#175441964Saturday, October 03, 2015 5:49 PM GMT

Ira She blinked, wiping the blood off her hands onto her skirt. "Huh. It seems I don't even know my own strength. I only meant to knock him out..." Her Scottish accent was prevalent on her voice, not matching with her late-Victorian child look to her doll body. She took a step forward, her dress rustling as she peeked around the corner, out of the office door. "It seems no one's home."
#175442090Saturday, October 03, 2015 5:51 PM GMT

"DON'T FUAWK WITH THE CHUCK!" Chucky said before jabbing a knife into the wannabe killer doll's eyeball.
#175443646Saturday, October 03, 2015 6:11 PM GMT

#175443857Saturday, October 03, 2015 6:13 PM GMT

" ...You're too rough.. " The doll murmured,clutching her bloody banquet whilst looking at the dead body. Her dress was now slightly ruined,this dress was beautiful. Although some blood stains could be considered a form of art. She walked up to her fellow doll that was named Ira,tilting her head at her. " What are you doing? " The doll's asked with it's monotonous voice.
#175444185Saturday, October 03, 2015 6:17 PM GMT

Ira She simply shrugged. "I was checking to see if anyone else was there. They might've been frightened." She sighed, stepping out into the cozy living room, lightened with a small lightbulb hanging from the ceiling and lamps on either side of the couch. She picked up a book, examining it's title. "Hm...Alice in Wonderland, huh? Sounds interesting." She set the book down. How could I have understood that writing?...she thought to herself.
#175444661Saturday, October 03, 2015 6:23 PM GMT

" I don't think anybody is in here. " The doll walked out,her beautiful figure elegantly walking towards the book. She picked it up,examined the title before putting it back down. " Should you not clean up the mess you made in that room? My dress and banquet is dirty because of it. " She muttered,sitting down onto the couch whilst crossing her left leg onto her other leg.
#175444901Saturday, October 03, 2015 6:26 PM GMT

Ira She rolled her eyes. "Fine, I guess...but how should I do that?" She hopped down from the couch, her being slightly smaller than most humans. She walked over to the man, poking him in the side. "He's dead, alright." She hopped up onto the desk, grabbing the sides of his head gently with nimble fingers and lifting it up. "Ugh. What a mess this is."
#175445161Saturday, October 03, 2015 6:29 PM GMT

" I don't know. Throw him in the trash or something? I think we can find something that's the same material as our clothes to soak up the red stuff. " She responded to her fellow doll. " I haven't explored this house much. " She imitated a sigh and stood up,elegantly walking towards the corpse and nudging it with her foot. " How can you actually be sure that it's dead. It could be knocked out and had lots of blood spilled out. " She shrugged.
#175445379Saturday, October 03, 2015 6:31 PM GMT

( Small question. Do the dolls have any supernatural capabilities? )
#175445558Saturday, October 03, 2015 6:33 PM GMT

Ira She sighed. "Why can't we just leave him there? It's not like he's gonna cause any trouble..." She touched the side of his neck, an eyebrow raised, waiting for a pulse of any sort. "Yeah. He's dead." She just...knew. She didn't know how she attained the knowledge of where to look for a pulse, but apparently she did. She gazed down at her hand, opening it and closing it into a fist repeatedly. "Weird."
#175445579Saturday, October 03, 2015 6:34 PM GMT

France I'm sitting in my office, just licking my lollipop, waiting for a new case to solve.
#175445616Saturday, October 03, 2015 6:34 PM GMT

(Can i join this cliche in a bit?) [I can show you how to be strong, in the real way.And I want to inspire you! I want to be your rock and when I talk it lights a fire in you.][]
#175445734Saturday, October 03, 2015 6:35 PM GMT

" It looks dirty. I might want to use this room later on. " She continued to respond to her,giving it another good kick before deciding it is dead. " And what are you talking about? What is weird? " She asked the other doll,apparently puzzled on why it stared at it's hand.
#175446099Saturday, October 03, 2015 6:39 PM GMT

(Sure, Gaming.) Ira She blinked, leaning against the side of the desk. "It's like...I don't know. I know how to check for a pulse and stuff like that. My body just knows what to do, but my mind is drawing a complete blank." She fixed the first button on her dress as it had come undone, apparently from carelessness by the man who was now dead. Her childlike frame didn't match how she seemed so mature, as well as her Scottish accent didn't match her late Victorian look. Something was up here.
#175446417Saturday, October 03, 2015 6:42 PM GMT

