#176805296Saturday, October 24, 2015 2:57 PM GMT

(Jack'O Lantern IS the Headless Horseman.)
#176805345Saturday, October 24, 2015 2:58 PM GMT

i thought we named him mack o' lantern? where did i go wrong, i lost a friend, somewhere along in the bitterness
#176805416Saturday, October 24, 2015 2:59 PM GMT

Ye, we did. But it would be weird for a Jack'O lantern to be kicking ass. A bloody pumpkin.)
#176805781Saturday, October 24, 2015 3:05 PM GMT

-CS (* means optional) Name- Pumpkin King Age- born when Halloween began Gender- Mostly M but he's like spiritual Appearance- A 5'10 black skeleton, he wields a grey sword and has a unlit jack o' lantern on his head. That's really all, I mean he's black bones with a pumpkin head. Powers*- Halloween based magic, but not unlimited manipulation. He's like a boss in terms of his "moves". Weapons*- A grey sword with no special powers, he also has an army but I'll use that after the Halloween event, if I even use it lol Battle demonstration (give an example of a battle between this character and someone else)- Pumpkin king stabs the unexpecting stereotypical opponent that's always used in these, poor guy Bio- Pumpkin King is like, a evil spirit made from Halloween. He tries to take over Halloween every year, but because cliches he has to fail. He just happens to have an army of smaller evil spirits that I most likely won't use but he's pretty basic I mean there's not a lot to know about him
#176808688Saturday, October 24, 2015 3:55 PM GMT

I may use Federation Captain Raymond McSilver.
#176825932Saturday, October 24, 2015 8:22 PM GMT

Name- Kyson Kuroke Age- 14 Gender- Male Appearance- Kuroke stands at 4 feet 10 inches and has a wanwood fedora on his head with yellow hair. He wears a purple t-shirt and black sweatpants. He has Jordans with a red stripe. The back of his purple shirt says 'Small but a big heart' written in white. His eyes are silver while his skin is lightly tan. Powers- High Jump, Power Slam, Speed, Weapon Attribute Weapons- Wanwood Katana and a high powered handgun. Battle demonstration- He runs up shoving the enemy making him dizzy and finishes the mark with a quick slash in the chest. Bio- He was adopted by Japanese people but was American. As he grew up, he had a intention of playing volleyball but was kicked out for his spikes and speed in middle school. His life was pretty much sorrow and enrolled into a high school volleyball team but kicked out for being way to pumped up.
#176830524Saturday, October 24, 2015 9:39 PM GMT

-CS (* means optional) Name- Jarok Age- 24 Gender- Male Appearance- A pumpkin with a smile face on fire, he stands at 6'4 height one of his arms is made out of blue energy and he hides it by using a black trench coat, a black long sleeved shirt, and a black glove on his blue energy hand, he also wears black jeans. He carries a cutlass around his waist Powers*- He can summon and control an army of pumpkins of all shape and sizes, he can also regenerate and he can create unbreakable barriers, but he has a limit. Weapons*- He carries a cutlass around his waist Battle demonstration (give an example of a battle between this character and someone else)- Jarok runs up to his opponent, dodging his sword slash and creating a barrier around his fist and smashing it agaisnt his opponent's stomach, knocking him out. Bio- Jarok used to be a human, infact a strong warrior and mage that made his enemys run away from him, but during a battle agaisnt Krathlork he lost his arm, but it was replaced with a blue arm made out of energy.
#176831398Saturday, October 24, 2015 9:54 PM GMT

Name- Horseless Headless Horsemann (A.K.A The Jack'O Lantern) Age- N/A Gender- Male Appearance- The HHH is a skeleton wearing black boots, a black hood and a cape. He also wears a pair of black gloves, and the most notable feature being his Jack'O Lantern head which has an opening carved through the top and a root sticking out of the side. Powers*- Teleportation Weapons*- A large battle-axe with a demonic smile carved into the side Battle demonstration (give an example of a battle between this character and someone else)- The HHH begins by teleporting behind his victim who is unsuspecting from the attacking, before chopping his head off with his axe. Bio- The presumed brother of Zepheniah Mann, Silas' history within the family is shrouded in mystery. What is known is that he was the co-owner of Zepheniah Mann & Sons. Quarterly Concern, the company that would eventually become Mann Co. His contributions to the company appear to include keys and name tags. Silas perished shortly after his brother, but death was not the end for him. He now roams Mann Manor as the Horseless Headless Horsemann.
#176833116Saturday, October 24, 2015 10:24 PM GMT

