#176756471Friday, October 23, 2015 9:16 PM GMT

-Democracy of Washington State- Construction begins on the wall around the capital of Westport. (10 turns) Repairs on the radio station begin. (15 turns) A convoy of one humvee and two cargo trucks are sent to a nearby forest to collect lumber for housing and heat. (5 turns) Hunters are picked and sent into the wild to hunt for food and collect pelts for clothing. (3 turns) The rest of the population builds shanty houses for temporary housing, and cleans debris within the capital. A curfew is currently in effect from 9pm to 8am until the wall is completed. Only military personnel are allowed out at night.
#176756611Friday, October 23, 2015 9:18 PM GMT

[THE NATIONAL SOCIALIST CHANCELLERY OF MAINE] Fuhrer Alexander Montgomery commands the reconstruction of the Loring airport. It will be defended by 75 soldiers. It is located near the Canadian border with Maine. The Fuhrer also demands that the capital city of Maine, Portland, has a massive chain fence built across which will always be heavily guarded by around 650 men and the recovered jeeps. Portland's City Hall is also to be renamed to the Reichstag and is to become a fortress with LMG positions scattered across the building.
#176775476Saturday, October 24, 2015 2:02 AM GMT

(@paintball Well... i want washington too so how will that work out?) @Paintball Peace?) Name: The Republic Leader: Sean J. Wolf population 9,890 Military:4,238 Repaired Vehicles: 4 Toyota four runners, 2 attack helis. 1 Military Hummer State: Washington state with hopes to claim the entire west coast. Bio: After the bombs fell the state of washington quickly got to rebuilding with hopes to one day get the world back together, Uses a democracy but there is a ruler. as well as a president.
#176775933Saturday, October 24, 2015 2:07 AM GMT

-The republic- Wishes to join forces with the forces in westport starts building a wall around seattle (4 turns) Starts gathering supplies to rebuild (2 turns) starts repairing new vehicles (5 turns)
#176776091Saturday, October 24, 2015 2:09 AM GMT

denied. a: washington state is already taken. feel free to ask paintball to see if you two can share the state, but if he declines you must either choose another state or get out. b: you started without being accepted, proving you have...a slightly more dull mind than usual. c: you're an idiot. hide yo kids, and hide yo wifi! - the name of my friend's internet
#176776355Saturday, October 24, 2015 2:13 AM GMT

okay, But i'll ask him if not i'll switch to Montana
#176777301Saturday, October 24, 2015 2:24 AM GMT

(I'd rather not share Washington State since I have future plans for it, sorry wolf.) (Oh and I was wondering if I could change the name to -Republic of Westport- I was having trouble picking names last night.)
#176777540Saturday, October 24, 2015 2:27 AM GMT

Can we join forces?????????? Please! Please! i'll be in oregan and we can become the republic and we can join forces please paintball! i live in washington IRL
#176777913Saturday, October 24, 2015 2:31 AM GMT

(Go ahead, make Oregon. Alliances have to be formed, so our alliance will have to wait to be seen. Most importantly, you have to fill out the sheet and have it be accepted by the owner or admin.)
#176777971Saturday, October 24, 2015 2:32 AM GMT

[sure, paintball] hide yo kids, and hide yo wifi! - the name of my friend's internet
#176778162Saturday, October 24, 2015 2:35 AM GMT

Name: The Republic Leader: Sean J. Wolf population 9,890 Military:4,238 Repaired Vehicles: 4 Toyota four runners, 2 attack helis. 1 Military Hummer State: Montana ( Maybe will be allies with washington so..) Bio: After the bombs fell the state of washington quickly got to rebuilding with hopes to one day get the world back together, Uses a democracy but there is a ruler. as well as a president.
#176778355Saturday, October 24, 2015 2:37 AM GMT

seriously dude denied can you just like not " After the bombs fell the state of washington quickly got to rebuilding with hopes to one day get the world back together, Uses a democracy but there is a ruler. as well as a president" >montana hide yo kids, and hide yo wifi! - the name of my friend's internet
#176779057Saturday, October 24, 2015 2:46 AM GMT

Name: The Republic Leader: Sean J. Wolf population 9,890 Military:4,238 Repaired Vehicles: 4 Toyota four runners, 2 attack helis. 1 Military Hummer State: Montana ( Maybe will be allies with washington so..) Bio: After the bombs fell the state of Montana quickly got to rebuilding with hopes to one day get the world back together, Uses a democracy , But there is a life time ruler who is there when the president is incapable to lead.
#176804219Saturday, October 24, 2015 2:38 PM GMT

The Republic of California Construction starts on a wall around Sacramento. Humvees and trucks are sent to scout the areas around Sacramento. The Californian Army starts training the current soldiers.
#176804363Saturday, October 24, 2015 2:41 PM GMT

The wall construction continues. The draft continues. Patrols begin around the island, while hunting also continues. Fishing continues as well. The cargo vessel is sent to the west coast of the mainland to search for empty land to harvest resources. hide yo kids, and hide yo wifi! - the name of my friend's internet
#176804938Saturday, October 24, 2015 2:52 PM GMT

(Was i accepted for montana?)
#176805004Saturday, October 24, 2015 2:53 PM GMT

-Republic of Westport- Construction of wall continues. (9 turns) Repairs of radio station continue. (14 turns) Convoy sent to the forest continues collection of lumber. (4 turns) Hunters continue the hunt. (2 turns) Cargo ship is being prepped for an expedition. (1 turn) Patrols are assigned within the capital, and outside areas. Curfew continues to be in effect.
#176805163Saturday, October 24, 2015 2:55 PM GMT

(Was i accepted?) (And what if i control and embassy in washington with your permission paintball, i'll do the same for you in montana?)
#176805220Saturday, October 24, 2015 2:56 PM GMT

[i'd really like to deny you, but im going to wait for consul to decide] where did i go wrong, i lost a friend, somewhere along in the bitterness
#176805321Saturday, October 24, 2015 2:58 PM GMT

(Why would you like to deny me, i may make a group for it and what did i do wrong with my CS)
#176805489Saturday, October 24, 2015 3:01 PM GMT

your military exceeds 2,000 you reposted andromeda without permission, because it was locked you have a lack of grammar you started without being accepted your biography is not thought out at all etc etc etc for now consider yourself denied, unless consul says otherwise where did i go wrong, i lost a friend, somewhere along in the bitterness
#176805859Saturday, October 24, 2015 3:07 PM GMT

Okay i'll make an entirely new CS that's a lot longer...... and Andromena, i wanted to RP because i spent a lot of time on my CS in that redoing it.
#176806580Saturday, October 24, 2015 3:19 PM GMT

Name: The Republic Leader: Sean Tolif walker Population:8,982 Military:1,561 Repaid Vehicles: 3 2016 4runner with turrets , 2 arctic cat ATV, 2 light aircraft (for scouting) State: The state of Montana. Bio: after the bombs dropped on America, The state of Montana got to thinking one thing, Destroy all other countries (Not states) They quickly decided to started to use all the land to try to make Montana less desert( Because of the bombs) And there main capital is up in Helena, But they have a fall back shelter up in glacier peak in-case they get attacked, they want to find other states that still have people and help them, then with there help they can destroy the other countries for there to be one dominant country!
#176806938Saturday, October 24, 2015 3:25 PM GMT

that good?
#176820923Saturday, October 24, 2015 7:07 PM GMT

was my CS accepted?