#176568814Tuesday, October 20, 2015 4:31 AM GMT

-EXTERMINATION OF RACE COMMENCES, CONQUEST FLEET DEPLOYING- While they could pack a punch in space, CODE had also outfitted its ships with weapons designed cause maximum damage to planets, and the beings that lived on them. Quantum Energy Accelerators, for example, could wipe out cities if the ship could get close enough so the beam was not deflected by the planet's atmosphere and magnetic field. But again, this was among the least of CODE's arsenal for planetary destruction. Magnetic disruptors, properly applied, could destabilize a planet's magnetic field and cause the planet to rip itself apart between the energy of its star and the forces playing havoc with its core. And nanoviruses, self-replicating nanobots, could completely consume a planet given a few decades to do so. The standard method would be applied for now, with an increase in destructiveness as the race had no space fleet or defenses. First, major population centers were targeted, as the frigates swooped in close and unleashed barrages of invisible ions into the cities. Then the larger heavy cruisers, up above, used an ionization beam to effectively turn the ions into plasma, mixing with air and spreading, destroying everything it touched. Next, the gunships used their quantum energy accelerators to obliterate the smaller settlements, and after they pulled out, the battlecruiser unleashed plasma into the atmosphere, and the frigates spread more ions which would fan the plasmatic flame so between 70 and 80 percent of the atmosphere would be completely burned away. Any survivors on the planet would suffocate. Elsewhere, CODE turned its attention to the matter of probes from various races nearing interception of deep space outposts and facilities. Some of them could simply be packed up and moved, others hidden from the view of the probe. But one in particular concerned CODE, a major shipyard that was in the process of producing several heavy cruisers, a battlecruiser, and many smaller ships. It was too large to hide, and too important to deconstruct, so CODE did the only thing it could short of destroying the probe: sending out a long-range scout to deploy nanobots onto it, which could then take over its systems and control the sensors and communicators. It would be days, traveling first at FTL to get into the general vicinity, then at sublight until interception.
#176580557Tuesday, October 20, 2015 3:40 PM GMT

[BENDRAGORAX > SAPIENDACOR > HIGH COMMAND SECTOR 100] The Commander, Dameir Vu-Rhan, stood besides a dark oak table and slammed his fist furiously onto it leaving a thick dent. He screamed in pain and then turned to the window right as the door slowly opened and in stepped three men dressed in red robes. These were the Admiral and two Vice-Admirals in command of the fleet, the air fleet. "Commander, we face difficulties. An unknown entity from a different system has attacked both the humans and our kind across Sector 4." The Admiral said. "And you think I don't know this?!" Screamed the Commander, Dameir, in a fit of rage. His hands were shaking by his side as he continued to look out of the window. "The fighter fleet is ready for quick launch, Commander. They can arrive in Sector 4 to combat their... drones... within the hour, with your permission." One of the two Vice-Admirals said, rubbing his left hand across the back of his right hand. The Commander shook his head. "What if the fighter fleet is wiped out by unseen alien technology?" he asked. "It's a risk that must be taken in order to survive, Commander." The other Vice-Admiral spoke, with a sense of wisdom in his voice. "I'm not willing to risk the entire fighter fleet. I will allow eighty supersonic jet aircraft with advanced radar and stealth technology to take them on, nothing more and nothing less. Do we have an agreement?" Dameir said. "That's alright, Sir. We may need more but for now.. that should do." The Admiral and his two co-workers turned and left the office, meanwhile, Dameir approached his desk and sat down on the black chair and placed his head firmly in his hands. In the main administration block, however, the Admiral was standing before the Defence Staff and commanded; "I want eighty of the highest technology jets that we have to Sector 4 in approximately forty five minutes! Target; those drones." [AHMUN BLE-RES > BATTLE OF SECTOR 4 > UNKNOWN ALIEN OFFENSIVE] Ahmun lowered the marksman rifle as he quickly scanned across the battlefield like an eagle looking for its prey. He could see nobody, only the dead and wounded. The humans were routing way past their trenches and heading towards the dense forests of dark green foliage and brown wooden stumps. Ahmun placed his hands around his mouth and forced pressure onto the bottom of his jaw before yelling; "TAKE THE INJURED HUMANS PRISONER AND TRANSPORT THEM TO SECTOR 30!" Sector 30 was the prison sector, the largest prison in this galaxy - home to 242,000 prisoners, 23,000 guards and a warden notorious for beating human prisoners-of-war. It wasn't too long before the Corus-Sapien's had captured around 450 human prisoners, all wounded in some way or another. The ones who couldn't walk were shot on the spot, killed and then buried in their trenches. The dead Corus-Sapien's were placed in the trenches and promised full military honoured funerals as soon as the conflict ended. Ahmun, however, hadn't finished. He stepped back into the tower and climbed the stairs until he reached the room where the radio was located on the floor. He switched it on. "Sector 4 here does anybody read me?" Ahmun said. "Loud 'n clear, S4, this is Sector 100." The radio responded. "Sector 4 is ours again. Humans beaten back and around 450 humans captured." Ahmun continued. "Very good, ship the humans to Sector 30 and hold your position against this alien entity. You have part of the f-fleet heading towards your position as assistance, ETA 40 minutes." The radio finished and repeated it's previous action, shutting itself down. [BENDRAGORAX > SAPIENDACOR > NATIONAL DEFENCE COALITION > ORDER 1: FIGHTER FLEET ASSAULT] Part of the Fighter Fleet has been launched towards Sector 4 in an attempt to meet the alien (Trade Federation) drones in high-altitude assault in the planets atmosphere. The part of the fleet which has been sent is 80 high-technology fighter jets capable of reaching 850 miles an hour and also has advanced stealth and radar mechanisms. They will reach Sector 4 and join the attack in 40 minutes (2 posts).
#176581867Tuesday, October 20, 2015 4:26 PM GMT

