that though." The man steps away from the wall and turns to you. Beneath his coat is leather armor and pants of some sort. His chest is decorated with various knives and vials, at his right hip is the sheathe of a sword. For the most part, his face is covered and obscured by his hat, though you're able to make out two glowing red eyes. "There's probably a good reason you're not just going through the gate. Come on, let's go down into the sewer together, I'll step on that lizard for you."
#176741018Friday, October 23, 2015 2:56 PM GMT

" A-Are you really sure? I barely managed to escape it. Will you be okay..? " He probably would, but she was still worried. That lizard had taken down a group of armed men by itself. What chance did this man have? Unless he was a pursuer, given his equipment it looked likely. But the odds of him surviving the pretty low according to Lucia's head. " Fine. But you're going in there first... "
#176742724Friday, October 23, 2015 3:49 PM GMT

"No problem," he says, opening the manhole and heading down. You suppose that, if you wanted to, you could just wait here on the surface and wait for either the man or that creature to die. Or, you could go down there with the man.
#176742938Friday, October 23, 2015 3:56 PM GMT

One last time. She was going down there for the last time. It didn't seem right to just send some man to his death all by himself. She followed him down there.
#176746199Friday, October 23, 2015 5:33 PM GMT

You follow the man into the abyss of the sewers. He walks right along, looking straight-forward. Soon, he arrives at the barricade and looks around at the bodies. He kneels down beside the cold body of Mark, examining the wounds that caused the death. With an audible 'hmm,' he takes one of the vials off his chest and drops a bit of the liquid contained within onto the body. He watches the reaction the liquid has with the lifeless husk for a moment, before standing and looking towards you. "Wasn't a lizard down here," he informs you, putting the vial away at its holder on his chest, "just a Snake-man. They're not trouble though, not usually anyway. Did you happen to scare it off with fire or anything like that?"
#176764184Friday, October 23, 2015 11:27 PM GMT

" Yes I did... " Lucia had scared the monster off with the torches earlier, she didn't really kill it. The girl still looked around cautiously, ready to spring back onto the ladder and climb up there should any more monster appear.
#176769361Saturday, October 24, 2015 12:44 AM GMT

"It won't be coming back then, those things get scared easily," he says, "I'll look around for where it might've gone to hide. You can head to where it is you needed to go though."
#176770043Saturday, October 24, 2015 12:55 AM GMT

" What if it gets me while I'm walking like last time? It might try and drag me down into the murky water again... " The girl said with a worried expression pasted onto her face.
#176770536Saturday, October 24, 2015 1:04 AM GMT

"What, do you need me to hold your hand on the way out?" the man asks, "if it grabs you again, and it won't, then just call for help and I'll come get you. I won't be very far."
#176771123Saturday, October 24, 2015 1:12 AM GMT

"Hai!" Joins in conversation then shoots myself.
#176903225Sunday, October 25, 2015 9:57 PM GMT

(Have you abandoned this RP?)
#176913048Monday, October 26, 2015 12:07 AM GMT

( wat no. roblox is just dumb and didn't put my post up ) Lucia took a torch and proceeded to walk off into the distance, going back to the entrance of the sewers.
#176913280Monday, October 26, 2015 12:10 AM GMT

You grabbed a torch that flickered with a comforting flame. As you walked off, you were greeted with several dead bodies floating in the sewer water. You turn your eyes away, and soon enough, you arrive at the ladder that would bring you back up to safety, to your home, and to your artwork. Before you have a chance to even touch the ladder, you feel a cold chill down your spine as a hand rests on your shoulder and a feminine voice whispers into your ear. "What's a sweet mortal like you doing in /my/ domain, scaring off my children?"
#176914537Monday, October 26, 2015 12:27 AM GMT

( OH GOD IF I SAY SHE'S PRETTY MY JAW IS GOODBYE IF I SAY NOT SHE'LL KILL ME *reads dialogue* oh ) Lucia yelped rather loudly as she heard the feminine voice, she turned around to see who was talking to her.
#176934110Monday, October 26, 2015 5:44 AM GMT

("MY JAW IS GOODBYE" Will you marry me?) "Keep your voice down," the woman whispers as you begin to turn around, "you wouldn't want that Pursuer interrupting us, would you?" Before you can turn to look at the woman, her cold hand tightens its grip on your shoulder. "Don't look at me yet, my sweet. I've been told my looks can turn a person to stone, and I'd like to savor your beauty for just a bit longer, as would my little friends here." Suddenly, you begin to hear hissing. You feel several thin, scaly creatures slithering along your back. They move up to your neck, and forked tongues begin licking up and down, tracing saliva over your skin. "Ooh, my friends seem to like you very much. Maybe you'd like to come home with me, and we could get to know each other a little more..."