#176251748Thursday, October 15, 2015 2:32 AM GMT

Rock, just let the Mega do what he wants. If it fails, it fails.
#176251832Thursday, October 15, 2015 2:33 AM GMT

No. I'm doing this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvJXf8aEVRA A better sounding word would be despicable, by the way, if you want to try to insult me. You aren't really worth my time any way, and not to be mean, but you never will be, with that Eyoore attitude of yours. Online it will only get you hatred. And in real life, if you use that kind of an attitude, you are known only as an idiot. I'm going to try to pull this off, whether you like it or not. And you can be part of it, part of me trying to get better at what I'm doing. I'm going to fake it until I make it. Or, if I wanna be really cheesy, until I become it.
#176251890Thursday, October 15, 2015 2:34 AM GMT

(That was at rock, by the way, levian. Not you.)
#176252314Thursday, October 15, 2015 2:39 AM GMT

I have never seen anyone more uncreative, dull, and uninspiring as you are Yoy don't even try to deviate from your style Bury yourself you rotting can of uninspiration I find the fattest dork in my school more likeable than your horrifyingly grotesque personality
#176252763Thursday, October 15, 2015 2:45 AM GMT

Fine. I'm changing the subject of this interest check. This is what me and rock collabed on. Tell me if your interested or not. Since the birth of humanity and the Gazur (Anthros), the two have lived together in society as equals. History has gone exactly as it has in our world, until the year 2016. During the year 2016, 80% of the human population and 30% of the Gazur population was wiped out in a series of events known as "The Calamity". These events included meteor showers, nuclear disasters, and climate changes. By the end of these events, the Gazur, now the dominant race, made a promise to protect the remaining human population. For 200 years, that promise was kept, until the year 2112. During that year, the promise was broken when the president was elected. The new president, a ratlike Gazur known as Mackenzie Yorkinson, targeted humans as " Unproductive Vermin". This resulted in several riots, both from Gazur and the remaining humans. During these riots, the NAFH (National Advancement for Humanity) had formed to try and protect the rights of humans worldwide. The organization was led by a council of twelve members. The riots were soon backed by the NAFH, and Mackenzie tried to shut the organization down. It had failed, and after the attempt to shut it down, the NAFH gained more and more members. Due to the chaos of the riots, often the destruction of buildings and other establishments,The human population soon dropped 5%, leaving only 15% of the human population from before the Calamity left. Humanity hasn't recovered. It had since been 500 years since the Calamity. Both sides have forgotten about the promise. Gazur are dominant in the government, and law enforcement has gotten to be more and more suspicious of humans. The government has now turned to bounty hunters, rather than police. With the promise forgotten, and the rapid increase in crime, the Gazur controlled government has started to issue harsher punishments for lesser crimes. Bounty Hunters are authorized to use force if any sort of resistance whatsoever is given by criminals, even for minor crimes or talking back. These bounty hunters often use questionable methods. The only thing that some humans have gained is both a blessing and a curse, and this blessing also developed in a few Gazur as well. Over the years, some humans and a select few Gazur have received rather, "Supernatural" abilities. There are reports of some beings able to conjure a pencil, then turn it into a semitruck at will, mainly children. These abilities, and their users, have become known as "Astelites", and the mysterious particle used in these powers “Astellions”. These powers are extremely difficult to control, and when they first surface, they often kill the user and people around them in an explosion of energy. When this happens, the government shows no mercy, and still views them as criminals. The most common occurrence of this, is in children, as most Astelites gain their powers at a young age, usually human ones. Some credit for NAFH and president Mackenzie goes to Rockmax2112alt. However, he and I are no longer collaborating on this,, unless he wants to continue. If he doesn't, no matter. Me and friends are doing our own version of this. If the two versions differ, and are written well enough to be a story, I'll post both of them as stories.
#176255324Thursday, October 15, 2015 3:29 AM GMT

Why do you guys fight so much.
#176255399Thursday, October 15, 2015 3:31 AM GMT

I don't know. I want him to stop. I don't care what he says, it's harassment. I don't want to deal with him anymore.
#176275852Thursday, October 15, 2015 6:43 PM GMT

So, seriously, does anyone want to collab on Tales of Banderia or Bandal or WHATEVER we want to call it?
#176283042Thursday, October 15, 2015 8:47 PM GMT

I don't think you've learned that I don't know Its slightly possible Even a teensy, small bit Just a small sliver Nobody Wants This
#176283508Thursday, October 15, 2015 8:54 PM GMT

Nobody wants you when you act like this.
#176283562Thursday, October 15, 2015 8:55 PM GMT

Oi Rock, pm me the ideas for that stuff we discussed earlier.
#176338072Friday, October 16, 2015 7:36 PM GMT

I'm going to try to rewrite Tales of Bandal again, this time's plot will be in a narrative form. Then I'm going to put on here as an interest check.
#176338974Friday, October 16, 2015 7:51 PM GMT

