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#175742100Wednesday, October 07, 2015 11:23 PM GMT

The small group originated from just two people who began selling for more money, in the torn streets of Honolulu where they previously owned a building. After being raided plenty of times by bandit groups, their funding to keep their business alive was scarce. The head of the business decided to make a fund to be transported, where they could make money in a more timely fashion. The only area where there was a great deal of PWD was in Pearl Harbour, Hawaii. In 2080, the group started a market in Pearl Harbor. This market was used to streamline drugs, high powered weaponry, and information without the tedious annoyance of the CDF, or the USCPF. They first started producing weapons and drugs to sandsharks, which gave them a small business reputation. By 2085, they had gained a large patronage that had bought goods from them. With this, they had acquired unwanted recognition from the the CDF, and the USCPF. The Black market had immediately been declared a threat, because they had produced a high amount of arms. In 2086, they had hired a band of several men to assist them in getting to Pearl Harbor. By 2087, they began to prosper across Pearl Harbor, gathering more customers and getting caravans to ship their firearms. Soon drugs came into the operation, as selling drugs was becoming a large impact on the Black Market society. But during 2087, the CDF and the USCPF began to make operations that sought out high value members in the Black Market. This resulted in several members being arrested and executed. The Black Market stayed strong however, still selling to this day. The operation has grown exponentially, making plans to expand across the Americas. In 2099 they began to launch attacks on CDF and USCPF forces, which kick-started their new reputation as radicals.

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