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#176031147Sunday, October 11, 2015 10:07 PM GMT

There once was a story, a story like no other. Everyone would gather around just to listen to it, and everybody has heard it at least twice. Long ago, a creature with wings of great proportions, and scales of beautiful colors was born into the world. They were known as dragons. Along with the dragons, were the humans. The humans would cower away from the dragons; in fear. But, one day, one human finally decided to do what no others dared. They not only tamed the dragon, but rode it across the sky. The other humans caught on, and soon, the world was full of humans riding dragons. They were later called Dragon Riders. But, a few humans formed a Council, and the Council disapproved of the Dragon Riders. They sought out and captured every Dragon Rider, locking them away in dungeons until they had perished, unable to teach the young ones the ways of Dragon Riding. The Council built a town far away from the dragons, and kept everyone there. But, a little boy escaped the town, and ventured into the wilderness. It was then where he had discovered the dragons' existence. He grew up studying and observing them, and one day, grew up the courage, and became a Dragon Rider. The story of the Dragon Rider flew across town, and enraged the Council. The Council spent countless days searching for the said Dragon Rider, but they never came across him. It was said, if you wanted to learn from the Dragon Rider, you would have to venture into the forest and prove to him that you are pure. But, would anyone be so curious as to go? There is only one piece of information about the Dragon Rider himself. He dwells in the forest, and is rarely ever seen. • All ROBLOX Rules apply • You cannot start off as a Dragon Rider, your character must be 'taught' • No god modding/power playing • KEEP GENDERS EVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! • Please no making dragon forms. Dragons are not sentient beings. • No dating your own characters. Boooooring and gross! • At least 3-4 sentences. I understand Writer's Block, but please not every post you make. • Age range does not matter XD • PM reservations please. Reservations last 24 hours. • Fade To Black/Time Skip when needed • Dragons will not immediately like a newcomer, so please do not make it so • You may have as many characters as you would like • No fighting OOC, please. • You may make your own forms
#176033990Sunday, October 11, 2015 10:43 PM GMT

#176034107Sunday, October 11, 2015 10:44 PM GMT

Why is Minty a bad character again?
#176034287Sunday, October 11, 2015 10:47 PM GMT

She stole RPs from another site.

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