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#176515879Monday, October 19, 2015 4:58 AM GMT

As intel informs us. The streets are overflowing with citizens that are acting non-normal. As many of the surrounding countries are trying to flood in as well to get a piece of the horror in Russia. Russia seems not to enjoy the fact we want a piece of the action happening. 1. As for now. The Russian Military Base is secure and has no type of infected items inside. 2. We had a bird (UH-60 Black Hawk) crash in the center of the city. Which is also over flowing with infected citizens. 3. Usually the near by Church is a access to Med-evac, as well as Evac. As for the Rangers. They can't get their vehicles into the city very far. Due to the cause many of the infected surround the vehicles. 4. As of now, there are two different types of infected including: I.B.I (Improved Bomber Infected)= Explodes instantly once you are in a four foot range. But at-least explodes up to a seven foot radius. O.I (Original Infected)= These ones are the ones you see often. Most likely you will run into one of these fellas. Warning, they are fast and move maybe at a 18 percent walkspeed. 5. Intel shows that there is a lab somewhere. But we don't have word on where it is yet. More intel coming soon.
#176556663Tuesday, October 20, 2015 1:24 AM GMT

#176608660Wednesday, October 21, 2015 12:23 AM GMT

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