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#176532081Monday, October 19, 2015 6:57 PM GMT

Space, halfway between Mars and Earth. 7th May, 2017 Space. The very vast openness has always challenged man in his thoughts and observations. Space contains trillions of quadrillions of sextillions of superclusters, galaxies, stars, planets, moons, asteroids, comets, life forms. Most of the cosmic bodies invisible to even our most powerful of telescopes. Almost anything can exist in space: from super massive black holes and gigantic quasars to ultra extremophile life living on planets and moons orbiting deadly pulsars. So far we have yet to find life elsewhere in the universe, yet it is certain that life exists elsewhere than our blue planet. It may be as close as Mars or Europa, we just have to find it... But, maybe, life will find us. And there is a chance, that it will not be very friendly. Halfway between Mars and Earth, a too small to be seen, yet large enough to not completely burn out in the Earth's atmosphere asteroid approaches our, as we think, planet. It goes at a moderately fast speed, but what's important isn't its size which is harmless, but what it harbours inside. It is impossible to tell how the virus-like organism sealed inside the asteroid came to be, how it evolved. But what's clear is that it can, in theory, control a brain, or the equivalent of one, of an intelligent organism [Unlike me XD]. It is, itself, quite sentient. Now, the asteroid is about to strike Earth. In a matter of seconds it begins its descent into the Earth's atmosphere, already starting to burn out. It will impact the Earth in the U.K and will end up spreading to Europe. Meanwhile, only some thirty metres from the asteroid's crashing point, a group of about sixty party goers are hanging out in the moderately open area. They see the trail of the asteroid in the sky and all cower as it loudly hits the ground. Obviously, as the reaction of most people would be, curiosity has gained a foothold in this group. Cautiously going to investigate the asteroid, the fallen cosmic body's remains are now in sight of most of the people. As a few brave come as close to the asteroid as possible, under the heat and severe pressure of the inside of the asteroid, a gas emits from it, making most of the people at the scene freak out and almost run away. The few brave ones that came close to the asteroid, freeze in their tracks in a zombie-like state. Only to collapse in seizures much to everyone's shock. This marks the beginning of a possible end for humanity. [For the lazy people] The year is 2017. Well, if you're that lazy not to read the IC part of this OOC OP, I'll summarise it for you. Basically saying, this RP will be about an extraterrestrial virus that can control the people's brain. It won't be able to completely control the human brain at first, but will evolve through the RP. Perhaps first affecting separate sections of the brain like the temporal lobe, then the prefrontal cortex, then controlling whole reactions and even actions of people, eventually taking whole control. *Evil music plays* Still interested? [Country the RP will be set in] We will be starting in Dallas, Texas, in the United States, where various scientists, politicians, soldiers and so on have come to discuss matters of politics and be awarded with awards in various fields, all over the course of three weeks. That's when a worrying new disease begins to spread, slowly transforming into a dangerous and strange pandemic with extremely strange symptoms and unknown origins, making these people, along with others team up to stop it. As the story progresses, we will be going around the world, searching for a cure as more and more countries fall and governments crumble. Also, as we will be in new locations, people will be able to make characters from those locations as we progress. Though if you have more than one char, one of them has a high chance of dying. Anything else you want to know, ask. Oh and, on secondary characters: You will make a primary character [Your choice who will that be] or characters[In might rarely allow double primary characters though in the end, one of them will most likely die] and lots of secondary characters if you want to. Though its better you have one especially at the start when there's nothing to do for your primary characters who will be in London. For example, I can have a Dr. Blub who is a scientist in London and also operate a Ms Smith who will be witnessing the events in the U.K, eventually being killed off. Meanwhile in the future storyline where the virus spreads I can also operate a Ms Hernandez in Rio and Ms Hwa-Kwon in Tokyo, one of whom might join the main group who will be going around the world saving people and trying to get data on the virus, but still be eventually get killed off as I have the primary character Dr Brennan. Though this doesn't mean your primary characters are immortal in the later storyline(if this RP doesn't die by then). P.S: I am so sorry if that was alot to read. [Damn my brain hurts XD] [Rules] 1. No GODMODDING. 2. No flaming, m'kay? 3. Vulgar is allowed to an extent. 4. No killing other RPers characters without their consent 5. No trolling. Two warnings will be given then we will ignore your posts. 6. Admins>Rules>You -C.S- Name: Age: Physical Features: Clothing: Personality:[Optional] Bio: Inventory: Skills:
#176535564Monday, October 19, 2015 8:10 PM GMT

>no no romance rule hell yeah I'm gonna consider joining
#176535891Monday, October 19, 2015 8:15 PM GMT

Good, glad to have you (might join) in my RP. Post your C.S at the ready!
#176536104Monday, October 19, 2015 8:18 PM GMT

Be back on later or tomorrow! I'll check C.S's if any are up by then!
#176537706Monday, October 19, 2015 8:45 PM GMT

#176553716Tuesday, October 20, 2015 12:40 AM GMT

((OH MY GOD, SILVERHAWK BBY REMEMVER THE FROZEN EARTH RP?! WHY RESSURECT THIS BUT NOT THAT ;-; STILL JOINING)) Name: Seth Harls Age: 34 Physical Features: Seth has light brown hair, not too short, but also not shaggy. He has brown eyes, and medium sized eyebrows that are unusually rigid. His cheeks are not that pronounced, infact they are rather thin and somewhat rigid, like his jaw and chin are. Seth is 6'0 with a moderately muscular build from working as a mechanic and his time in the Marines. Clothing: Seth wears a black T-shirt with a brown bomber jacket, and his dogtags are always around his neck. He wears slightly tattered blue jeans, and scuffed brown combat boots. Lastly, he wears a silver wrist watch on his right wrist. Personality:[Optional] I like to reaveal this through the roleplay Bio: Seth grew up on a farm with him, his two younger brothers, his father, and mother. He was working by the age of five, and when he was eight he started taking in interest in cars and things of mechanical nature. Whenever the tractor or pickup truck would have a problem, he would watch his dad repair it. By the time he was ten his dad started teaching him about repairing and upgrading engines, what certain parts were, which ones did this, so on and so on. By the time he was fifteen he was about as good as most second year mechanical engineering college students. When he turned sixteen he decided he was going to join the Marines, and when he got out of the Marines set up a shop. Luckily for him, he was able to do just that. He got out of the Marines at 24 years old, graduated college with a major in mechanical engineering, got a job, and when he was 27 he finally got a shop barely inside the city limits. He lives fifty miles outside of Dallas in a classic country home. Inventory: AK-74 Made by Century arms, Smith&Wesson SD9VE, combat knife. ((He will grab foods n stuff when he leaves his home)) Skills: EXCELLENT mechanic, dead shot, survival of all the quotes to choose from as your siggy, you picked that one -PurringThunder
#176586156Tuesday, October 20, 2015 6:43 PM GMT

[Ye bae, I remember Frozen Earth, might fix that one up today, since I don't have any internet at my house. Anyways C.S accepted.]
#176640975Wednesday, October 21, 2015 6:35 PM GMT

#176954856Monday, October 26, 2015 6:59 PM GMT

[All those marks but no join, so sad..]
#176955015Monday, October 26, 2015 7:03 PM GMT

To be fair, whenever I track something it's a chance. :p
#176955075Monday, October 26, 2015 7:04 PM GMT

I know pawz d:

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