#176470750Sunday, October 18, 2015 5:30 PM GMT

One of my favorite books. You shame it and me.
#176471425Sunday, October 18, 2015 5:41 PM GMT

AGE: 16 NAME: Jason 'Jay' South SKILLS: Hand to hand combat - Weaponary combat TRAIL SCORE: 1499 PERSONALITY: He is quiet. But when he speaks he is very straight and sometimes uses bad language (I won't use it) APPERANCE: Brown spiky hair along with headphones hanging from his neck OTHER: N/A BIO: His parents were murdered (stabbed) infront of him. He threw himself on the murderer breaking his arm and leg in the proccess. The muderer wasn't caught and swears to kill anybody who harms him. Weapons: Dual daggers - pistols and a sniper.
#176473077Sunday, October 18, 2015 6:04 PM GMT

Accepted Let's start....
#176473622Sunday, October 18, 2015 6:11 PM GMT

"Ugh" Josh said as he sat in the head master's office of the academy for going off school grounds and climbing and 30 story building, Too bad they caught him before he got to the top. "Well, Josh we are going to let you off with a warning because you are the best student in the academy it would be a shame to lose you......." so as the headmaster droned own Josh finally got to leave the head masters office, By now he thought there probably are rumors spreading like forest fires because Josh was 4 years ahed of most kids josh was in college by the time his friends finished middle school, So at this school he was very respected also being the first kid to get 1500 on his trail (BTW we need more people with 1500 and we need more people)
#176473836Sunday, October 18, 2015 6:15 PM GMT

Anyone else going to join?
#176476267Sunday, October 18, 2015 6:51 PM GMT

CS AGE:18 NAME: Thomas Clark SKILLS:Fighting, negotiation, and commercial awareness. TRAIL SCORE:1450 PERSONALITY:Smart, Humorous, and has OCD. APPEARANCE: Navy blue slicked back hair, black cloth trench coat, khakis, Jordans, and Aviators OTHER: Has a black dog and carries around his weapons at all times. BIO: Came from an abusive family and left them after suffering to Weapons: Pocket knife and .380 Semiautomatic Pistol.
#176478439Sunday, October 18, 2015 7:22 PM GMT

#176479270Sunday, October 18, 2015 7:34 PM GMT

no more?
#176480512Sunday, October 18, 2015 7:50 PM GMT

Any more?
#176483322Sunday, October 18, 2015 8:28 PM GMT

ANYONE !!!!!!!!!!!
#176489821Sunday, October 18, 2015 10:02 PM GMT

(Hopefully, I can still join o-o) CS AGE: 15 NAME: Ahron J. Owens SKILLS: Expert at parkour and the 'Art of Robbery'. Capable of hand-to-hand combat, and is an excellent strategist. He is also very well experienced when it comes to handling melee-based weapons. TRAIL SCORE: 1450 PERSONALITY: Quiet, Level-Headed, Intelligent, Clever, Loyal, Sneaky, Agile, Athletic and Generous APPERANCE: 5.7 ft tall, Albino - Messy white hair, very pale skin, and blue eyes. Wears a black, sleeve-less vest with a hood, along with a plain grey shirt and black leather gloves. Black pants and combat boots. He also sports a plain, white mask on his face whenever he goes on his 'robbing sprees' to conceal his identity from people. OTHER: He's quite a fan of a literature as his room is full of books consisting of different genres. In dire situations, Ahron is known to be suprisingly calm. His level of cool can be found rather irritating to some people. BIO: 4 years ago, Ahron's family was on the brink of poverty when his father lost his job and his mom fell terribly ill. His father now works as a plumber with a measly pay, which cannot support the family of 5. Ahron, being the eldest child, now holds the task of supporting the family by means of robbery. Despite the protests of his father who has grown very worried over the idea of his son getting caught by authorities, Ahron risks it all in order to help his father in supporting his family. He is now an experienced and skilled robber, capable of stealing items worth hundreds to thousands of dollars. He has never been caught by the authorities, although there were times when he nearly did. Nevertheless, his identity still remains a mystery to people as he conceals his face behind a white mask. Ahron, being able to see and understand the suffering of those living in poverty, gives away half of the loot he gets from robbing to them so that they may be able to live the rest of their lives comfortably. To authorities, he is known as one of States' many criminals. But to these poverty-stricken people, he is known as their 'Good Samaritan'. WEAPONS: Dual hunting knives, A katana blade and a thick metal baton.
#176498151Monday, October 19, 2015 12:03 AM GMT

Accepted but i would make the trail score higher. (Wanna be friends in-RP)
#176500010Monday, October 19, 2015 12:31 AM GMT

#176500098Monday, October 19, 2015 12:32 AM GMT

Bumped approved by LoC (BTW does anyone know who that is)
#176501004Monday, October 19, 2015 12:48 AM GMT

Anymore i am giving 1 last chance!
#176502222Monday, October 19, 2015 1:04 AM GMT

