#176673033Thursday, October 22, 2015 2:49 AM GMT

(good point. Me using "he" for FIBS is just a bad habit and impulse. He has no biological s/ex or even a concept of what gender is so it's not like he can say what he is. I'll try to refer to him as an it but I'll probably slip up more often than not. Maybe just when in dialogue I'll use it because it's easier)
#176673386Thursday, October 22, 2015 2:56 AM GMT

robots don't have genders, stupid.
#176674461Thursday, October 22, 2015 3:16 AM GMT

@bebi What about Transformers? Yes they're robots, yes they're supposedly genderless, but why do they have both masculine and feminine aesthetics and voicebanks?
#176675281Thursday, October 22, 2015 3:36 AM GMT

Even though they're built to be feminine doesn't make them female. There robots. They dont have genders.
#176675335Thursday, October 22, 2015 3:37 AM GMT

Go tell that to Transformers fanfic and fanart writers.
#176676357Thursday, October 22, 2015 4:03 AM GMT

Name: Sean Trif Walker Age: 19 Gender: Male Race: Suronics, Humans that modded themselves with technology and other races to make the "ultimate race", Mostly peaceful except when threatened, Looks like human beings. We never start fights but when we are in them we ALWAYS end them! But Sean refuses to use his power's and fights like a normal man does, with weapons. Role: Bounty Hunter, Mercenary but sometimes pirate.. when things get tough..... Crew: N/A at the time, Looking for crew......... Ship: A small striker ship, Black and white has speed but not defense. has a small pod in between two large engines can Location Citadel. Appearance: a white body armor suit (Looks like halo) never takes helmet off in public... Underneath he is pale white skin with dyed white hair with white contacts and a white jump suit. Bio: was born on earth but was kept in cyro freeze to learn information was born in 2003 but was kept in "The Freezer" until someone came and released him. Then he learned of the war between humanity and the titans and he decided to go neutral. Others:Is a hacker, and can hack practically anything has a Dog-Bot that helps him in battles so he doesn't have to fight.
#176676390Thursday, October 22, 2015 4:04 AM GMT

