#179849676Friday, December 18, 2015 5:58 PM GMT

.... That isn't even the CS template.
#179849697Friday, December 18, 2015 5:59 PM GMT

That doesn't USE the CS template* My bad.
#179849729Friday, December 18, 2015 6:00 PM GMT

Iron, is M. Gear accepted?
#179849768Friday, December 18, 2015 6:01 PM GMT

Yes, he's accepted, Gear.
#179849983Friday, December 18, 2015 6:08 PM GMT

Damn it, i worked so hard thanks tho.
#179895540Saturday, December 19, 2015 11:52 AM GMT

(Saving this guy as the final boss of Plato's adventure. Also, spoiler alert in the bio.) Name-Caesar Age-N/A Gender-N/A Appearance-He stands 7'0 feet tall, he is very slender, and his skin is purely white. He has no face but white long hair, and on his shoulders are two female heads with no eyes and white hair, looking at the head of his main body. His backhands have eyes on it. He wears a golden crown, golden chestarmor with blue eyes and a mouth which shows out it's set of sharp teeth, golden bracers with three small blades, purple skirt with golden plates, and golden boots. On top of his head is a halo. Behind him are six multicolored wings, each representing the elements. One the left are red, yellow, and white, which represents the elements of fire, lightning, and light. On the other side is blue, green, and black, which represents water, nature, and darkness. Powers*-Elemental Manipulation, or in other words, he can control fire, water, nature, lightning, light, and darkness. Weapons*-N/A Battle demonstration (give an example of a battle between this character and someone else)-Caesar summons barrage of elemental orbs, surrounding his enemy, and they all flew towards him, annihilating him in the process. Bio-An ethereal being who is the one responsible for making the Six Armors turn against humanity. He is also a disciple of The Eye and was involved in the merging of the universes. He has been keeping an eye on Plato and he has plans for him, that once he destroyed all of the Six Armors and gain their powers, he will use him as vessel to resurrect Mens Insidante. Unknown to him, Plato has another trick on his sleeve.
#179897425Saturday, December 19, 2015 1:20 PM GMT

Name- Suron Age- ???? Gender- Male Appearance- A purple stick-figure that stands at roughly 6'0 and weights 160 lbs. As for clothing, he wears over-sized, red converse sneakers. In Suron God mode, he grows spiky red hair and a brown belt with a leaf molded onto the buckle materializes around his waist. Powers*- Can solidify liquids, turning them into plastic and can enter his 'Suron God' mode in which case he can summon kitties, control both liquid and plastic and shoot laser beams from his eyes. Weapons*- A kitten launcher Battle demonstration (give an example of a battle between this character and someone else)- Suron dashes forward, grabbing his enemy by the neck and hurling them into the air before pulling out his kitten launcher and firing a cat at his enemy's chest, sending them sky-high Bio- The embodiment of my ego, created after I made a joke about how I was as skinny as a stick-man. Totally not one of the most random bios ever created.
#179935653Sunday, December 20, 2015 1:58 AM GMT

Name- Danny Powers Age- 15 Gender- Male Appearance- He has spiked blond hair, and a strand of hair pointing downward resembling a lightning bolt, he wears a black T-shirt with a black and yellow sweater over it, he's the height of your average 15 year old, he has light skin, and green eyes, but one of them being gray because of blindness, dark blue jeans, and full yellow shoes. Powers*- The power to summon lightning. Weapons*- A one-eyed demon dagger he can turn into a sword by banging it on the ground Battle demonstration (give an example of a battle between this character and someone else)- He firsts likes tease his enemy, making the anger hard for them to think. He usually says "ladies first" if the enemy is male, and talk about how slow they are. He then makes sure to get behind them, to strike them in the back, where they're not guarded. Then, if he's angry enough, he summons a lightning bolt on his enemy, killing them. Bio- Coming from an evil family, Danny wanted to change that. He confessed about how he felt and how their ways are wrong. Angering his family, they turned him away, treating him like an outcast. Upset and angry, he ran away in a forest, never to be seen by his family again. Fighting for his life, his eye was clawed by a wolf, but he was lucky to live. going of into the next town, he found a mystical item shop. Wanting an item to defend himself with, he picked up the demon dagger. "Hey kid," the dagger said, opening its one eye, "You know how i work right?" Startled by the dagger, Danny dropped it. "OW!" The dagger said. "Watch it kid!" It said. "Sorry." Danny said, picking it back up. "Yeah? Well, lets get a move on and i'll tell you how i work."
#179935690Sunday, December 20, 2015 1:59 AM GMT

i also got better at RPing :^)
#179940740Sunday, December 20, 2015 3:17 AM GMT

-CS Name- Vanta Age- INFINITYYYY Gender- uh male Appearance- Just a completely jet black 5'14 (impossible height111) humanoid, with no other visible features Powers*- Made Demi-God by the god and embodiment of Darkness and Malevolence, so it's not hard to guess Weapons*- The Shadow of Aominoa Battle demonstration- Vanta floats in the air, and megalasers his foe. I'm tired ok no details needed Bio-TBR so you guys don't metagame the actual depth and time he took to make
#179958826Sunday, December 20, 2015 1:17 PM GMT

