#175922369Saturday, October 10, 2015 6:31 PM GMT

Carter examined the walls of the small room. Any weak spots? Poorly made spots? Anything to get a breath of fresh air, or at least come in contact with the outside world. (any places where the place is poorly made, crystal?) i think people will bash me for this
#175922429Saturday, October 10, 2015 6:32 PM GMT

Akrol "Hey! I am trying to rest here!" I react when I hear loud noises coming from someone's room.
#175922471Saturday, October 10, 2015 6:33 PM GMT

mfw I can't post until I get back home which will be hours because the trip from here to there takes hours ))
#175922708Saturday, October 10, 2015 6:36 PM GMT

Erik I hear a faint response, and calm down a bit. Others are in this situation, so it can't be that bad. I guess there's hope, if the others are still around. Not much though, but there's something. I calm down for now, and just sit down in the corner. It's safe there, as I quickly come to the realization that as long as I'm in the corner, no one can get me. I won't let them take me out of the corner. No more body pain. Just the corner of safety.
#175922720Saturday, October 10, 2015 6:36 PM GMT

Minito searched the room for whomever yelled out. What he said was true. He felt something new. As if he knew what the man was feeling.
#175922850Saturday, October 10, 2015 6:37 PM GMT

Lucas heard someone call out, but he ignored the noise. He looked down to his hands, which were dry and raw. They'd been that way as long as he could remember (Though it wasn't long).
#175922855Saturday, October 10, 2015 6:37 PM GMT

Kestrel drew himself into one of the corners, his brown gaze darting about the bodies he was clustered with. While the cool, cement walls weren't much, it was a relief to have something solid against his back. He wasn't wary, so much as observant - as the corner provided the best outlook of the room spread out before him, and those tucked within. Kes' brown jewels were on the outlook for the most interesting of the characters, the few who might be useful. For the time being, the brunette kept his tongue.
#175922924Saturday, October 10, 2015 6:38 PM GMT

Akrol I begin looking at the other rooms, "....."
#175922954Saturday, October 10, 2015 6:38 PM GMT

"SHUT UP, I'M THINKING!" Carter yelped. i think people will bash me for this
#175923098Saturday, October 10, 2015 6:40 PM GMT

"Not much to think about," Lucas muttered.
#175923112Saturday, October 10, 2015 6:40 PM GMT

Minito decided that he couldn't bear the slight sensation of burning. He lied down on the cold cement and spread his limbs out. As if it would actually cool down his body.
#175923113Saturday, October 10, 2015 6:40 PM GMT

sorry pick and no, none in these rooms tardy] Aaron sat cross legged on the floor, right where he'd been tossed. He placed his arms on the floor - the burning sensation had started to wear off, well, less like 'wear off' and just move to his arms and hands. The cold stone floor helped just a bit. Aaron couldn't help but feel excited - something different was happening! He hadn't felt like this in years; he tried to remember the last time, but his head just hurt. And the part where the doctor said something like "your time in the facility is almost over?" Aaron couldn't help but shake from excitement. With a thud and a boom echoing throughout the entire facility, the facility began to shake. Orange light peeked its way in through all of the doors little glass windows.
#175923133Saturday, October 10, 2015 6:40 PM GMT

Erik I kept to the corner, hearing other screams. It wasn't safe to leave, I had decided that already. If the other's yells were any indication, the only place safe would be here. I was safe. No one could get me.
#175923237Saturday, October 10, 2015 6:42 PM GMT

Akrol I notice the orange light and I try to find out what it is.
#175923264Saturday, October 10, 2015 6:42 PM GMT

Carter groaned, as he realized there were no weak spots. He quickly looked around for a window to call through instead. He got up to his feet. i think people will bash me for this
#175923310Saturday, October 10, 2015 6:43 PM GMT

Minito yelped. Maybe the voice didn't mean "free". Perhaps he meant that they would all die. He covered his ears in hopes of blocking out the noise.
#175923316Saturday, October 10, 2015 6:43 PM GMT

(mfw this thread reaches to fifty pages in one night))
#175923358Saturday, October 10, 2015 6:43 PM GMT

Lucas didn't move. The burning sensation hadn't quite yet left, and the shaking was obviously not safe. He could tell there was a new orange light coming through, but the scene was fuzzy to him and he couldn't quite tell from where.
#175923402Saturday, October 10, 2015 6:44 PM GMT

He began to sweat. He thought of why the light may exist. He wondered what the thud was. All of these questions raced through his head as he looked everywhere for the source of the light. i think people will bash me for this
#175923768Saturday, October 10, 2015 6:48 PM GMT

[guys question, back in my prime RPing time I always used to make titanpads for the rpers to come in and talk and organize their posts a bit beforehand so things wouldn't get kinda chaos-y and as fast as they are now. I have another chat client that's better than titanpad imo for chatting, would you guys want to use it because I can't even keep up that good lmao] Aaron quickly got up, his arms were cold as he left the floor but quickly began began burning again. He tried to angle it so he could see outside of his door and could barely make it out - he did see flashes of red, yellow and orange and hear things he could only describe as blasts and screaming. He saw some other faces glued to the small windows as well, he wasn't the only curious one.
#175923904Saturday, October 10, 2015 6:50 PM GMT

Carter looked right at Aaron and put up the middle finger, proceeding to point at the speaker which the voice came from. i think people will bash me for this
#175924007Saturday, October 10, 2015 6:51 PM GMT

Lucas heard the quiet footsteps of others going to the doors to see what was happening. He didn't bother -- it wouldn't have been much of a show for him anyway.
#175924084Saturday, October 10, 2015 6:52 PM GMT

Erik The light, whatever it was, wasn't safe. There was no way I would move close enough to investigate. Not when I would have to leave the safety of the corner. I just need a corner. The corner forever, will keep me safe. They're all looking. But no, not me. The guards won't get me!
#175924132Saturday, October 10, 2015 6:52 PM GMT

Whoops, read the intro wrong, my bad, lol. ] Throughout the lights, the yells, the shaking, Kestrel remained calm. He processed everything on some sort of level - it just wasn't concerning to him. Unlike some of the others, who he could sense if he placed his ear flat against the wall [ their shouts, the sounds ] he remained quiet. Something was happening, that much was for sure, Kes just didn't feel it. "Bring it on," his lips silently mouthed. "I'm ready."
#175924261Saturday, October 10, 2015 6:54 PM GMT

Aaron fell backwards from the door when a wave of fire went flying down the corridor and covering his window. A huge roar went along with it, and then a screech. He caught himself before he fell and looked back at the door only to hear two loud bangs. Gunshots, he thought. With those sounds, he heard an alarm ensue, and the entire facility was soaked in a crimson colour.