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#175734881Wednesday, October 07, 2015 9:55 PM GMT

Name: William Antoine Reine Title: Archbishop Reine Height: 5'11'' Faction: Clergy Role: Archbishop of Paris. Age: 36 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Anglo-French. Background: His father was an Englishman and in France for business in 1898, where he met Antoine's mother. They married in 1903, and Antoine was born the next year on August 6th, 1904. His father taught him fluent English, while he grew up speaking French. He often can be used as a translator, and he is interested with the current government, as it has appeared to be both a good and a bad thing, therefore he usually remains to himself on subjects related. He was born in Paris, raised and educated in London, in the slums. After he graduated from school, he moved back to Paris, (1932) and was a fully educated and capable Priest. He was ordained in 1933, at the age of 29. Antoine watches out for all of his children, though he isn't sure where to stand with the Resistance and the military government, so he usually stands on the side of God.

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