#176404238Saturday, October 17, 2015 6:41 PM GMT

[Riella] "Don't touch my sentry...." I say, my speech slurred as I fall onto Kyle, unconcious.
#176414932Saturday, October 17, 2015 9:21 PM GMT

Nathan Getting Riella to the Inn to let her sleep wasn't that bothersome. After laying her down on a bed, Kyle made his way down to join the main group. Time passed by as we continued the intel-gathering mission, and soon enough we had enough data for the day. The sun began to set, and the smell of food began to emanate from the inn. Assigning the marine detail to patrol detail in shifts, Fireteam Nexus took off the HAVOK armor at the inn, and made its way for dinner. I've got to say, the food here was mighty fine. Sure, the presentation wasn't exactly "pretty", but the taste itself was a raw, powerfully flavored taste that I didn't experience back home at Aurae City. Even David, a normally reserved soldier, made note of the incredible food. "This is some great food." he muttered. That is the best compliment David ever gives.
#176415077Saturday, October 17, 2015 9:24 PM GMT

[Riella] The smell of food comes to my nose and I wake up, following it down to where Nexus are, my helmet resting under my arm. "What smells so good?"
#176415409Saturday, October 17, 2015 9:29 PM GMT

David That engineer was approaching us. Guess she woke from the food. Why did we have her in the team again? Reduces efficiency... "The food. If you want, you can have some dinner." The food was so good here, but I needed to maintain focus on the mission. I'll probably run some patrols with my Type-45 HoloSniper. Who knows what'll happen here. "Sir, permission to patrol?" "What for, Dave?" "Just to clear my mind sir." "I suppose you can. Just don't patrol for more than two hours. I'll send another Fireteam member to relieve your duties." "Yes sir." With that, I grabbed my HAVOK armor and sniper and walked out the inn, intending to patrol on the village fences.
#176415639Saturday, October 17, 2015 9:32 PM GMT

[Riella] "Don't mind if I do." I get some food and start eating. "This is really good." I say with a mouthfull of food. I then swallow. "Definitely compliments to the chef for this."
#176416430Saturday, October 17, 2015 9:44 PM GMT

Nathan She sure loved eating, no doubt about that. I turned to my own dish of food to fill my hungry stomach. The pork chops were excellently cooked, and the mashed potatoes were complemented with a very flavorful gravy. Tonight looked very rosy, and I hoped that the situation wouldn't go south from here. "So, how did you get to join the AERIS Division? Or rather, let's be honest, get drafted?"
#176416721Saturday, October 17, 2015 9:48 PM GMT

[Riella] I swallow another mouthful of food. "Well, I thought my skills would come in handy." I put another fork-full of food into my mouth.
#176417255Saturday, October 17, 2015 9:57 PM GMT

Aleya That place looks so peaceful, so serene. I continue looking around and think of my old home, peaceful thoughts crept into my mind as I started to think of home. At that moment I snap my head to my left to notice a heavily armored AERIS soldier walk out of a comfortable building in the middle of town, I decide to go into the inn noticing on my tracker there was multiple friendlies on the other side. I grab the door and open it, I stepped in with my left leg first, as that happened my right started cramping, I grab my leg and start stretching it out. After I finished the stretch I notice Walker and Riella talking and eating. I snap to attention and salute Walker in the middle of the room "everything's quiet outside" I tell Walker as I remove my helmet from me and set it down. I flick my rifle onto safety and set it down next to my helmet grabbing a seat for myself.
#176417511Saturday, October 17, 2015 10:01 PM GMT

Nathan "Hmm, is that so?" I finished my meal and stood up from the table. Guess I could take a break at the fireplace for a bit. "Well, I'll see you around." I walked towards the fireplace couches. Looks like Kyle and Tim were both taking a break as well, considering the amount of intel-gathering we all did. I should start filing a report to send back to the FOB. After all, that was the purpose of our mission. David The town was slowly getting ready to sleep, judging from the lights getting dim. This makes things a bit harder to patrol, considering that the darkness is a hindrance to sight. I activated the IRNV sensors on my helmet to be able to see much better, and continued on my patrols. It's been about thirty minutes now, so I still had some time. I continued on my patrol route, heading for the town outskirts. I had been picking up some unusual activity now on the motion detectors, so I was going to investigate the source.
#176417706Saturday, October 17, 2015 10:05 PM GMT

Daichi Fireteam Loki was completely beat by the end of the day. After gathering a lot of intel, especially from that young boy, I had a lot of data to work with. The report's going to be long for sure. Chris was not the type to appreciate the intel-gathering work, and was distracted the whole way. "The dinner was good, don't you think?" "Yeah, but I have to worry about the report later tonight. It's a pain in the neck." "Ha, that's your responsibility." I punched Chris on the shoulders lightly. "Yeah, but next time is your turn." "Ugh..." Being out of armor felt refreshing, to say the least.
#176417797Saturday, October 17, 2015 10:06 PM GMT

[Riella] "I'm gonna set up some senties around the inn in concealed spots in case we get rushed by enemies. Be back in about half-an-hour." I say to Nathan, grabbing my helmet, placing it over my head and picking up my wrench. I then head out of the inn to find some well hidden spots to place the sentries down at.
#176419023Saturday, October 17, 2015 10:27 PM GMT

Nathan "Affirmative. Stay frosty." With that, Riella was out of the inn. I kept my HoloRifle at bay in case of an attack. I should probably assign some of my troops for patrol shifts after David comes in.
#176419164Saturday, October 17, 2015 10:30 PM GMT

