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#17568324Tuesday, December 08, 2009 3:06 AM GMT

Table of Contents: 1.) Story line 2.) Rules 3.) Settlements 4.) Buildings & tech levels 5.) Building rules 6.) Classes, skills, Mutations, & races 7.) Human & Mute CS 8.) Becoming a Mute 9.) Combat rules 10.) looting 11.) death & damage 12.) Ending note --- 1.) This is a roleplaying game based upon a post-Apocalyptic era. Many cities around the world have been hit by nukes, leaving the world in ruin. Not enough landed to spark a Ice-age but the radiation has 'changed' the wildlife, and even humans. While many think the mutations would be great, they drive the mind crazy, and eventualy stop the heart. It has become a chore for you to simply survive the air. Atleast once a week you must find fresh water, air, or a radiation treatment facility (which are all very rare) just to prevent mutations. Not only that, but the 'mutes' as local slang calls them, are aggressive, and with their mutations could cause havoc in the few months or years they have left, which likely is more than you have. Weaponry is scarce, so meele has become a common survival technique, but is dangerous when taking a mute head on. Food is a common resorce, but is ofton irradiated, speeding up the process meaning you must 'dis-infect' your self sooner. Life is cruel now, get used to it. It is possible to band together with a few others and found a settlement, but nomadic life has higher chances of finding weapons. While that sounds good, it's also to be notted that settlements are safer and can producer clearner food... But can become common 'hored' attack sites. --------------- 2.) Rules, CS, and info below You must abide by ALL Roblox rules No Ubering Be fair with your CS 3.) Settlements: A group of 3+ players can name and found a settlement. It is to be considered a group of survivors banded together to.... survive! If you have seeds you will beable to grow a farm (with proper tools) and obtain lightly irradiated food to eat. with proper materials and atlest 1 builer you will beable to build some buildings to help your town grow. Buildings list (with tech level) below: 4.) --- (T#) = Tech level (S) = Scientist needed (E) Electricity needed (P) Perception needed (T1) Storage: Holds up to 100 items - one day House: Holds up to 10 personal items - 6 hours Stable: Holds horses, etc - 6 hours Barn: Hold cattle, pigs, cows, etc - 6 hours Grain silo: Holds up to 300 seeds - 12 hours (T2) Labratory: allows T2 buildings - one day Water distillary: Cleans irradiated water - 12 hours Armory: Holds up to 20 weapons - one day wooden Walls: deflects 15% of damage - one day (T3) Research facility: Allows T3 buildings - two days Radio tower: Allows communication between other settlements - three days (S)Auto-moblie factory: Produces cars, etc - four days Iron walls: Deflects 30% of damage - three days (T4) Research database: Allows T4 buildings - four days Solar farm: Used to supply power the electric buildings - four days Steel walls: Deflects 50% of damage - one week (T5) (E)Satalite dish: Allows T5 buildings - one week (E)(P)Turrets: Used to defend your town (adds 5dmg per hit) - five days (E)Electric fence: used to prevent outsiders from entering - four days Titnanium walls: Defelects 60% of damage - two weeks --- 5.) Each builder can only make one building per day. To advance tech levels you need scientists. Each scientist can attempt to advance tech level once a week, their chance of advanching it is based upon their skill in science If your fail building you must start over and try again. Your chance of building it is based on your building skill (out of 100) 6.) Classes: Builder - starts with 3 building skill Scavenger - starts with 3 scavenge skill Medic - starts with 3 medical skill Soldier - Starts with 3 str Farmer - starts with 3 farming skill Scientist - starts with 3 science skill Chef - Starts with 3 cooking skill Boxxer - starts with 3 melee skill Marksman - starts with 3 perception Races (Mutes only) Mongrel - Small, hard to hit, weak - 5dmg hits - Scout Lurker - Large, long deadly claws, weak - 15dmg hits - damage Jogger - Fast, easily blocked by Melee - 10dmg hits - Tank Mutations (Mutes only) - Mongrel - Rage: An attack that adds 10 points of damage (one use per day) Roll: Causes next attack to miss you (Takes a turn) Scale: Climbs a wall (takes a turn) Dreadful Howl: Stuns nearby humans for two turns (takes a turn)(50% hit rate) Lurker - Jump: Causes next attack to miss you (takes a turn) Lunge: deals and extra 15 dmg, but stuns you for a turn Ambulance chaser: Cling onto moving vehicles Stare of death: Hypnotyses a human. stuns him for 2 turns (deals self 3 dmg) prepair: reduces next hit to you by 5 dmg Jogger - Sprint: As long as it is in use you can not be hit (can't attack while in use) Whiplash: deal 5 extra damage next round (one use per day) Double clawed strike: Deal and extra 10 damage (one use per day) Fortify skin: Next strike to you does 10 less dmg Lick wounds: Heals self for 10 dmg (one use per day) Global - (For all races) Devour: Eat nearby food (heals 5 dmg) Bash: (Basic attack) Does class dmg Stab: (Basic attack) Does class dmg skill uses: Building: When building something, you have a %chance of suceeding Scavenging: chance of finding something Medical: Damage healed Strength: amount of damage done per hit (0.2 per point)(un-armed) Farming: chance of getting a weeks harvest science: chance of advanching Tech level\ Cooking: chance of turning a mute into edible food Melee: Determines melee damage (0.5 per point)(with Melee weapon) Perception: Determines damage with ranged weapons (1.0 per point) 7.) Human CS: Name: Gender: Class: Location: Apperance: Bio: Mute CS: Name: Race: Mutations (pick 3 for your race, and 2 others): Stats: 5 points to distrubute between skills (stats rise as used) (combat skills = 1dmg per point) (crafting skills = 1% chance of success per point) Str: _ Building: _ Scanvenging: _ Medical: _ Farming: _ Science: _ Cooking: _ Melee: _ Perception: _ 8.) Turning to a mute - When you die, you become a mute, plain and simple you can now PvMP (attack ANY human player) You can NOT use weapons, but can chose 5 mutations of seperate classes for your use. 9.) Combat rules: PvP - If two players are enemys factions (50% on the scale) they may engage in combat with each other and get the other to 50%. If two players are nemisie (100% on either side) they may fight to the death. PvMP (mute player) - If two players (A Human, and a Mute) meet, they may engage in combat to the death. Settlement v Settlement Seperate settlements can declair war on each other for territory, and resorces (Coming in V3) the rules are similar to PvP, just in this, the defending town have the advantage of walls, and turrets. Human combat rules - Humans may use weapons in the enviorment, such as chairs, broken bottles, swords, guns etc. Humans less than 50% on the faction may NOT engage in Human v Human combat. Mute Combat rules - Mutes may use Mutations, radiation poisons, or the enviorment to fight Humans. 10.) Looting - In FinS we host full body loot, meaning you can loot EVERYTHING on the corpse of the fallen. If their carrying a gun and ammo, feel free to take it. Sword? Take it. There is no limitation. Though mutes have no use, so you can not loot. 11.) Death - Once de your mutate You gain damage based upon your foes combat skills, you can take a maximum of 70dmg per hit (capped gunman with an rpg) Your health is as folows 0 - Perfect health 10 - slightly hurt 20 - minorly injured 30 - injured 40 - beat up 50 - lightly bleeding (+5 per day with no medical attention) 60 - slowly bleeding 70 - bleeding (+10 every day without medical care) 80 - badly bleeding 90 - dyeing 100 - Dead/Mutating ---------- 12.) I am sorry if I left something out, there will likely be many loop holes in something this size, just ignore it and go on. I thank you GREATLY for reading this all, and welcome you to V2!
#17569256Tuesday, December 08, 2009 3:26 AM GMT