Trade Federation Civil War Second Wave, General Aluban I sit at the top of the AT tank as they unload followed by the spider droids. I open a hologram with the forward droid commander, "Status?" The droid salutes, "We have the humans on the run sir. Low casualties thanks to Droideka strikes." I nod and rub a tusk, "If this continues we should have the sectors taken quickly. Continue the assault commander." "Roger, roger"
#176589646Tuesday, October 20, 2015 8:01 PM GMT

[insidious i answered your question from a few days ago; yes the diplomat vessel is very small] ~Expansion~ The Gordix Empire continued their aggressive expansion as star after star found their planets being suddenly inhabited. ~Revolution~ A large blockade from the fleet of King Dosh is established outside the star the planet the host of the rebellion is located on. Any ships attempting to exit the star's gravitational pull are destroyed on sight, as well as bombardment occurs when possible. ~Robotic Army~ Work continues, as the robots are deployed against Coradis volunteers. The robots are destroyed quickly and swiftly, and adjustments are underway. ~King Sauros~ Reconstruction of the fleet goes well, though he plans to eventually get close to doubling it's size. First things first, though, get the backbone of the hide yo kids, and hide yo wifi! - the name of my friend's internet
#176592966Tuesday, October 20, 2015 8:53 PM GMT

[BENDRAGORAX > SAPIENDACOR > MILITARY] The fighter fleet reaches Sector 4 and begins to combat the "droidekas".
#176594810Tuesday, October 20, 2015 9:20 PM GMT

(Droidekas are the droids that roll and have shields that deflect everything but heavy fire.) Trade Federation Civil War Surface, General Aluban My commlink starts beeping, "Yes?" The hologram of the droid commander appears, "Enemy attack has taken out a lot of the droidekas sir." I growl, "I want them taken out and where ever they came from." I disconnect from the commander and contact the remaining vulture droids and jackal bombers, "Target all enemy airstrips and docking bays! The Federation wants the human sectors secured!" Civil War Orbit, Admiral Trench "Continue to fire! I want those ships destroyed!" Vulture droids launch Devestator missiles at the ships (upon impact they release Buzz droids). The Cruisers and frigates fire their twin ion cannons at the ships.
#176596801Tuesday, October 20, 2015 9:48 PM GMT