Can I start?
#176502448Monday, October 19, 2015 1:08 AM GMT

My score is now 1489
#176502943Monday, October 19, 2015 1:16 AM GMT

#176510799Monday, October 19, 2015 3:05 AM GMT

I'd finish doing my homework, put my stuff in my backpack and start heading to the local baseball field, my baseball bat would be knocking against the back of my foot as I walked, since the bat was hanging off the bottom of my backpack. Then I'd change into a red, white, and grey baseball uniform, and start to practice batting. "Alright let's see how much I've improved.." I would say to myself, then swing the bat as hard as I could against the ball on the tee. The ball would form a black dot in the sky, then drop over the fence at the end of the field. "Yes! Home run!" I'd yell. I would practice a few more swings until sundown, the I'd search through my backpack revealing a gameboy, I would push the button turning it on revealing a screen with a command prompt on it, it would read: 'Riley's miles: month 1: approx 0.2 miles Month 2: approx 0.7 miles, I would plug in 'month 3: approx 0.9 miles. Then I'd start to walk home.
#176518294Monday, October 19, 2015 6:49 AM GMT

Eh, I'm okay with the trail score of 1450 XD Oh, and sure.
#176519168Monday, October 19, 2015 7:52 AM GMT

-- Ahron -- "Get that man!" I quickly grabbed the large black duffel bag that I've just filled with cash and hurled it towards the open vent on the wall infront of me, wielding out my two hunting knives just as three uniformed men burst through the doorway. I've managed to dodge them just a while ago in the safe room, but now they've managed to catch up to me. "Drop the weapons now!" Eyeing each of them carefully, I tightened my grasp on the knives in my hands as the barrel of their guns were pointed towards me. I scanned the room for anything that I can use for a distraction of some sort. I spotted a security camera that was installed in the corner of the room, its lens pointing directly at me. Luckily, my mask was still intact on my face. So there's no way that they're ever gonna find me. My eyes fell upon an half filled ash tray stand that stood right next to me. There was a also a small fan on the ground, the air blowing towards the direction of the men. Giving the men one final glance, I immediately bent down and gave the stand a quick side swipe with my leg. They pulled the trigger of their guns, missing my head by a few inches as the ash tray fell to the floor with a loud metallic thud. The stand fell sideways, the ash falling straight in the path of the fan. The air carried the ash particles and blew them right at the men's faces. They dropped their guns and began screaming and coughing. Shielding their faces with their arms. Grabbing the opportunity, I dashed towards the men. Attacking them with my knives. As the men fell, I holstered my weapons back into the straps on my belt. I looked back at the security camera and saw that it was still pointing at me. I smirked under my mask and pulled up the hood of my vest, pulling it over my head before walking over to the camera and ripping it out from its spot on the wall. I threw the device on the ground and stomped on it with my boots. Crushing it until I was certain that it will be of no use anymore. Satisfied, I walked back to the vent and leaped inside, grabbing the duffel bag that I've thrown in earlier and exiting through the back of the building. The sky was getting dark, and there wasn't that much people around. Slinging the bag over my shoulder, I made a run for home.
#176519220Monday, October 19, 2015 7:57 AM GMT

(Had to revise mine a lot because some parts were 'violating' ROBLOX rules. And my Ipad was getting really laggy so I couldn't check for any spelling/grammar errors :P)
#176532676Monday, October 19, 2015 7:11 PM GMT

I'd run and see a White House in front of me with a tan wooden fence, I hurdled over the fence and landed on my feet unscathed, and unlocked the door, after I threw my backpack on the floor near the couch I hopped on the couch and turned on the TV. My parents don't get home until 12:00am so I have enough time to watch some shows, surfing the channels some channel show would read: 'The cowboy; This was a movie about a cowboy that saved a town from wild dogs, the next one was 'R News at 8' I kept this show on to see the top stories. The headline read 'BREAKING NEWS LOCAL BANK ROBBED BY MASKED MAN' I watched the coverage for a couple hours, the switched to boring old politics and dosed off to sleep.
#176630047Wednesday, October 21, 2015 11:01 AM GMT

-- Ahron -- As I was running back home with the duffel bag in tow, I saw police cars coming up to the street I was currently in. The wail of their sirens getting louder and louder as they became closer. I spotted a dark alleyway nearby and jumped inside, hiding behind an old, smelly dumpster. Disgusting. Nevertheless, the police cars zipped past the alleyway, completely oblivious of my presence. I waited for the sirens to fade away until zi was certain that they had left the vicinity. I got out from my hiding spot and dashed back home. My house was simple, one-story building with 3 small bed rooms, 1 bathroom, a kitchenette and and box-spaced living room. Not something classy, but what do you expect out of a family that has fallen into poverty? With an ill mother and a father who earns a measly salary as a plumber? Life ain't easy like this. My siblings weren't home, probably outside playing with some friends. My dad seemed to have just arrived however, as he was changing out of his grubby, plumber's uniform and into a white shirt and old, faded jeans. He turned around and saw me by then doorway, his eyes full of happiness and relief. "Ahron! There you are!" He came up to me and hugged me, I hugged him back. "I've just heard police cars driving past our neighborhood! I was worried that you've been caught or something! It's a relief to see you back here, safe and sound." I let go of my dad and laughed, "Dad, I've been robbing banks and stores for over 4 years now! Almost 5, even. I've never been caught ever since." After chatting with my dad for a few minutes, I dumped a half of the cash I've stolen onto the dining table in our kitchenette for my dad to handle with. I checked on my bed-ridden mom and saw her sleeping peacefully on her bed. I kissed her gently on the forehead and left the house with my duffel bag containing the other half of the loot I've stolen, and went straight to the slum areas nearby. Gotta share my 'blessings' y'know.
#176808872Saturday, October 24, 2015 3:59 PM GMT