" That's nice. " She imitated a woman's yawn before going off to explore the house for a bit. " I'll be exploring this place,might as well get familiar now that he's dead. " She raised her voice so that the girl could hear her. " Make sure to clean up the mess as well! "
#175446429Saturday, October 03, 2015 6:43 PM GMT

France As I finished eating my lollipop, I take out a piece of wrapped candy and I eat it.
#175446836Saturday, October 03, 2015 6:47 PM GMT

Ira (Minun, I'm staying with the description that his body was found slumped over his desk as to avoid comments saying I'm contradicting myself) "Okay!" She nodded. She wasn't actually going to clean it up, maybe after someone found it. She picked up the journal, eyeing it curiously. She opened it, examining the pages, reading what he had entered. Apparently, they weren't animate before this strange ritual. She was confused. This was all very confusing. All she knew is that she would rather not be this doll, and that's why she tried to knock the man out as to get away or something. She walked out into the living room, closing the journal and setting it on the kitchen table.
#175446924Saturday, October 03, 2015 6:48 PM GMT

My CS (just use my character's CS as the outline): Name: Leo Age: N/A Doll or Human: dolly bolly pockets Appearance: Leo is a regular looking doll.His bright red hair goes down to his eyes. His hair has black hilights.His eyes are a bright orange, with him having a triangle nose and a cartoon-y looking mouth. He wears a red and orange striped jacket, with a white shirt under it.For pants, he has blue shorts and grey sandals. ooh and movable joints i guess Bio: Not required for dolls, since they were just created. Other: 1.its a male 2.he has a british accent [I can show you how to be strong, in the real way.And I want to inspire you! I want to be your rock and when I talk it lights a fire in you.][]
#175447458Saturday, October 03, 2015 6:55 PM GMT

France As I swallow my candy, the telephone rings and I answer it. "Hello?" "..." "Yes, France Callaway speaking." "..." "What? Okay, I'll be on my way." I hang up the phone as I get off my desk and I went out to the said location.
#175447617Saturday, October 03, 2015 6:57 PM GMT

#175447677Saturday, October 03, 2015 6:58 PM GMT

I slept on the couch, like I usually do. With candy Lots of it. [I can show you how to be strong, in the real way.And I want to inspire you! I want to be your rock and when I talk it lights a fire in you.][]
#175448620Saturday, October 03, 2015 7:10 PM GMT

Name: Westly McCormick. Age: Twenty-three. Doll or Human: Human. Appearance: A tall, broad-shouldered male with sharp features, and deepset sea-green eyes. While he's outgrown the gangliness that populated his youth, West is still massive, towering over most at six foot five and weighing in at one hundred and fifty-something pounds. A mass of tousled dark brown hair tops his scalp, medium-length and somewhat curly. While it's cut in layers, down to his name, the front was left untouched, and so it often falls into his face. His tanned skin is relatively smooth - still holding the sleekness of youth. For the most part the man will dress casually, in loose shirts and comfortable pants. He'll normally wear some semblance of a jacket as well, an easy overcoat. He owns one pair of shoes - white tennis shoes that are now more grey than white. As West isn't exactly rolling in the dough, all of his clothes are cheap, knock-off brands. History: The male isn't anyone special, he grew up to be the second child out of four, and the oldest brother. His parents were both two middleclass workers; his father sold bonds while his mother worked in marketing. He grew up in the suburbs of a large city, and attended the schools attached to said location. Upon graduating high school with mediocre grades, he went into college with the intention of being a chef. Well, he graduated last year and now finds himself working as an assistant chef to a local bistro. Other: Is this okay? I actually didn't do any checking on the era, so I kept the clothing and job simplistic.
#175450175Saturday, October 03, 2015 7:30 PM GMT

(Accepted, Pawz)
#175450717Saturday, October 03, 2015 7:36 PM GMT

How should I start? ]
#175450851Saturday, October 03, 2015 7:37 PM GMT

I wake up look around. "Ughhhh. So boring. What do people even do around here?" I walk around the house.