[Construction] The city above ground are completed, but the insides of most of the buildings are still unfurnished. The underground has finally spread throughout the whole planet, and cities are being created underneath. Turrets are being made from schematics, new or stolen. [Research] The Bio-Weapons have been found to have the same effect on creatures like last time, but the tests on technology info filled Goradix worked. It knows the basics of piloting a ship and using it's weapons. Space Suits are being outfitted to reduce the wear on the user in space. It's already being released however to select flying units. Space Suits are adapting the same tech for armor as well. Anti-Air Turrets are being thought out. ['Ero Nur'gla] Logs: "The room is dark. A dark dirt room, nothing breaths or sees here. The burning corpse smells of death, rotting until it finally gave up it's light. Time is nothing to me here anymore. My people have been enslaved, and I call out. I see the Wyrm. It did not see me, but it's sight was glorious. The Wyrm will come." [The Plague] Troops are being stationed in bunkers for the time being, while fleets are being organized underground. The Patrols above give heavy fire to the attacking Goradix fleet.
#176597141Tuesday, October 20, 2015 9:52 PM GMT

Krouz Kontium- [War: Corus-Sapien Independence War. Protection] The last ships of the Krouz begin to falter, until one is left... But the damage has been done: The second Lucrehulk, the last one of the Federation fleet, won't be able to house much of the remaining droid fighters due to the intense targeted firing by the Krouz ships. But one is all that is needed for the beacon, to guide the true aid... And as a second Krouz fleet, this one not escort but with the heavier firepower the Krouz deserves, the Federation isn't the most prepared.* With it, one of their most experienced Kivzui at the helm. *The Krouz sent out their call first, and since they were already planning on sending multiple escort fleets to ensure a steady trade, they just needed to pull out their heavier guns.*
#176597295Tuesday, October 20, 2015 9:54 PM GMT

~Krouze Kontium~ Letvisky brought up a video feed only a few hours old of the battle off of the Xarth trade post, highlighting the Kil'bani-Federation vessel that had successfully disabled several Armada cruisers before being destroyed. He then fast forwards to the fleet of King Sauros extracting survivors and fleeing. "The Federation possesses weaponry that is the only hope against the Guardian Armada, thanks to 3rd party interference they are aware of that fact as well now. Securing knowledge of this weapon system is crucial to safe guarding what's left of the Empire." Letvisky announces. ~King Sauros~ The diplomatic vessel arrives only to find the system in utter chaos, elements of the Guardian Armada are present throughout the system and are outnumbered 10:1 by Federation-Kil'bani forces that are attempting without much success to overcome them. ~CODE~ Unfortunately, time is one thing CODE doesn't have. The probe is rather fast and has already detected SOMETHING, that something being the shipyard though it is not yet close enough to determine this fact. And so it has altered course to investigate based on its simple programming. "Sure"~Romuluz 2014
#176597636Tuesday, October 20, 2015 9:58 PM GMT

~The Empire~ The blockade begins moving back a little bit, though still lurks in the area, emerging from their hiding places to take down any ships entering or exiting the system. ~Robotic Army~ Work continues on the machine army, though diplomatic vessels are sent in all directions in hopes of finding an empire with the knowledge to establish such a force. ~King Sauros~ The vessel attempts to establish communications with them, in order to perhaps offer some sort of help to the Empire[though the chances of the fleets doing anything are slim, and as such the chances of assisting are slim. however, depending on the deal...]. ~Expansion~ Expansions continue, and a new king by the name of Roris has been appointed to lead the Galex system. hide yo kids, and hide yo wifi! - the name of my friend's internet
#176599993Tuesday, October 20, 2015 10:27 PM GMT

