#176960509Monday, October 26, 2015 8:42 PM GMT

The only characters that can "1 hit" defeat others are Krathlork and Harun, and I didn't even use them in a while. Not all of my characters can one hit every one.
#176960646Monday, October 26, 2015 8:44 PM GMT

James one-hit K.O Shadow who is at a similar power level as Dante. Count that as three characters.
#176960788Monday, October 26, 2015 8:46 PM GMT

James used a special move though and Shadow was understimating him, since he wasn't aware that James surpassed him in power. So during that fight James released a huge amount of power while Shadow was only using 20% of his power.
#176960874Monday, October 26, 2015 8:48 PM GMT

What about that time when Shadow wanted a rematch? He already knew that James surpassed him in power, and he tried again but the result was the same.
#176960970Monday, October 26, 2015 8:49 PM GMT

James used the same attack but it was just for comedy that time.
#176961041Monday, October 26, 2015 8:50 PM GMT

Oh, and don't forget Broly. The guy who got abandoned mid-fight because no-one felt like he was a good character/boss battle.
#176961226Monday, October 26, 2015 8:53 PM GMT

If you stayed and fought Broly you could have wished for something, even a power up.
#176961302Monday, October 26, 2015 8:54 PM GMT

Vergil would just ask for his dad's power. Dante? Nothing. It would just be a wish for one person who'd use the power to wreck havoc.
#176963303Monday, October 26, 2015 9:26 PM GMT

Name- Akrin Deh'Jin Age- 21 Gender- Female Appearance- Normal: She has a skinny body structor, with a height of 5'6, with a white sleeveless t-shirt with a blue claw mark on it. One of her eyes are blue, the other being black. Akrin also has long black hair that ends like a l but cut straight through so it has a triangle end, colored blue. Some of it hangs over her shoulder onto her chest, kept together by a silver/gold band with ancient writing on it. She has a white jacket with a hoodie to conceal herself at times, and gray pants. She has a white fox tail too, tipped with blue. She also has white fox ears. She is the goddess of fast passing, so she has this some sort of attractiveness. She can transform into a bipedal white fox, with a mask colored black that resembles a dragon's skull. Her eyes are blue. Powers- Summoning a orb with rings spinnin around it, which gives her a diverse amount of powers. She can open the gates to Veh'Gehn and unleash the powers within it. Weapons- She uses two weapons, a celestial spear with a golden four foot handle and a hilt made of interwoven cylinders, resembling a blooming flower. It has a two foot triangle as the blade, with a small four inch red ruby embedded inside. In the same style, she has a scythe as well, to represent life and death. Battle demonstration- tbr Bio: She is a new goddess, representing those who do not try and escape death, allowing them to have a peaceful passing. Her brother, the compelete opposite, aids her in her never ending quest to stop those trying to escape death, and honor for those who accept it. Name- Valkin Deh'jin Age: 21 Gender- Male Appearance Normal: He is a 5'7 boy with a skinny yet slightly muscular body structor with one black pupil and one blue pupil. He has a long sleeved white shirt, with blue jeans that hang a bit. He has untidy black hair that ends at his neck, and has sharp teeth giving you an idea he does something with them instead of just eating.. He also has wolf's ears and a wolf's tail, both black. He can transform into a black wolf with four blue eyes, and huge front teeth with a Valkyrie like helm. Powers- He can summon a black orb with blue rings rotating around it, to acces the elements within Vah'gen Weapon- He has no weapon, Battle demonstration Bio: A new God, brother of Akrin, seeks down those who deny death and gives them a slow and painful passing.
#176963737Monday, October 26, 2015 9:33 PM GMT

Rainbine's new appearance: Red Velenx T-shirt, signed by him; a black leather jacket, black denim hot-pants and black, heeled boots.
#176963819Monday, October 26, 2015 9:34 PM GMT

#176963926Monday, October 26, 2015 9:36 PM GMT

#176963959Monday, October 26, 2015 9:37 PM GMT

It's only until your thing with Velen(x) subsides
#176975524Tuesday, October 27, 2015 12:21 AM GMT

eric's new appearance: nothing lol except for a less pixelated version of this on his back
#176998586Tuesday, October 27, 2015 12:33 PM GMT

