#182037859Wednesday, January 20, 2016 4:21 AM GMT

-???- Suddenly the voice spoke on all the heroes' comms. "If you wish to win, you MUST team up with each other." Then the voice added, "United we stand, divided we fall..." (Good night)
#182051630Wednesday, January 20, 2016 2:57 PM GMT

M. Gear I draw my bow and set it to ice mode. Magma doesn't last long against the cold.
#182075170Wednesday, January 20, 2016 11:47 PM GMT

Vallencorp The steel boulders bounce off the Golaiths. Flying drones engage the robot fighters. Undead The vampires effortlessly dodge the tank shells running past them to continue the massacre On the edge of the city the edge of the nightmare horde enters the city. One of the spiders has a catapult on its back. The arm flings forward throwing a red hot cast iron ball. Magtu I look out the hole in the wall and sneer at the helicopter. I leap out and position myself straight above it to cut through.
#182079063Thursday, January 21, 2016 12:50 AM GMT

-Origins Squad- They kept mowing the vampires down, with Marcus firing grenades downwards. (Wait, did Magtu attack?)
#182079543Thursday, January 21, 2016 12:57 AM GMT

The fighters turned around, destroying drones with laser machine guns and rockets. Bombers kept bombing the undead, while R. Gear was firing his laser chaingun. Another EMP generator failed when Steel shot it with a laser sniper.
#182080656Thursday, January 21, 2016 1:14 AM GMT

ZOEY and REI They kept shooting.
#182083481Thursday, January 21, 2016 1:54 AM GMT

3 fighters fly in. Xenon "Xenon reporting in." 77 "77 reporting in." Blade "Blade reporting in. Opening fire." I strafe run the undead, while 77 fires missiles at the spider. Xenon generates shields around R. Gear while Blast heals R. Gear.
#182083676Thursday, January 21, 2016 1:57 AM GMT

The EoR emperor (Steel) "Orbital strike activated." A laser from the sky blows a Goliath to bits. The Mecha Archangel (Steel's flagship) The ship prepared it's powerful laser cannons to blow the Goliaths to bits.
#182085783Thursday, January 21, 2016 2:27 AM GMT

Robot soldiers parachuted down, firing at the vampires with laser rifles.
#182141182Friday, January 22, 2016 2:30 AM GMT

World News The White House and Washington D.C has fallen to Vallencorp, San Francisco has been badly damaged but the military continues to fight back but losing. The President and Congress are offering to Cede the South West to Vallencorp. A large group of limping metallic men demolishing everything in their path has been sighted in the northern Mexico Desert and have been seen heading north. Vallencorp Security All across Las Vegas buildings with Vallencorp symbols or Vallencorp owned EMP's begin to activate due to steel's destruction of the ones on the Vallencorp tower. D.C Antonio I sit down across from President Fuller and smile, "Cede the south west to me and the attacks iwll stop, You will be seen as a hero to the American populace." The president grunts, "More like the coward who gave up in the first weeks of fighting. But the citizens are crying for peace because your damned robots are everywhere, and the dead are coming back to life. As President of the United States i surrender the states of New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Texas, Colorado, and California to Vallencorp. I also hereby promise to not contest these claims for the remainder of my presidency." I smile at the man, "Excellent Decision, Mr. President. my forces will immediately leave San Francisco and D.C to my capital. Fourth Reich General Steuber I look down at the men lined up in formation inside the bunker, "We have sworn to protect this world from follies such as Vallencorp robots and now theres an entire empire on our doorstep! They land troops and fighters on our planet and say they are allies! I say no more, no robot will go un-destroyed, the Fourth Reich will save humanity from the metallic fingers of destruction. All forces are to be redeployed to Las Vegas to repel the threat!" Endemic I float above the fighting disintegrating Heroes and villains alike, "This is so much fun!" Ares I appear next to Endemic, "Indeed, this fighting is giving me enough energy to live on for eons to come."
#182141374Friday, January 22, 2016 2:32 AM GMT

-Recon- "ENEMIES SPOTTED!" I spotted a pair of figures floating around in the air with us. -Origins Squad- They all focused fire on the pair.
#182141544Friday, January 22, 2016 2:34 AM GMT

Steel disabled another EMP. The skyscraper gained enough power to blow another goliath to bits with the laser cannon before being disabled again.
#182141839Friday, January 22, 2016 2:38 AM GMT

Commander "Humans attacking us." Steel groaned. Humans attacking us when we try to help them.
#182142204Friday, January 22, 2016 2:42 AM GMT

Ares I flick my hand and the fighters weapons on them explode destroying them, "Pathetic things, robots are." Endemic I catch up to one fighter and grab it, the metal rusting quickly before it falls apart, "Oh yes, but so fun to break apart."
#182142389Friday, January 22, 2016 2:44 AM GMT

Xenon's fighter blew up, and he crashed in the city. He was teleported out, but he wouldn't fight anymore. 3 fighters went down. Steel Disabled another EMP. One more...
#182142423Friday, January 22, 2016 2:45 AM GMT

-Origins Squad- As Ares and Endemic split up, the Origins Squad focused their fire upon Endemic, raining hell upon him.
#182142747Friday, January 22, 2016 2:49 AM GMT

Endemic I chuckle, "Oh goodie, new toys." I split into four copies of my self and head to them.
#182142869Friday, January 22, 2016 2:50 AM GMT

Steel The last EMP goes down, and I teleport away.
#182142970Friday, January 22, 2016 2:51 AM GMT

-???- "Sh!t. Get ready to abandon ship; I have more ordinance on ground zero." -Origins Squad- In the meantime, they fired at all four copies. -Engineer- I pulled out my Repair Tool in case the illusions got to us.
#182143191Friday, January 22, 2016 2:54 AM GMT

ZOEY and REI They kept firing. ZOEY "Darn."
#182143549Friday, January 22, 2016 2:59 AM GMT

Endemic The copies dive through the hailstorm seemingly unaffected, They reach the sqaud and grab their weapons rusting them at extremely alarming rates i hover behind them, "Humanity has seen its last fools."
#182143721Friday, January 22, 2016 3:01 AM GMT

-???- "Not if I can help it!" Suddenly an ECM Jammer goes off inside the helicopter, obscuring Endemic's view from the heroes. The voice spoke into the heroes' heads. "JUMP!" -Origins Squad- They all jumped, some- like the Engineer- cursing everything, others- like Sophitia- praying to the gods.
#182145746Friday, January 22, 2016 3:30 AM GMT

ZOEY and REI We jumped as well.
#182146009Friday, January 22, 2016 3:34 AM GMT

-???- The helicopter self-destructed a few moments after. Suddenly parachutes materialized onto everyone's backs. "Pull the string!" The voice ordered. -Origins Squad- They all did so except for Sophie- her line was tangled and she couldn't reach it!
#182146053Friday, January 22, 2016 3:34 AM GMT

ZOEY I untangled her string and pulled it before pulling mine.