[Research] The Virus is prepared in capsules and are shipped to troops and ships up front. The suit's progress are going well, reinforced by materials found from the tunnels. The anti-air turret schematics are still in the works. [The Plague] Organized fleets loaded with squads of Tree Eaters and The Thousand mandibles arrive to reinforce the patrols, docking on the Goradix ships and taking them over if they can. Squads of Crawling Horrors sneak past the battle disguised as Goradix ships and land at the nearest Goradix controlled planet, set to deploy The Virus on them.
#176600232Tuesday, October 20, 2015 10:30 PM GMT

~Battle~ The Goradix ships are difficult to board as the large fleet fires upon their foes before they get there. THe ships that manage to board find themselves facing Coradis troops, including Boom Rats, who seem to explode in a poison cloud that does extreme damage in shorts amount of time. The rest of the Coradis on the Goradix side seem to be immune to the poison. ~The Plague~ The ships are directed to a landing platform in a fairly large city, though not quite the planet's capital. ~Robotic Army~ Research continues. hide yo kids, and hide yo wifi! - the name of my friend's internet
#176601756Tuesday, October 20, 2015 10:51 PM GMT

[Research] Anti-Air/Ship Turrets are in the prototype phase. They will be deployed soon. Space Suits are given to a new legion. [The Plague] The New Legion, The Winged Stingers fly in a swarm and attack the ships in a frantic rage! The battle continues on, and some capsules of the virus are shot at Goradix ships! The Crawling Horrors squads are split up to find the most densely populated areas and to deploy them there. Some air strike teams fly around dropping them on towns and cities. They are to activate the capsule if they are going to die.
#176602084Tuesday, October 20, 2015 10:55 PM GMT

~Planet Warfare~ As the airstrike teams begin going around the cities and such, fighters are deployed to shoot them down and anti aircraft guns join in. ~In the Stars~ The capsules are shot at by the fleet, whether they suspect some sort of troop transport or bombs who is to know. Meanwhile, fighters begin firing at the opposing ships while the boarding troops are pestered by the gases and infantry. A secondary fleet jumps into the fray, led by King Roris, the newly appointed King to assist the troops in their endeavors. ~Robot Army~ The designs are nearly complete, and added onto them are weapons used to deploy the gases used by the dying Coradis troops in a flamethrower type manner. hide yo kids, and hide yo wifi! - the name of my friend's internet
#176603014Tuesday, October 20, 2015 11:08 PM GMT

(I'm pretty sure a missile is heavy fire...) [BENDRAGORAX > SAPIENDACOR] The fighter fleet assaults heavily with minimal casualties. [AHMUN BLE-RES] Ahmun begins to plan the tactics for the defence of the shattered Sector 4.
#176607470Wednesday, October 21, 2015 12:08 AM GMT

Trade Federation Civil War Orbit Admiral Trench The tactical droid looks over, "General Greivous is arriving. He does not sound happy sir." I shake my head, "Hail the new flagship, I want to talk with these men." A hail is sent to the enemy fleet. Surface, General Aluban Hailfire droids roll out and fire their salvo of missiles behind enemy lines. The Vulture and jackal squadrons begin targeting docking bays and runways. Droids set up emplacements to keep the other species on the planet getting into Federation held sectors. The Spider droids arrive on the front lines and begin laying down heavy fire.
#176611132Wednesday, October 21, 2015 12:54 AM GMT

Krouz Kontium- [War: Corus-Sapien Independence War. Protection] The fleet, small but with ever more ships arriving as the escort fleets back in controlled territory are stripped, reply to the signal... Revealing a large Krouz, aged and a scratched out eye but nonetheless impressive. "=-_-=+-=--+-=-_+_=-=_+_+-=--++-_+=++=-_--_--+=" Comes through, before translation... "I will give few moments, before destruction. Tell me, aim attacking Kontium allies." It translates into, with a certain harshness to it.
#176614264Wednesday, October 21, 2015 1:35 AM GMT

Trade Federation Civil War Orbit, Admiral Trench The hologram of a bi-pedal spider appears on your screen, "The Trade Federation was... Unaware the humans of this planet had allies. To all extent and purposes they appeared xenophobic."
#176615623Wednesday, October 21, 2015 1:52 AM GMT