Name:Alex Gender:M Class:Solider Location:East Europe Apperance:Black hair,green eyes,ripped jeans,ripped black t-shirt,scar on top of face Bio:Has been running for 2 weeks now after his town was attacked by mutes.
#17569386Tuesday, December 08, 2009 3:29 AM GMT

Name: GiseWindblade Gender: Male Class: Marksman Location: East Europe Apperance: My charactor Bio: Stats: Perception: 5 (+3) = 8
#17569526Tuesday, December 08, 2009 3:32 AM GMT

Stats: Str5 +3=8
#17569804Tuesday, December 08, 2009 3:39 AM GMT

Uhhhg, I just retured from my carrer as a farm and went the europe.... And find even HERE is a mess. Lets see, there any gun shops around here?
#17569894Tuesday, December 08, 2009 3:41 AM GMT

Name: Craig Gender: Male Class: Scout Location: Washington D.C. Apperance: Red hoodie, brown hair, jeans, white sports shoes, brused Bio:Walking down the street when he randomly passed out, he woke up and everyone was dead or hidious
#17569945Tuesday, December 08, 2009 3:42 AM GMT

Str: _ Building: _ Scanvenging: _ 2 Medical: _ Farming: _ Science: _ Cooking: _ Melee: _ Perception: _ 3
#17570104Tuesday, December 08, 2009 3:47 AM GMT

Eeer, there isn't a scout class, and which ever class you pick would change your stats.
Top 25 Poster
#17570162Tuesday, December 08, 2009 3:49 AM GMT

Name:Thorn Race:Lurker Mutations (pick 3 for your race, and 2 others):(Explain a bit more please?) Stats: 5 points to distribute between skills (stats rise as used) Str: 2 Melee: 3 Everything else:0
Top 25 Poster
#17570201Tuesday, December 08, 2009 3:50 AM GMT

Mutations:Jump, lunge, devour, stab, ambulance chaser
#17570234Tuesday, December 08, 2009 3:51 AM GMT

Hmm. I sould eborate on it. First off: Only humans can pick skills (sorry about not mentioning that) I gave a list of mutations under each mutant type's name, pick 3 for your race, and 2 from the global list.
#17570518Tuesday, December 08, 2009 4:00 AM GMT

Oh yes, one more thing: Human faction chart: Good Neautral Evil Ranger Fresh meat Fiend Will tell how it changes later.
#17572919Tuesday, December 08, 2009 12:26 PM GMT

Name: Cam Crimson Gender: Male Class: Farmer Location: With Gise Apperance: Black boots jeans white muscle shirt dog tags. Shaggy golden blond hair icey blue eyes Bio: Nothin special but been here since day one of this appocalypse.
#17574018Tuesday, December 08, 2009 1:51 PM GMT

(oh gosh! The old-ones return (From V1)!!!) Faction chart redo below: 100% 50% 0% -50% -100% Good Neautral Evil Ranger | Watcher | Fresh-meat | deciver | Fiend
#17574078Tuesday, December 08, 2009 1:56 PM GMT

Retry again -_- (the last one failed epicly) Good Neuatral Evil Ranger Fresh-meat Fiend
#17574103Tuesday, December 08, 2009 1:59 PM GMT

(sigh, well you get the idea.) If you help someone (donation of ammo/food/etc, you gain 1 point (equal to 1 -) If you steal something from another you lose 1 point (equal to 1 -) Once you get to 50% good or 50% evil, you can PvP anyone else higher than 50% up to 50dmg, at 100% good or evil, you can attack anyone and kill them (100 dmg)
#17590948Tuesday, December 08, 2009 11:17 PM GMT

(So lets get this game started!)
#17591186Tuesday, December 08, 2009 11:23 PM GMT

(Lets start)
#17591726Tuesday, December 08, 2009 11:31 PM GMT

Gise: Gah... I move from Texas to find the whole WORLD is in a wreck... Great... Wonder where the guys from sky ranch are.... *The howls of a jogger echo from the dark hall ways of the navy vessel gise is presently in* Oh gosh, not one of those... Wrose yet I don't have a gun... at ALL
#17601797Wednesday, December 09, 2009 2:15 AM GMT

(Come on post! Plus if anyone wants to Beta test my new game, please feel free :p) *Gise starts franticly seraching for a gun*
#17611806Wednesday, December 09, 2009 12:41 PM GMT

I rode in on my Jogger. "Woah Navidad." I tell the mute and hop off. "Sorry but I just need to train those mutes out there." I say. I was somewhat a mute wrangler.
#17612740Wednesday, December 09, 2009 2:04 PM GMT

Name: Christina Gallina Gender: Female Class: Soldier Location: Texas Apperance: Brunnette, deep brown eyes, medium height Bio:outgoing, strong, fierce, sometimes shy, brave
#17631394Wednesday, December 09, 2009 11:17 PM GMT

(Guys don't forget, humans need their stats chart in here (It will determine who much damage you do, or how good your odds of crafting)
#17631833Wednesday, December 09, 2009 11:23 PM GMT

I have 5 of everything on my skills.)
#17632831Wednesday, December 09, 2009 11:37 PM GMT

(eer... You get 5 points to spread out over the stats, and your class effects one stat by 3)

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