-CS (* means optional) Name- Sarah "The Trucker" Age- 24 Gender- Female Appearance- Short, shoulder length black hair, tied up in a small ponytail. Hereyes are brown. She stands at 5'10", her build being slim but toned, her skin having a slight tan to it. She wears a red short sleeved crop-top, a black sleevless leather crop-top style jacket, denim hot-pants and boots that resemble red SCANIA T-Series trucks ith trailers that are stood upright. Powers*- None Weapons*- A model of a SCANIA T-series with a trailer that can switch into a rocket launcher. She also has a machine-pistol and small wheels with spikes int the tires like ninja stars. Battle demonstration (give an example of a battle between this character and someone else)- She transforms the model truck into the rocket launcher, firing a rocket at the BLU Spy. Bio- TBR
#176833304Saturday, October 24, 2015 10:27 PM GMT

#176833496Saturday, October 24, 2015 10:30 PM GMT

Luckee, Accepted.
#176835732Saturday, October 24, 2015 11:06 PM GMT

-CS (* means optional) Name- Story spinner Age- Has none Gender- M Appearance- A normal man that's 7'4 that carries around a script, wears jeans and a white shirt, has Raven black hair, and finally, brown eyes. Powers*- Managing stuff Weapons*- Uh idk Battle demonstration (give an example of a battle between this character and someone else)- Story Spinner opens a trapdoor under a godmodder, sending them to the abyss. "I'll have an admin check up on you later!" He yells down. Bio- Story Spinner was hired by the roleplay community to help manage role plays without using bans and such to stop stoopid rule breakers. He has various trapdoors and such to act like the NSA and manage rule breakers. (His character is meant for me to help the admins without using admin abilities)
#176850941Sunday, October 25, 2015 3:07 AM GMT

cracks knuckles and back drinks water it's on -CS (* means optional) Name- The Boogey Man[Fear] Age- Fear is eternal. Fear has existed since before man. Fear has existed since the first organisms came to be. As old as Fear, and Fear is eternal. Gender- FEARINTUSTICLUSONMIVORUSTEXTICIOSPARANOIAMONSTEROUSDEMONICSACRIFICOSMINDUS Appearance- Fear. What does Fear look like? That depends on the person in question. For one Fear may be an arachnid. For another, a man wielding a knife. And for some, perhaps even a clown. But Fear knows no bounds. Except for it's true form, which is more than an inconvenience then anything, really. But Fear knows all, Fear sees all, Fear hears all. His true form? A shadow. Yellow eyes and mouth, lurking in the darkness, awaiting for the time he can strike. Powers*- Fear plays games of the mind. Manipulating his foes to get what he wants. An eternal paranoia lurks over their body as they try and escape Fear. But not even a God can escape Fear. Weapons*- A hammer. A black hammer concieved of shadow. It's form changes according to the person's fear. Battle demonstration (give an example of a battle between this character and someone else)- Mind games. Fear. Let it all end. Let Fear embrace you, and Fear will accept you. Bio- Born alongside the first organism, The Boogey Man is the embodiment of Fear. He is Fear. Stories told by parents of Fear, in hopes of protecting their children. Over time it became a legend to get kids to behave, but Fear always lurks. It stands over you, eternally watching, like your shadow. Fear awaits the day you fall into the eternal pit, and there the Reaper will greet you with open arms. Fear is coming, and the Gatemaster shall rise. -CS (* means optional) Name- The Reaper[Death] Age- Death is eternal. Death has existed since before man. Death has existed since the first organisms came to be. As old as Death, and Death is eternal. Gender-DEATHICUSSMITUSSHADOWUSFEARUSMONSTERUSDEMONUSSACRIFUSALTURSDEMONIANA Appearance- Death wears a hood, with a scytche. Red eyes and mouth, the rest of it's body concealed by it's cloak and murky darkness that follows it everywhere. When you see hte dark mist in the summer sun, beware; Death is coming. Powers*- Death possesses necromancy, the Death. Those who are not ready to die are spared. Those that are insignificant to the quadruplets...are killed. Weapons*- A scythe. Battle demonstration (give an example of a battle between this character and someone else)- Let Death embraced you, as it has embraced so many others. Bio- Death has existed since Gods. It lurks besides them, always in the shadows, eternally waiting. Death awaits you, watching as Fear forces you into the eternal pit, and there he meets you. Death is coming, and the KeyKeeper shall rise. -CS (* means optional) Name- The Blossoming Flower[Hope] Age- Hope! What a wondrous thing! Existing since the Gods, giving inspiration to all! Gender-HopiusMajorusInspirusSavusHumanusAngelus Appearance- An angel, in the world of devils! Beautiful white wings with pure skin and beautiful eyes, inspiring all who gaze upon her! A true creation of beauty, Hope's mere presence inspires all! Powers*- Support, inspiring her allies, giving them Hope, letting them believe they can do what they may doubt they can do! Hope is ignored in the grand scheme of things, but it is always there, no matter in how small quantities, it is always there. Always underlooked, but never wavering in the side of light. Weapons*- A staff made of marble, with golden wrapping around it. Battle demonstration (give an example of a battle between this character and someone else)- Accept Hope. Let it cleanse you. Bio- The Gods gave birth to Hope, and since it's birth it has roamed, giving Hope to all. But now it's mission changes, as instead of spreading Hope it instead has Hope, wishing to stop the Gatemaster. Beware, Hope says! But no one ever listens. No one besides Life. -CS (* means optional) Name- The Giver[Life] Age- Life! Everything belongs to Life! Old as the Gods! Gender-LifusSaviousAngelusHopusLightusDeathusFearus Appearance- An angel, with a golden laurel floating above it's head. Majestic golden wings extend from it's back, carrying around it's sword proudly. A true daughter of the Light. Powers*- Saving the dead, giving Life, Life does all! Weapons*- A golden sword, known as the Light's Daughter. Battle demonstration (give an example of a battle between this character and someone else)- Life is you. You are Life. Let Life take you. Bio- Life gives Life to all, no matter how barren, no matter how dangerous, no matter how unlikely. But now, it focuses instead on stopping the KeyKeeper, while her sister Hope seeks out the GateMaster. Only Life believes Hope. Life can only Hope she is right in doing so. [also yes i am reserving "light" and "darkness" where did i go wrong, i lost a friend, somewhere along in the bitterness
#176859758Sunday, October 25, 2015 5:58 AM GMT