[Crawling Horrors] As The Airstrike team is being shot down, they deploy the capsules over cities under them. The ground team gets closer to the capital, some of them deploying already at small towns and villages. [The Plague] More troops come as reinforcements, each equipped better than the initial wave. Rot Spreaders swarm onto enemy ships, held with capsules that will spread throughout the enemy ranks. They aim for the controls and the high-ranking officers of each ship. The battle rages on as Winged Stingers continue swarming from Daethrant, followed by masses of assault and destroyer ships. [Research] Tech-Wyrms work harder and faster to create new weapons and suits. The Space Suits can take more punishment but are still pretty weak compared to normal knight armor. Super Suits are outfitted with more weapons, and squads can choose if they want heavy or light weapons for the time being. A variant of The Super Suit is being made, the project named 'Mechanicoth'. Anti-Air/Space Turrets are working smoothly. [Daethrant] The planet shakes. The inhabitants shrug it off believing it to be falling ships and debris from space causing all of this. Only 'Ero knows. ['Ero Nur'gla] Logs: "The Wyrm shakes. It sees our despair, our suffering, our living. To live without fighting is no life at all. The Wyrm moves ever closer, chewing and growing as the world eater. It sees me, and I praise it. I glorify it. The Wyrm is the beginning and the end. The judgement of the good and the bad. But all will be nothing, soon. For when The Wyrm awakens, we shall follow."
#176616195Wednesday, October 21, 2015 2:00 AM GMT

~The Empire~ The fleet changes it's sight to transport ships in hope of destroying the boarding troops before they land, while the Coradis troops continue spreading the gas to their foes upon death, a war of biological warfare. ~The Planet~ They continue bombarding the ships until there is nothing left, and anyone affected by the gas are sent to hospitals immediately. New protocols are put in to ensure that such an event will not happen again. ~The Robot Army~ Though the army is very small, hardly even being an army, though it is packed up into a large variety of transport ships alongside some Coradis and Goradix troops. The transports send out a transmission sent out by a Coradis, alerting The Plague that they are defecting from the Goradix and need only to land on Daethrant to deploy what they sotle from the Goradix before leaving and then they can return to space. The army may be small, but it is hoped that the rebellion, whom has never faced such an army before, will cower as the legions prepare to move onwards. More robots are produced. ~Research~ Research begins on small scale cloning. hide yo kids, and hide yo wifi! - the name of my friend's internet
#176617506Wednesday, October 21, 2015 2:17 AM GMT

[The Plague] The battles continue. Enemy troops are brutally stricken by masses of weapons and their heads thrown away like garbage. Helmeted troops are slightly resistant to the gas for some time before their inevitable death. Those infected with The Virus fight back against their allies. Few Goradix ships are taken over and fire at their old brethren, shocking the enemy troops. Plague troops begin to tire, and the ships slowly move back into the atmosphere of Daethrant. Winged Stingers slash through enemy ships slowly, sucking out fellow and enemy troops inside. They slowly retreat while trying to keep most of their enemies down while doing so. [Crawling Horrors] Those affected by The Virus strike back at unsuspecting people and continue to affect them. Only a few more Crawling Horror troops still have their capsules inactivated, traveling to The Capital. [The Robot Army] Without a word, Anti-Air turrets fire Virus capsules, lasers, and bullets. Squads of heavy rocket infantry and flying infantry are being prepared on the ground. [Research] The suits are still being researched but with less funding as before. Project Mechanicoth is worked on by the majority of Tech-Wyrms, combining the technology of the Space Suits and Super Suits. They are mainly heavy melee infantry and are made to quickly strike down all with their blade, with more built-in replacement blades inside. [Daethrant] The planet stops shaking as violently, and again, is shrugged off. ['Ero Nur'gla] Log: "I see it. It sees me. The Wyrm comes, it comes, it comes! The Wyrm, the world eater, eater of worlds will awaken soon!" The log cuts off. Plague HQ worries at the mental state of 'Ero.
#176618273Wednesday, October 21, 2015 2:28 AM GMT

