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#175758844Thursday, October 08, 2015 3:03 AM GMT

1 person (or more) gets scammed everyday, because of scammers. They lose their accounts, or lose everything on their account. If ROBLOX censors offsite links, people won't get scammed as much anymore. Then, scammers will have a hard time trying to scam people, and they won't be able to take anyone's account. This is also a good idea, because people won't be able to post inappropriate images/pictures and share it to others.
#175761684Thursday, October 08, 2015 4:01 AM GMT

R o b l o x . C o m Ro b lox. C om. Remove the s See what I'm doing? No sense trying mate, just report it and move on. Your estimate isn't really that shearing of a number to be frank with yah. 1 a day is really not that much considering a good amount of these phished are new and can't spell their username anyways.
#175762456Thursday, October 08, 2015 4:23 AM GMT

First of all, about 12,000 people get scammed everyday. And how else am I supposed to steal peo- WOAH. Jk about that xD anyways horrible diea

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