@mega +1 interest for the failed collab-thing with rock.
#176348995Friday, October 16, 2015 10:15 PM GMT

Ok. Still trying to rewrite Banderia/ Bandal.
#176349244Friday, October 16, 2015 10:18 PM GMT

Why do you guys fight so much. x2
#176350779Friday, October 16, 2015 10:40 PM GMT

I dunno...
#176350990Friday, October 16, 2015 10:44 PM GMT

Mega, have you read the message that I sent you?
#176359358Saturday, October 17, 2015 12:52 AM GMT

Sorry, too busy to do a collab right now. It's been crazy enough trying to keep up on here. Tales of Banderia “My world, Asher Darathos…” A young woman says, looking down upon a blue and green planet. Five beacons of light shine on the surface, glowing brilliantly, though only she can see them. The woman is enveloped in a beautiful golden aura. She herself is beautiful, in an odd way. Her ears are slightly pointed, and her eyes are golden. Her eyes' pupils have a small, almost invisible red light in the center. Wings spread from her back, dazzling white, and scales are intermixed with feathers. She has long, gorgeous brown hair, that falls down around her shoulders. She is the Goddess of the world, Banderia. Banderia stands up from her knee, off of the invisible floor. With a flap of her wings, she flies upwards, and then dives downwards, towards the planet. An invisible force stops her. Bolts of energy blast outward, propelling her backwards into the darkness above. She lands roughly onto the invisible floor. “Should've known that wouldn't work… I can't even visit them...” Banderia says, tears starting to stream from her eyes. She remembers what had happened all those years ago… Banderia was still a young Creation Spirit. She had lived amongst the only 6 other beings in the universe for most of her life. But, she was the only spirit without a world of her own. The only spirit without a place to call home. One day, or, the closest thing to a day that a Creation Spirit had, she went to the mother spirit, Rem. She was ready to build her own world… but she wanted to work with her other brothers and sisters to do so. And so, they got to work. Efreet, the master of flame, supplied the energy for the world from within. Gnome, the master of rock, surrounded that energy with stone, creating channels for that energy to flow. Sylph, master of the winds, gave the planet an atmosphere that could support Banderia's creation… life. Undine, who had power over water, poured her magic over the world and filled it with seas that could sustain life, leaving some of the land mostly untouched. Finally, the second youngest, Zeranthes, created metals within the planet. Banderia did the final touch. She created life- both physical and spiritual, giving all beings of the earth a soul, and also providing them with magic. Finally, their labors completed, the spirits other than Banderia departed to their worlds, and Banderia lived among her creations. However, disaster soon came. Another being, previously hidden from them all, attacked. He was the Spirit of Destruction, Khaos. And he wanted one thing: Banderia as his bride. Rem could see that he was going to destroy Banderia. And so, she refused to allow him to touch her. Battle between creation spirits ensued, and in the end, Zeranthes betrayed the spirits. He gave his body to Khaos, and Khaos destroyed the other Spirits. I can only say I hope that this plot isn't too bad, I'm kind of feeling iffy on it. I know what I want to have happen, I just don't know how to put it into words. :-p Anyway, better, or worse? However, Banderia was able to save two worlds, Asher Darathos, and Rem's world. She used the last of her power to split the universe into four dimensions: The physical world, the Elemental Spirit world, and the passed world, were the souls of the dead receive reeducation (if they were bad eggs,) or paradise, unless they decide to try once more at life. The fourth dimension was small, as it was a prison for both Khaos and Zeranthes. Now, over 10,000 years had passed on her world. She was locked from it, only capable of answering prayers and sending her elemental spirits. It was almost impossible for her to know of what was happening, though, she knew that a war had been raging. She could see that, using her scrying magic. She was almost omnipotent, yet so helpless to stop her own children from killing each other… And this blinded her to what was happening. Zeranthes, or Khaos, for the two had become one, was breaking out of the seal. She no longer had any ability to defeat either of them… in fact, the fate of her world was now in the hands of her children.
#176359424Saturday, October 17, 2015 12:53 AM GMT

i killed myself with a spoon "I saw the light: It was a light."
#176359547Saturday, October 17, 2015 12:55 AM GMT

No, rock. No suicide, it's bad for your health. Just eat cookies until you feel better. *I hit him over the head with a chocolate chip cookie jar*
#176359910Saturday, October 17, 2015 12:59 AM GMT

i literally have no idea what the hell i read was it e fanfiction???? i may never know "I saw the light: It was a light."
#176360031Saturday, October 17, 2015 1:01 AM GMT

It was a plot.
#176360261Saturday, October 17, 2015 1:04 AM GMT

I doubt rock read it. It's okay, I think his stories are bland and boring too.
#176360564Saturday, October 17, 2015 1:08 AM GMT

Mine, or his? Either way, I'm starting to doubt my abilities as a writer. I'm trying so hard, too. Maybe too hard. Did you read it, Wi-Fi? How bad/ good was it?
#176360664Saturday, October 17, 2015 1:09 AM GMT

His and no i didn't.