[torte, think about this. you're taking over goradix ships, when we have two fleets owned by kings going against you. you're a rebellion owning one planet. you have stolen technology, but still, come on man, are you really going to be taking over entire ships? as for the virus thing, we're both affecting each other with the bioweapons, so really you should be just as hindered as us, if not more considering the fact that we have professional researchers and, once more, you're only a rebellion, and considering the fact that the coradis are just mindless warrior slaves they won't be the best at forging technology as for the robot army, you seem to instantly decide to fire on the transports without hesitation, which seems to be slightly metagaming. of course you could argue that you didnt believe their claims, but you'd still have to at least question them a bit more, considering the fact that, for the third time, you are but a rebellion owning a single planet battling an empire with over seventeen star systems - you'd need to get all the help you could get anyway.] ~The Robot Army~ The troops landed on the planet, as the battalions of Coradis, Goradix, and robots begin marching into the planets outskirts and constructing a forward base of operations. Fighters are deployed to help assist in taking down bombing strikes[note the survivors land far from any city as to avoid being hindered by anti aircraft fire] ~In Space~ While The Plague's bio weapons are effective, those released by the Coradis upon death deal blow for blow, with both sides being just as hindered as the other. The battle rages on as the larger Goradix fleet continue bombarding the rebellion forces, in hopes of maintaining the fleet to deploy troops onto the ground. ~Research~ Cloning goes poorly, for now. ~Engineering~ Work begins on a weapon able to release electricity in large bursts, such as a flamethrower. hide yo kids, and hide yo wifi! - the name of my friend's internet
#176620696Wednesday, October 21, 2015 3:02 AM GMT

Character Sheet Name: Caesar Antonio Valencio Age:56 Appearance:An old man. Bald and no facial hair. Brown eyes. Wears a white suit with a purple sash and the suit has a purple ring around each cuff. Wears the golden laurel of Caesar Race:Terran Weapons:Galidus laser sword, ILR-5 plasma pistol Items:a golden baton with a Roman eagle at the top Personality(Include Morality): Friendly and accepting. Only wants the protection of the Empire. Biography: Became Caesar after his father Juliano Valencio died. Was born on New Europa, the home world of the GRE, in New Rome. Was an ambitious and cruel man that expanded the empire to five times it size under his reign as Caesar. Murdering whole planets or enslaving them. In his later years he saw the atrocities he commuted and settled it all in his old age. His reign has become known as the Second Pax Romana. Character Sheet Name:Titus Valencio Age:29 Appearance:Young and fit. Black hair buzzed in military fashion and a trimmed beard. Cruel brown eyes and sharp angled face. Muscular. Wears the armor of a Caesar. Race:Terran Weapons:Gladius, ILR-5 plasma pistol Items: Personality(Include Morality):Cruel, Ambitious, militaristic. Nice to friends but harsh towards those who attack him. Biography:born in New Rome he grew up in luxury until 16 where he was forced into the V Legion. He showed promise and intelligence and quickly got the rank of Centurion. After years of service he was made a Imperator and finally was allowed to come back home where he was taught politics. Faction/Nation sheet Name:Galactic Roman Empire Major Races:Terran, Grekin Government:Dictatorship with a weak senate Amount of territory:123 star systems Home planet:New Europa Morality:Expansionist and militaristic but not averse to diplomacy. Accepting of foreign cultures. History:Before the Terran Empire was established an enterprising group of people founded an organization to found a mighty space empire that based itself off Rome. Calling themselves New Romans they gathered enough money to colonize New Europa. After years of building their planet they built a fleet large enough to rival any that got in there way. Their troops were well disciplined and well armed and armored. After a decade of conquest their expansion stopped so that they wouldn't fall as the old Rome had. The consolidated their rule and rebuilt any strength they lost. When Antonio took the role of Caesar he built the empire even further and made the army a reason to be reckoned with. When they left Earth they lost contact with the Terran Empire and other factions nearby but now Antonios son, Titus, seems to be just as ambitious as his father and who knows where he will lead Rome. Race sheet Grekin are the race they found amongst their Galaxy. Being the second largest population after years of warfare they were made citizens of the Empire. Large humanoids with green skin and green skin like a crustacean. They provide the bulk of the Auxiliary force of the Empire. The GRE; Weapons; 1. ILR-5 plasma pistol 2. ILR-12 plasma rifle. Standar issue rifle 3. TUR-6 ion rifle. Expiremental rifle. Very rare. 4. GR-2 Praetorian Rocket launcher 5. PLR-34. Plasma sniper rifle. Main weapon of the Velites 6.Gladius laser sword 7. ILR-56 machine gun 8. Hestia (TR-1) flamethrower Vehicles; 1. Imperator Tank. Hover tank that has a main plasma turret, with two turbo laser turrets. 2. Mercury transport. Transport that can carry a century 3. Centurion Fighters. Look like TIE fighter but gold and red. 4. Equite missile tank. APC with two mounted 42 count missiles. 5. Hepheastus Mech. Technology; 1.ED Shield. Copy of a Roman shield but upgraded to deflect laser, plasma, and indirect explosions. 2. Cataphract suit. A large armored suit with a shield generator. Can survive direct hits from everything short of a heavy rocket or ship gun. (Heavy legionnaires only.) 3. Mobile Shield Generators or M.S.G 4. Heavy mounted plasma turrets. Ships; 1.The quinquireme(Battle cruiser class) has ton of missiles and turrets. 12 heavy cannons. Can carrytwo legions and 123 centurion fighters. 2 metaton missile. Second largest ships in the fleet. 2.Trireme (Cruiser Class) main ship of the fleet. Has anti fighter defenses and 6 ship to ship weapons. Carry one legion and 67 centurion fighters. 3.Hexareme (Capital Class) largest ship in the fleet. Also called planet killers. Hundreds of turrets and anti fighter defenses. Carries four metaton missiles. 16 heavy cannons. Has the Venerator beam which annihalets the surface of the planet the beam hits in a 600 mile radius. Very rare to see one carry 3 legions and 197 centurion fighters 4. Bireme (Frigate Class) smallest star ship. 4 heavy weapons. Carries only 56 centurion fighters. 5.Decerere (Destroyer Class) medium sized. Carries 6 heavy weapons plus the standard turret defense. Carriers no troops and only 34 centurion fighters. It's main aspect though is that it carries 12 metaton missiles.
#176630917Wednesday, October 21, 2015 11:52 AM GMT