Name: Oriander Cavialie Age:23 Gender: Male Race: Human Role: Merchant Crew: At the moment, Oriander runs solo. Ship: Oriander pilots the Alexandria MK V, a heavily modified cargo cruiser built mainly out of scrap and parts Oriander came across throughout his travels. It's painted a sleek dark grey-ish color. The main cockpit is small, able to seat just three people including the pilot, and is round. The main hull is much larger, able to comfortable seat just over twenty people, but it's crammed so full of stuff that nobody could sit comfortably inside it. The engine and thrusters are a custom design created by Oriander himself, able to propel the Alexandria at speeds far greater than a normal cargo cruiser could. The weapon system has also been suitably amped up from the original, now containing one heavy front mounted turret, multiple smaller machine guns mounted on the side, and a supply of rockets stored in a large compartment on top of the ship, which he is able to fire at will. The metaphorical "boiler room", containing the warp drive, a kitchen and bedroom, and basic ship necessities such as a life support system is kept near the very back of the ship, just beyond the main cargo storage area, but just before the primary engine room. The warp drive itself is a valuable piece Oriander found and fixed up himself, an alcubierre drive, which allows him to warp just about anywhere he wants in an instant. Location: Currently aboard the Alexandria, searching for anything and everything that could potentially be valuable Appearance/Clothing: Oriander is an average man in terms of weight and height, being 5'11 in height and 172 in pounds. His basic head and facial features are nothing to interesting either. His head is a basic circular shape, a characteristic of many average humans, while his eyes, nose, mouth, etc, are entirely that of an average human. He does, however, have one specifically notable feature; a scar, running from his left eye to within just a few centimeters of his mouth. Oriander obtained this wound, and eventually scar, while attempting to modify his engine. Something malfunction and a part of the engine exploded, sending shrapnel everywhere, one piece of which cutting deeply into Oriander’s face, but just missing his eye. In terms of eyes and hair, Oriander has brown eyes and scruffy brown hair, looking as if it’s been a very long time since Oriander groomed his hair properly in a very long time. That goes for the rest of his face as well. Oriander’s face is exceptionally scruffy, sporting a very clear five-o-clock shadow and dirt strewn here and there around his face. Orianders wears one thing on his face, and that’s glasses. Oriander is far sighted, meaning things up close are exceptionally blurry. He can, however, see things perfectly clearly at a distance. Despite their being methods to fix eyesight, Oriander has never really been bother much by his far-sightedness, and like the aesthetic of wearing glasses, so he’s never tried to correct his vision. Clothing wise, Oriander has a distinct red theme about him. From his jacket to his pants, there’s at least a little bit of red on all his cloths. Though, to be more specific on the clothing itself, Oriander wears a first a leather jacket, with the main coloring being a sandy brown-ish red color, the secondary color being red, in that the red is contained to three strips that run around either side of the jackets sipper, and around the collar. Under that, Oriander wears a dark red polyester t-shirt with a picture depicting some sort of camel caravan from a time long ago plastered in the center. For pants, Oriander wears sandy brown-ish red jeans, looking similar to his jacket color wise. On his feet, Oriander wears boot done up in the same color as both his jeans and his jacket. Bio: Oriander has never had anything akin to an exceptionally interesting life. He grew up as the only child of two middle class parents working on Jupiter at the time. His mother worked at a local restaurant and his father worked at the market. Cooking was never really Orianders strong point, and he was too clumsy to work as a server, so Ori never really became interested in his mothers work. His dad’s work, however, fascinated him. He loved seeing his father haggle down the price on something, or convince a customer to buy a pack of gum he otherwise wouldn’t have, and that’s where Oriander’s parents knew his future lay. His father would take him to the market whenever he could and taught Oriander the basics of buying, selling, and smooth-talking. It was soon that both father and son discovered that Ori had a natural talent for the work. After many years of working with his father and saving up money, Oriander finally bought a cargo cruiser. It wasn’t the fastest, it wasn’t nicest, but it would allow Oriander to begin the line of work he had also dreamed of; merchant. With few useful knick knacks and a decent sized bit of money, Oriander set out to buy, sell, scavenge, and explore the universe. Others: If you kill this, wifi, I will find you and I will tell that you’re an asshat. Then I’ll leave, never to be seen again "What I wanna know is where's the caveman."
#176677367Thursday, October 22, 2015 4:30 AM GMT

(So, should I start freestyle, or will I get a starting situation/setting from Wifi?)
#176684086Thursday, October 22, 2015 12:08 PM GMT

(Freestyle, but he'll respond to it.)
#176689369Thursday, October 22, 2015 3:39 PM GMT

Name: Matthias "Käsi" Kästner Age: 28 Gender: Male Race: Human Role(Pirate, soldier, whatever you want): Gunner for the DSF Buschemy Crew(optional. Who you start with. Can be with other RPers or NPCs): Duke, Art, Nina, and the ghosts. Ship(optional. if in crew, only captain can describe it. How it looks and how it maneuvers): DSF Buschemy, he's the ubermensch-gunner-Herr-Zerstörung Location: Sun District Appearance/Clothing: Matthias is somewhat tall, standing at 1.82 meters tall, weighing around 76 kilograms. He's not too muscular or athletic, but he's fit to man the defenses for a spacecraft and at least when faced with arrest, he can run away quickly. His skintone is pretty pale, considering his Deutsche-ness. He has somewhat slightly-longer-than-medium-length hair, really dark brown, really unkempt for the vast majority of time, usually getting tangled with his glasses in the front at times. His weary-looking, sleep-deprived eyes are equally brown, but rather very light brown. His angular face is dotted with a few freckles, and he has a tiny 3-cm, barely noticeable scar on his lower left cheek, although this is from an accident in his childhood. Matthias wears a black jacket with 3 white stripes going along the shoulders. Underneath lies a shirt resembling those worn by the Deutscher Fußball-Bund in the 21st century. He wears black pilot pants with really worn green and white/gray sneakers. He also wears glasses, rectangular framed and light. Bio: Through many different adventures which may or may not include illicit-substances, he decided to call DSF Buschemy his home, along with the rest of the crew. I 'unno what to write, I'm in a hotel and I've been somewhat busy. Will think of something better later. Otherns:
#176695004Thursday, October 22, 2015 7:01 PM GMT