Name-Kaizorg Age-N/A Gender-Male Appearance-He stands 7'0 feet tall, has a very muscular structure, and his body is made of steel. He has red eyes and no nose nor mouth. He has spikes on his shoulders and his knuckles, but only small compared to the larger ones on his shoulders. He wears only black fitted pants, black belt with golden rounded buckles, and black boots. Powers*-He has a hard body and no bullet can get through. He has superior strength and speed, outclassing the other warriors. His main ability is to channel electricity. Weapons*-N/A Battle demonstration (give an example of a battle between this character and someone else)-Kaizorg dashes to his enemy to deliver a powerful punch to the chest, followed by another to the face which slams him down to the ground, crushing his skull until his brain pops out. Bio-A cyborg created by Baron Imperagora to be his bodyguard, who serves so much loyalty to this tyrannical conqueror of the universe. He was the only one who can make contact with the Tyranids, although these aliens went aggressive on him. Name-Kamiro Shingeki Age-20 Gender-Male Appearance-He stands 6'0 feet tall, has lean muscles, and has fair skin. He has light red spiky hair and a right red eye. His left eyes is much cybernetic due to having four lenses, one that is of normal eye-size and the other three are a bit small. This goes to his arms as well. He wears a golden headband, golden-plated vest, silver belt with golden rounded buckle surrounded with different gems, dark gold pants and golden plated sandals. Powers*-He has this one main ability that he can give to anyone, and that I mean, he can give "god powers", but in one condition. If the person is able to "satisfy" him in battle, he will be granted with god powers. Other than that, he has the ability to manipulate smoke and fire to boost his fighting style. Weapons*-His left eye can fire a burning beam that melts to any material. He also has hidden machine guns on his fingers and single mini rocket launchers on his shoulders. Battle demonstration (give an example of a battle between this character and someone else)-Kamiro lets out a fog of smoke to cover the area. Once his opponent is trying to see him, Kamiro dashes him from behind and lays a punch on the back before he fires his burning laser to him. Bio- From Jean's P.O.V. While I was doing some training alone, I met up with a man who claims to be the "Mecha God". He asked me if he could join me in my training, but I declined. However, that man laid a punch on my stomach. The punch was so very hard that is completely knocks me out. When I regain my consciousness, I wake up back in my castle and saw the same guy again. His name is Kamiro Shingeki, and still, he proclaims to be the "Mecha God". He then explains to me why he knocks me out; it is a blessing that soon, I will become a god through him. Is he nuts or something? I don't get it.
#177111685Thursday, October 29, 2015 11:43 AM GMT

#177114109Thursday, October 29, 2015 1:06 PM GMT

(Strange, but accepted.)
#177115553Thursday, October 29, 2015 1:51 PM GMT

Name- Contessa Hollick Haertelite Gender- Female Appearance- As a 26 year old woman, Contessa's waist length hair color is that of burnt copper, giving out an obvious hint that she is a redhead. Her eye pupils are colored brown, which almost aligned mostly with her darkish orange-like hair. She has few to some imperfections, including a bit of freckles on her, and some almost-visible small bumps across her left cheek. She is, overall, 5'7, but she's, otherwise, 5'10+, if she wore high heels. Her weight is a total of 128 pounds, her body, being a mixture of small frame and medium frame, contributing to the total weight, though small frame is a bit dominant. Her racial category is listed as non-Hispanic White. Contessa typically wears a pair of cyclops wrap-around shield-like cyber-glasses that appear to take inspiration from 1980's retro-futurism, but has some appearance and all functional features a phone of the early 27th century would have. She has a black and dark purple jumpsuit, which reached from halfway through her neck to her feet. Her jumpsuit is accompanied by slightly dirty semi-light black armor, which shows across her chest, her forearms, and her back. She wears black gloves, which are also a bit dirty. She sports a pair of black combat boots, which she finds suitable for her, because she thinks wearing high heels for bounty hunting is impractical. She has dark grey knee pads and elbow pads, which help, because every time she lands on the ground on her knees/elbows, they would be protected by the pads. Powers*- Weapons*- A M2603 Springfield semi-automatic rifle that shoots red lasers everytime she pulls the trigger until it overheats, which is when it needs to cool down before it can be fired again. Battle demonstration (give an example of a battle between this character and someone else)- Bio- Contessa was born in the Sun District on Earth. However, she had a rare birth defect that made her sound like a white male. Her parents decided to keep her and raise her as a normal girl anyway, unlike the doctor's orders to raise her as a male. Before school, Contessa did typical baby things. She played with blocks with one letter on every side, and among other things. However, once she discovered she sounds like a male, she was dismayed. But she didn't give up and continued living. She got into a preschool when she was 3. Some kids assumed she was a crossdresser in disguise and began calling her "Constantine". Eventually, more kids in her class began calling her that, and it sent her into depression. She attempted to get her parents to kill her, but they refuse. Instead, they reassure her that the names being thrown at her are the other kids just joking around. Once Contessa managed to figure that out, she went on to elementary school. Some kids that had called her "Constantine" had carried on to her school. (crap gonna finish soon)
#177115827Thursday, October 29, 2015 1:59 PM GMT