[BENDRAGORAX > SAPIENDACOR > NATIONAL DEFENCE COALITION HQ - SECTOR 100] Dameir Vu-Rhan stood before the defence staff and sighed. "Order the evacuation of those from Sectors 80 to 100. We're going underground. Alert Sectors 1 to 79 that they are needed to mobilise and defend all territory against the other-world invaders." He commanded, the staff nodded and immediately began to complete their duties. [AHMUN BLE-RES > BATTLE OF SECTOR 4 > ALIEN OFFENSIVE] Ahmun stood in the tower wielding the marksman rifle and continued to look out for the alien enemy. "The enemy is cowardly, unlike the humans. At-least the humans die in dignity, these aliens prefer to use shock offensives. Cowards." Ahmun spits on the floor before looking back up and releasing a mouthful of smoke from the cold winters evening. The sky was beginning to darken into a thick, smoggy blackness. Clouds lowered and flooded the battlefield - the thick fog made it impossible to see more than six-foot ahead without proper gear. "I demand that all defensive positions are guarded by at-least six people, per observation post, who have night-vision and thermal gear. Understood?" Ahmun commanded, this was met by a grunt and a nod of obedience by the next-in-command who immediately turned and informed every position on the battlefield. "Now, we wait..." Ahmun whispered quietly to himself before switching the scope on the marksman rifle for a six-times thermal sight.
#176636238Wednesday, October 21, 2015 4:03 PM GMT

@Consul GRE is mostly good, but the plausibility of it being founded independent of the Terran Empire is a bit far fetched seeing as the TE conquered many galaxies in every direction. "Sure"~Romuluz 2014