(from wifi's request I'm helping mod the thread. Des, lego and I are all accepted; wolf, you might want to re-do your CS yet again. Describe the appearance a little more, I've got a very vague picture and not all of us play halo. You can use pictures for your appearance. The fact that his appearance is entirely white seems a bit ridiculous, as does the "dog-bot" idea because if there are going to be fighting robots in the future, every part of me doubts they're going to be shaped like a chihuahua or something of the like. Get rid of the ultimate race part as well, it just screams godmodding. Also, additional information, before anyone else asks, the currency used throughout this RP is called credits and it's completely digital.) CONTESSA Hours have seemed to pass by, but there's no telling out in this vast void of space. Steering your ship to this location has felt like a chore now - it's easy, just time consuming and tedious. Suddenly, you are snapped out of a daze with a red light flickering and a loud, annoying beeping sound. Your AI seems to come back to life after being silent for who knows how long; "I'm detecting metallic objects with a high concentration of energy coming rapidly right at you. I believe them to be starships - I can sense two right now, and I can estimate they're smaller than yours, but they'd have to come closer for me to collect further information. What should I do?"
#176695298Thursday, October 22, 2015 7:08 PM GMT

Another day another potential find worth millions of credits. Oriander had just finished a trade deal at the Citadel with some potentially shady clients, but so long as credits were supplied, Oriander sure as hell didn't care how shady they were. Now it was back out in the field to search and scavenge for more potentially valuable artifacts and items. It had been awhile since Ori's last major find, so he was feeling exceptionally lucky about this particular expedition. A source of his had told him about a forgotten planet, thought to have been home to a long extinct alien race. It was kept largely off the grid by both authorities and businesses due to a rumor of the races development of deadly robot soldiers, but Oriander wasn't about to let such an unexplored region stay unexplored, especially one with the potential to house valuable artifacts. The flight took about four hours, but it was well worth the trip. Oriander was greeted by a smorgasbord of items and artifacts to add to his collection. it seemed this race was exceptionally advanced, this being evidenced by the hugely advanced technology scattered around here, there, and everywhere. Oriander spent an hour alone just going around the immediate landing area, just taking anything that looked valuable. "Unbelievable." Ori said aloud to himself "Have there really been so few people scavenging here? It's a damn candy store!" After thoroughly cleaning the landing area, Oriander began venturing further out in an effort to find even more stuff. "No sign of robot soldiers thus far, but I really wonder how a race this advanced went extinct... Well, whatever, I shouldn't dwell on it to long, I have to find!" Of course, almost immediately after saying that, Oriander trips over something "What the hell...?" What Ori had tripped over seemed to be one of those robotic soldiers that the higher ups were up in arms about, “Holy crap this is a nice find.” Oriander looked the bot over top to bottom, checking every single little component he could, and pressed a multitude of buttons in hopes of seeing if the bot actually still worked. "Ruuuun! She's a ghost AND a b!tch!"
#176695565Thursday, October 22, 2015 7:14 PM GMT

(lng I'll start you off. Where are you starting again?) (lego i'll assume you're gonna wait for hydre right?)
#176695831Thursday, October 22, 2015 7:21 PM GMT

With a click, a thud, and a bit of smoke, the robot Oriander had tripped over came to life. The robot was very thin. It stood at six feet flat, and had blue stripes running around its body. It was humanoid, and its face had a black screen. Two blue circles appeared on this black screen, then blinked a few times, and looked around, before it saw Oriander. It's eyes narrowed and it's right arm went through a series of shifts and clicks which ended up changing it from a humanoid hand to a black gun, charged right at the humans face. The robots eyes weren't still. They focused on Oriander, but shook slowly, and would sometimes glitch out.
#176695999Thursday, October 22, 2015 7:25 PM GMT

"Alright, whatever. Just get me out of here. I don't trust Nina with the ship."
#176696140Thursday, October 22, 2015 7:28 PM GMT

Oriander put his hands up "Whoa there buddy, I mean you no harm! You understand English, right?" "Ruuuun! She's a ghost AND a b!tch!"
#176696451Thursday, October 22, 2015 7:34 PM GMT