sweet home alabama
#177115959Thursday, October 29, 2015 2:03 PM GMT

(Marc, add a Battle Demonstration. Accepted, either way.)
#177116059Thursday, October 29, 2015 2:06 PM GMT

(ok) Battle Demonstration- Contessa was walking down a street. A thug approached her and she whipped our t her M2603 Springfield rifle. She aimed and fired, killing him.
#177116071Thursday, October 29, 2015 2:06 PM GMT

she started singing bye, bye, miss american pie drove my chevy to the levy but the levy was dry them good old boys were drinking wh!sk@y and rye singing this'll be the day that i die this'll be the day that i die
#177117622Thursday, October 29, 2015 2:51 PM GMT

-CS (* means optional) Name- Techno Age- 24 Gender- Male Appearance- Techno has messy and spiky blue hair, his eyes blue and he has an average muscular build, he stands at 6'8 height and one of his arms is amde out of metal while the other one is normal. He uses a blue trench coat that his draped on his shoulders like a cape, and a purple shirt along with blue jeans. if he has no shirt on you can see that he has multiple scars on his torso for some unknown reason. Powers*- The ability to manipulate and create energy and a unknown power. Weapons*- The metal arm. Battle demonstration (give an example of a battle between this character and someone else)- Techno dashes at his opponent, smashing his fist agaisnt his stomach, before sending him flying and quickly appearing above him, grabbing his head and smashing both of his feet agaisnt his opponent's back, sending him flying back to the ground. Bio- Techno was a human that used to work with Shadow and the others, but for some unknown reason he lost one of his arms during a fight and it was re placed with a metal one.
#177173008Friday, October 30, 2015 3:22 PM GMT

[Admin Character] Name- Pheonix Wright Age- 21 Gender- Male Appearance- A blue suit, white shirt, red necktie, brown boots, and long, black swept hair. Powers*- OBJECTION!- Pheonix shouts 'OBJECTION!' while pointing at the witness/prosecutor, causing a large bubble with the phrase written in red to pop up. This does damage, and a lot. Seriously. HOLD IT!- Exactly the same as OBJECTION!, only does less damage and Pheonix shouts 'HOLD IT!' instead. Weapons*- Battle demonstration (give an example of a battle between this character and someone else)- Pheonix Wright starts by presenting evidence which contradicts the witness's statement. Once the witness is in distress, Pheonix Wright uses OBJECTION!, which causes the witness to faint out of shock. Bio- Phoenix is a rookie defense attorney, who usually accepts murder cases, attempting to exonerate his clients when there is seemingly incontrovertible evidence and testimony against them. Described as "goofy and single-minded", he often encounters unusual situations. Rather than simply arguing his case, Phoenix uses detective skills to gather relevant evidence and investigate the crime scene. When he was in grade school, he was accused of stealing Miles Edgeworth's lunch money, and since he was in a small school, there was a class trial. During the trial, Larry Butz and Miles Edgeworth stood up for Wright, saying the teacher and students had no evidence of Wright's guilt. The class trial was dismissed and the three students became best friends until Edgeworth moved away following his father's murder. Fifteen years later, Larry would reveal that he was the one who stole Edgeworth's money that day, paying it back in full. While Wright was surprised, Edgeworth gave the appearance that he knew Larry stole his money all along. When he was in Ivy University, he found himself a murder suspect in which he was successfully defended by a defense attorney named Mia Fey. After growing up, Phoenix became a defense attorney himself under Mia's law firm. After Mia was murdered, Phoenix takes over the law firm, naming it Wright and co., and also takes Mia's little sister, a spirit medium named Maya, under his wing.
#177173140Friday, October 30, 2015 3:27 PM GMT

Misspelled Phoenix's name. Name- Phoenix Wright