Well, you basicly copied the entire vanta boss from bm, which I made. Gg
#179961122Sunday, December 20, 2015 2:41 PM GMT

you didn't make vanta lol but hey I BM so I'm bringing respect to him
#179961140Sunday, December 20, 2015 2:42 PM GMT

I like* who thought autocorrect was a good idea again
#180021964Monday, December 21, 2015 1:36 PM GMT

Redoing Jared's and Talavera's appearances. Jared -He stands 6'0 feet tall, has lean muscles, and has fair skin. He has black spiky hair and red eyes. He has two rings on his right ear. He wears a black T-shirt, a black cloak, black gloves with steel plates on the backhands, black belt with a silver skull-shaped buckle, black shorts, and black high-cut rubber shoes. Behind his shirt is a white bold text saying "SUPER AWESOME". Also, there is a pocket chain sticking out on his right side of the waist. Talavera -He stands 6'0 feet tall, has lean muscles, and has white skin. He has white spiky hair and blue eyes. He has black wings on his back and two horns. He wears a white trenchcoat with silver rounded spaulders, black belt with silver buckle, black slacks, and black dress shoes. He wears multiple rings on all of his fingers, especially the one in the middle fingers, where it has skulls on it. And now, to renew their powers. Jared -Jared can make use of energy-based attacks, mostly comes out purple. What is more surprising is his superhuman feats. He holds IMMEASURABLE strength, speed, and senses. He can do an enhanced leap by his strengthened legs and can create afterimages from his speed. He also holds a very monstrous invulnerability, as in he can withstand blows from extremely powerful enemies. But to make things more extreme, since he can make use of energy, he can "energize" his body to become more stronger and faster. He can create an object out of his own energy and fire energy-based projectiles. The way he fights are very basic, but strong and the impacts are very massive. However, he has a very sacrificial technique that requires him a lot of effort, but will lose the mobility of his arm temporarily. It is called the "Tanitsu Satsugai Punch", which means "Single Killing Punch", and from the name itself, it is a powerful punch which can instantly defeat an enemy in just one extremely powerful punch, at the cost of temporarily lose the mobility of the arm he used. Talavera -Talavera can manipulate darkness, that's it, nothing new. But in terms of his physical prowess, he is less strong than Jared, for a bit.
#180029724Monday, December 21, 2015 5:08 PM GMT

7331, if hurt badly and he lost his dirt block, and if he's really mad, he'll summon a nyan cat from nowhere, jump on it, get out a rainbow lance, and charge at enemies.
#180068047Tuesday, December 22, 2015 2:38 AM GMT

Was my character excepted?
#180319241Friday, December 25, 2015 4:49 PM GMT

Hello everyone. I'm back from my hiatus. How are ya'll doing? Hope you've all had a very merry Christmas.
#180325871Friday, December 25, 2015 6:44 PM GMT

GET THE HELL OUT get out GEEET OUT ʸᵒᵘ ᶜᵃᶰᶰᵒᵗ ᵖᶫᵉᵃˢᵉ ˢᵒᵐᵉᵗʰᶦᶰᵍ ʸᵒᵘ ᶜᵃᶰᶰᵒᵗ
#180326191Friday, December 25, 2015 6:49 PM GMT

Why should I? I'm not doing anything wrong by being here.
#180327616Friday, December 25, 2015 7:16 PM GMT

#180372043Saturday, December 26, 2015 9:28 AM GMT

Oh, welcome back, Blazing.
#180373163Saturday, December 26, 2015 10:37 AM GMT

Hello, Iron. I'm gonna start over with a new character. Keep an eye out for her CS.
#180374207Saturday, December 26, 2015 12:05 PM GMT

-CS (* means optional) Name- Kora Hayden Age- 21 Gender- Female Appearance- ht tp://img haC (remove the spaces). Because this picture only shows her from her waist and up, she wears a black denim skirt with a silver chain hanging from the right pocket and white leather boots with 3-inch heels that are similar in design to her jacket/blazer. Powers*- She can pixelise (much like how the man-made Transformers transform in AOE) and evade capture, pursuits and dodge attacks much quicker. When she touches vehicles, she can control them and turn them into robots (basically man-made Transformers from AOE), but she can only control up to 8 small vehicles, 5 medium vehicles, and 2 large vehicles. She can also regenerate any limbs lost and heal wounds by pixelising the area effected and using the pixels to regrow her skin and her limbs, though this takes time depending on the severity of the injury. She can make a blaster pixelise onto her right arm, around the wrist area (much like Stinger in AOE). Weapons*- Shortened, full-auto version of the ARC-920 from HALO. Battle demonstration (give an example of a battle between this character and someone else)- Free Silentians fire their weapons at her and the soldiers along side her. A bullet grazes her arm and she cries out in pain, pixelising and moving behind a building. She cries out for coverming fire while she heals, the graze pixelising over and repairing itself, along with fabric of her shirt sleeve. Bio- Nope.avi
#180374410Saturday, December 26, 2015 12:24 PM GMT

Erm... Hello?
#180374510Saturday, December 26, 2015 12:31 PM GMT

Sorry, I was just searching through some... Err... Stuff. Accepted, though try to keep it PG-13 this time, a'right?