The robot continued to hold its gun to Oriander's face, trying to process what it just heard. It's eyes moved around, before it took a step back and his right limb turned from a gun back to his hand. Its eyes shined like a flashlight as they moved up and down, inspecting the human. "English." A male voice repeated, coming somewhere from the robots head. "Yes." It's eyes dimmed back to their normal amount of brightness.
#176696975Thursday, October 22, 2015 7:46 PM GMT

Oriander lets out a sigh of relief at just having avoided being shot full of holes "oh thank god, I though I was dead for a minute there. So, if I may ask, what are you? Or more precisely, what are your programmed to do?"
#176697495Thursday, October 22, 2015 7:56 PM GMT

CONTESSA "Examine them and who's in the ships. I want to know if they're going after my blood and flesh."
#176697633Thursday, October 22, 2015 7:59 PM GMT

"I am..." The robot paused and closed its eyes. "Fortitude-and-Intelligence-Based-Soldier, bot number 6-28, from Vokanian home world, Vokia, on the rim of English-named 'Milky Way' galaxy.Tell me, human, what am I doing on this wasteland?" The robot spun around slowly, it's eyes yet again increasing in brightness, checking and scanning the ruins of this dead planet. - CONTESSA "They're coming at us very fast, but my sensors aren't capable of viewing the interior of the ship. As they're closer, however, I can determine that they do have particle beam weapons and they are online, suggesting hostility."
#176697725Thursday, October 22, 2015 8:00 PM GMT

CONTESSA "Crap. Then I'll have to get around them somehow."
#176698708Thursday, October 22, 2015 8:17 PM GMT

"Last I checked, this is Volkia. The people who built you went extinct long ago and the planet went to ruin. Governments restricted access of the planet due to numerous reports of the Volkians building deadly robot soldiers." Oriander explained "Ruuuun! She's a ghost AND a b!tch!"
#176699195Thursday, October 22, 2015 8:25 PM GMT

"Impossible. Vokanians were a very advanced species, nothing could wipe them out, and Vokia was a beautiful, flawless planet. There is no way this is Vokia." FIBS' eyes moved around. "What would you know?" His eyes narrowed, and his voice seemed to raise a bit. - CONTESSA "We're moving at our fastest speed and yet they're still much faster than us. They're gaining speed, and I can estimate they'll be within combat range in two minutes. I'm afraid we may have to take them head on, but they may not exactly be looking for battle. Perhaps assistance or trade."
#176699373Thursday, October 22, 2015 8:28 PM GMT

CONTESSA "I hope they're looking for trading or assistance, because if they attack, I don't think the space jet's 6,000 RPM laser cannons might be a match against these ships."
#176701003Thursday, October 22, 2015 8:55 PM GMT

-Armand Rillard, aka Conqueror, onboard Veil, approaching the Citadel "Quiet down back there everyone, we're a peaceful independent merchant with a hold full of luminium gemstones for a buyer here. As far as they're concerned, it's just me and Riv here." I say, and the chatter in the back fades away. Thanks to the guard here, even a cargo full of luminium gemstones won't attract too much attention from pirates, but a hold full of mercenaries would despite the guard. As we approach the orbital station, I send recognition codes and our faked manifest off to the docking controllers. A minute passes, then two. Probably them trying to scan our ship for proof of what we're carrying. This may be a combat ship, but it's got enough stealthy parts in it to fool a casual glance at what's inside. And besides, in these regions, pirates are less likely to attack if they don't know what they're gonna get. Confirmation and docking instructions comes onto the display. "Take us in." I say to Rivian, getting up. He nods, and takes the controls, easing us into one tiny part of the vast Citadel. "Ilan, go get us some food and supplies. Jerek, see if you can locate someone who is willing to take us up for some work." They both nod and leave the ship through the bottom hatch, which opened once Rivian took us into the hangar. I get out myself, followed by Alvei and Karen. Rivian will stay to watch the ship. There might be honor among thieves, but that honor doesn't extend to the non-locals, and the Citadel is so widely spread that there are always non-locals looking to steal a nice ship. Pays to take precautions. Anyway, while Ilan goes off to get us the basic supplies we'll need for continued journeys, and Jerek finds us some work, Alvei, Karen, and I head in our own separate directions. Everyone is still linked by our communicator implants, so I know that as soon as someone finds something, the rest of us will know.