[Riella] I find some good spots dotted around the perimeter of the inn and set up the sentries, returning once they are set up. "Perimeter is secure, sir." I say to Nathan when I re-enter the inn. "The sentries are up and running."
#176419482Saturday, October 17, 2015 10:35 PM GMT

Daichi Looks like that engineer, Riella was it?, came back from the field.
#176419569Saturday, October 17, 2015 10:36 PM GMT

( I guess never mind on my last post) Aleya I raise my hand to my ear matching Nathan's frequency on the radio "the east side of the town is all secure captain, waiting for more orders" I say in the radio. I shoulder my rifle and scan the perimeter of the town to find only a child looking at me. I step to him rustling my rifle "you've got to leave" I tell him with the translation software, it really comes in handy though, the ability to talk in languages you don't know. The kid scurries off as I look to my back to see him run into the town, the town looks really well built but could it handle and attack?
#176420442Saturday, October 17, 2015 10:50 PM GMT

Nathan The comms link crackled with a voice. It was Specialist McKinley, and she reported that the East Side was secured. "Specialist McKinley, return to the inn, our temporary operating base. Rest up and prepare for night patrol shifts, just in case of an attack, over." I should probably head out for patrol duty as well, relieving David from duty. Ordering Fireteam Nexus to take a patrol route, I suited up in the HAVOK armor. Grabbing the HoloRifle, I headed out the door. David The field was real quiet when I arrived there, looking at the strange reading from the motion detector. I genuinely started to feel chills down my spine when I heard an inhuman cry. The motion detector started to crackle with red blimps converging on my position. Looking through the IRNV scopes, those were monsters. Orcs, goblins, trolls, all heading towards me. Taking careful aim with the sniper, I managed to take a few heads off, but it won't be enough with this slow gun. "ALERT! We have intruders at the West Side of the village! Requesting backup, over!" I pulled out my pistol and activated my innate AERIS abilities: the manipulation of air. Using fierce winds at my command, I tossed several monsters to their deaths off the cliff. Using the pistol as well, I was doing my best to fend off the invaders. It was the Schism Incident all over again.
#176420695Saturday, October 17, 2015 10:55 PM GMT

[Riella] "Acknowledged. Over." I reply with. I then turn to Nathan. "Sir? Permission to back-up David?" I spin my wrench, eager to get out.
#176420806Saturday, October 17, 2015 10:57 PM GMT

Aleya After Nathan's voice shut off I heard a call over the radio about intruders on the west side, I started into a sprint and began to make my way towards the west side, after I reached the edge of the town I got onto a building with a little bit of maneuvering. I pull out my holo sniper and began taking shots at what appeared to be demons fighting an AERIS soldier. As he fought I continued squeezing rounds down range into the opposing forces. I crackle my radio "this is McKinley assisting west side requesting nexus and all supporting AERIS to the west." After the call I continued to fire at the targets.
#176420996Saturday, October 17, 2015 11:00 PM GMT

[Riella] Well, guess I don't need permission. "Roger that. I'm on my way. Over." I rush to the west side as I open up my PDA and plonk down a sentry, whipping out my Beam Rifle as I fire it at the monsters. Once the sentry is built, it then targets the monsters and starts mowing them down. I then supercharge the bullets with my abilities and the firing-rate increases.
#176435003Sunday, October 18, 2015 2:16 AM GMT

Nathan I had a feeling that tonight wouldn't be quiet. Just a feeling. Nexus Fireteam gathered up and boosted their way to David's coordinates. From about 100 ft away, we could see that the battle had already started with the early responders. I had alerted the village chief about the monster attacks, and he had the village barricaded. Grabbing my HoloRifle and switching to full-auto, I fired a stream of Holo-rounds towards the incoming Orcs and Goblins. David was able to retreat with the use of his wind powers and joined with the rest of the Fireteam. "Here we go! David, continue providing sniper support from that hill over there. Mark, provide suppressive fire for us. Tim and Kyle, you guys are going in with me. Full use of AERIS abilities is permitted. Weapons-free Fireteam Nexus!" With the grappling hook, I zipped into the fray and fired off my HoloRifle. Charging up my Photon Stream, I fired the deadly ray into the middle of the horde. Tim took to the side firing off his Ice Blast, freezing the enemy and cracking the frozen corpses. Kyle finally let his fiery side free, burning the enemy with such an intensity.
#176457737Sunday, October 18, 2015 1:36 PM GMT

#176457772Sunday, October 18, 2015 1:37 PM GMT

[Riella] I keep firing my weapons and sentry at the monsters.
#176478415Sunday, October 18, 2015 7:22 PM GMT

Daichi Looks like one of the Fireteam Nexus members was in trouble, based on the comms transmission. Fireteam Loki headed out to rescue the troubled soldier, and commenced offensive operations. I took to the front lines along with Chris, while the Support Gunner and Specialists provided suppressive fire. I fired off rounds down the range rapidly while maneuvering from cover to cover. The enemy forces were mainly brutish orcs and goblins, so the target acquisition wasn't hard. The problem was that their hides were quite thick, so it took a lot of bullets in order to kill. I activated my AERIS abilities and fired off the lethal Darkness Stream towards the enemy, in addition to Shadow Daggers that I generated. The Dark Matter Collector kicked into high gear and soon my body was being filled with dark energy. My powers became increasingly powerful and I was mowing down the enemy forces.
#176489292Sunday, October 18, 2015 9:53 PM GMT

#176508387Monday, October 19, 2015 2:30 AM GMT

(probably will resume tomorrow again.)