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#176281316Thursday, October 15, 2015 8:23 PM GMT

{RNFL} Rules: Please abide to all the rules below or consequences will be issued. Additional Rules and Information may be added during the Season. The rules and information applies below. I understand that this is a large list to comprehend but I want to ensure the best defensive game play that we have to offer. General Group Information- Each Quarter is 5 Minutes Long. Clock stops after every play, If a Player is tackled in bounds the clock starts at the whistle if the play was incomplete, the player ran out of bounds, a Turnover recovery or a Special Teams Recovery the clock then will start at the snap. Coaches can use the shout for Practice or Tryouts only on the following days- Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Any other day a shout is posted on the ability to shout will be removed. Please do not over shout other shouts if it's going to make it too long, Wait until 10 Minutes after the even that was shouted had begun to shout. Players cannot be released. They are no longer allowed to transfer either, Due to teams being able to give their best players to teams who made the play offs to give them an upper hand. If a coach is to miss 2 games in a season they will be fired no excuses and no exceptions, If you take on the responsibility you are expected to be active and productive. The Roster Minimum is 10 Players, The Max is 35. Players who leave and rejoin the league will be placed on a team with a bad record. Playoff Information- Top 6 Teams Advance to playoffs. The Winner of Seed 3 vs Seed 6 will play Seed 2. The Winner of Seed 4 vs Seed 5 will play Seed 1. In-Game General Rules and Information- Each Team has 1 Challenge and 3 Timeouts Per Game. The Minimal is 4 vs 4 the Max is 11 vs 11. In order for subs to be used, The Coach of the Opposing team that's needing subs will have to grant permission if denied a forfeit will be received. Games with 9v9 or Higher is required to have 4 Linemen including the Center. All snaps must be directly to the Quarterback. All Kickoffs start at the 35 unless a Penalty was activated. Onside Kicks now must go 20 yards anything shorter will be an automatic down for the other team. Wherever the ball lands. An onside kick in any situation can only be used Once per game. If down by 10 or more Points a team can onside kick. Kickers and Punters cannot move at all During a PAT, FG or Punt. This Includes jumping. Also on Punts, a clock will start at 5 once the Whistle is called if the clock reaches 0 the Punter can be tackled as if it were a live play. For an FG or PAT the clock starts at 10 seconds. Diving behind the LOS is not allowed until the Ball Carrier crosses the LOS. Punters and Kickers must stand exactly 10 yards away from their Snapper. Max FG range is the 50. Players have to mandatory Punt if they are not in FG range. If in FG range they have to kick the FG unless it's the 4th Quarter. Over Time Rules- If the First Possession scores on a TD the game is over. If both Possessions score on FGs or don't score at all, The game continues into another Over Time. Instead of kick offs each Possession will start at the Opponents 40 yard line. Penalties- Offside/Encroachment: 5 Yards. Roughing the Kicker on a PAT: Automatically Good. Roughing the Punter or Kicker (Attempting a FG): 15 yards. Too many players on the Field: 5 Yards. Intentional Grounding (When ball gos oob or thrown inc before LOS) 15 Yards. Arguing a call that is Final: 1 Warning. Continued results in an Ejection. Unsportsmanlike Conduct: Talking Smack, Calling each other negative names or down grading other players: 1st Offense- Benched for 1 Play. 2nd Offense- Personal Warning and Benched 1 Play. 3rd Offense- Ejection. Late Hit (OOB): 5 Yards.

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