Name-Princess Medina Morena Age-14 Gender-Female Appearance-She stands 5'5 feet tall, has a slender build, and she has fair skin. She has blond large swirling pigtails and blue eyes. She wears a blue bonnet with golden trims, a white ruffled polo shirt underneath her blue short jacket with puffed short sleeves and golden trims, black long gloves, blue long riffled skirt with a blue ribbon on the back of the waist, and blue stiletto boots. Powers*-Telekinesis Weapons*-A golden rod with a heart-shaped end. Battle demonstration (give an example of a battle between this character and someone else)-The princess swirls her rod, lifting her enemy. She then swings it, making her enemy fly away. Bio-The princess of the Ryuseijins in the Kingdom of Apophis, located by a meteor by the same name. During her family's reign, an alien armada invaded the kingdom and they have successfully conquered it, killing the princess's parent in the process, and even those who are dear to her. As a last resort to escape the war-torn kingdom, Medina used an escape pod to get out of the kingdom and is now heading for Earth to find the said "Meteor Man".
#176859935Sunday, October 25, 2015 6:04 AM GMT

(blue stiletto boots hmm any chance one or both of the heels might break)
#176860017Sunday, October 25, 2015 6:07 AM GMT

(They might.)
#176860029Sunday, October 25, 2015 6:07 AM GMT

#176860100Sunday, October 25, 2015 6:10 AM GMT

(also if both heels break off would she be able to still walk as if they still have heels and can we continue rping)
#176861128Sunday, October 25, 2015 6:44 AM GMT

(I don't think she would.)
#176864405Sunday, October 25, 2015 9:09 AM GMT

yo dog whats crackin  
#176867700Sunday, October 25, 2015 11:48 AM GMT

Sage, accepted.
#176868857Sunday, October 25, 2015 12:30 PM GMT

Name- Velenix Belens Age: 21 Gender: Female Appearance: She stands at an astounding 5'9, with long red hair that splits near her neck. It ends with silver bands with encrypted writing on it, with the hair after it being transparent glowing black. Her hair spans 3'2 feet down her back. She has an athletic body structor. She has red pupils for her eyes, too, that glow in the dark. For some reason, she has a small red cystal hidden by her hair on her forehead... She wears a white t-shirt, with a black jacket on the outside rimmed with red. She also has silky white pants that hang a bit down. Powers: She can summon the Orb of insanity, and has blood manipulation. She also has poison creation, being able to create poisons that nobody has ever dared thought of before. Weapons: She uses huge claws, made of stainless steel and tipped wth red. She also has a belt loaded with sharp needles of varying lengths and sized. Battle demonstration: Summoning the Gaia sphere, she absorbed the energy radiating from it and grabbed the thug I front of her, as she threw him hundreds of feet away. Bio- Other: Psychotic sister of Zelda (I thought I could throw this in for Halloween event)
#176868921Sunday, October 25, 2015 12:33 PM GMT

Erm... Okay, I guess. Accepted.
#176898653Sunday, October 25, 2015 8:52 PM GMT

Re-doing Veria's CS.
#176899149Sunday, October 25, 2015 9:00 PM GMT

-CS (* means optional) Name- Veria Age- 24 Gender- Female Appearance- Standing at 6'2", she has a slim build and fair skin, her facial features being relatively child-like. She has spiky, shoulder length black hair and emerald green eyes. She wears a crop-top style shirt; black denim hot-pants; a red leather, crop-top style jacket; and black Dr. Martens. Powers*- None. Weapons*- A huge anti-tank rifle/sniper rifle combo, a Famas F1 with an under barrel grenade launcher. Battle demonstration (give an example of a battle between this character and someone else)- TBR Bio- TBR