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#175589136Monday, October 05, 2015 9:32 AM GMT

For PS4 & Wii U. Wii U cause Wii U would be perfect for Roblox only because it has all the right buttons. Consoles like Xbox, Playstation, and even the 3DS would not work due to the lack of appropriate controls but the Wii U Gamepad has everything. Left stick to move (WSAD), D-pad Up and Down to zoom in and out (for first person view), right stick for looking around in first person, A to jump, and X or ZR to use gear (like left mouse click). To select an item you would touch it on the Gamepad screen. When in TV mode, the Gamepad would view the entire inventory, but you could switch it to Gamepad view and the HUD would be on the bottom, much like it is now. Think about it. No other console has all those controls at once. PS4 just for PS fans that play ROBLOX. Also i know ur gonna say Wii U is for losers, any1 who says that is rude & not nice.
#175591422Monday, October 05, 2015 11:54 AM GMT

the new 3ds has all the controls you listed siiiiiiigattureeee
#175596725Monday, October 05, 2015 3:38 PM GMT

(By the way, this finger is pointing at the OP) ───────────────. ──────▄▀▄ ──────────────────────█─█ ──────────────────────█─█ ──────────────────────█─█ ──────────────────────█─█ ──────────────────────█─█ ──────────────────────█─▀█▀█▄ ──────────────────────█──█──█ ──────────────────────█▄▄█──▀█ ─────────────────────▄█──▄█▄─▀█ ─────────────────────█─▄█─█─█─█ ─────────────────────█──█─█─█─█ ─────────────────────█──█─█─█─█ ──────█─────█────────█──▀▀█─█─█ ────█████████────────▀█───█─███ ───████████████───────██──▀▀─█ ───█████████████───────█─────█ ─███████████───▀▀█▄─────█─────█ ██████████───▀▀▀──█──────█─────█ ████████───────██─▀█──────█─────█ ██████──▄──────────▀█──────█─────█ █████──█──────▀▀█───▀█──────█─────█ █████─▀─██▄─────█────▀█──────█─────█ █████───▀▀▀───────────▀█──────█─────█ █████──────────────────█──────█─────█ █████─────────────▄▀───█──────█─────█ ██████─────────▄▄██────█▄─────█─────█ ██████────────██████────█─────█─────█ ███████────█──███████▀──█───▄██▄▄▄▄▄█ ─███▀▀██────▀─██▄──▄█───█───█───────█ ─███▄──────────██████───█───█───────█ ──███▄────────────▄▄────█───█───────█ ──████████─────────────▄█───█───────█ ───███████─────────────█───█▀───────█ ────▄███████──────────▄█──█▀────────█ ───▄█────▄▀▀▀█────────█───█─────────█ ──▄█───────█──█─────▄███▀▀▀▀────────█ ─▄█─▄▀▀────────█──▄█▀─▀█────────────█ ─█────█─────────█──────█────────────█ ─█────────▀█────█──────█───────────██ ─█───────────────█───▄█▀───────────█ ─█─────────▄██▀──█▀▀▀▀─────────────█ ─█───────────────█─────────────────█ Look son! A smart person! ─█▄─────────────██─────────────────█ ──█▄────────────█──────────────────█ ───██▄────────▄████████▄───────────█ ──██─▀█▄───────▀██─────▀█▄─────────█ ──█────▀▀▀▀▄─────█───────▀▀────────█ ──█─────────▀▄──▀──────────────────█ ──█─────────▀▄─────────────────────█ I'll take twenty-five just to watch your life end
#175598970Monday, October 05, 2015 4:41 PM GMT

yes please

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