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#176837671Saturday, October 24, 2015 11:39 PM GMT

( Before I (possibly) make a nation, can I get a little clarification as to what "NRP" means? Also, how exactly should this type of RP be executed in terms of view? I.E: From the view of the king, the view of events at hand from the populace's eyes, or of events in third person?)
#176837984Saturday, October 24, 2015 11:44 PM GMT

~The Plague~ The Syhelians do their business in the clearing, unwilling to test their wards against potentially plague ridden citizens and mistrusting of mortals. A handful of guns, some enchanted swords, bows, and sets of medium armor. All are sold for a rather hefty price before the Syhelians take their leave, not wanting to be left behind by the Archipelago of the Pact. "Sure"~Romuluz 2014
#176838414Saturday, October 24, 2015 11:51 PM GMT

[The Plague] Laughs can be heard from the camp as the Syhelians leave. Mass production on the bought items begin. The great stronghold is only in a quarter of completion, the main focus of the building of the camp right now. Those who are sick are given the best armor and weapons, as they are the flag-bearers of The Plague. Recruits come and leave.
#176838941Sunday, October 25, 2015 12:00 AM GMT

~The Plague~ Unfortunately the weaponry can't be replicated. It is the product of years of careful training and knowledge from the heavens in the case of the enchanted weaponry, and in the case of the guns, it similarly needs skilled manufacturers as well as materials that are simply inaccessible to them, indeed only the dwarves and the Syhelians have thus far managed to manufacture guns. "Sure"~Romuluz 2014
#176839274Sunday, October 25, 2015 12:05 AM GMT

nrp stands for nation roleplay where did i go wrong, i lost a friend, somewhere along in the bitterness
#176839465Sunday, October 25, 2015 12:09 AM GMT

[The Plague] Dissassemble them and make versions that are possible to replicate but are much weaker than their original.
#176840247Sunday, October 25, 2015 12:22 AM GMT

~The Plague~ After much work, the guns are broken apart into a large and crude 'cannon'. Though finding the materials to make more will be a challenge soon. The enchanted weaponry is simply destroyed, magic can't be replicated through disassembly. "Sure"~Romuluz 2014
#176840910Sunday, October 25, 2015 12:34 AM GMT

[The Plague] Only the physical gun could be mass-produced, as expected. Send out parties to find materials, through trading or mining. Hand those that are mass-prodiced out. Give the first cannon to the High Heretic.
#176849290Sunday, October 25, 2015 2:41 AM GMT

~|Atlantis|~ The Atlantians continue growing in strength s drafts are held across the nation, and the more experienced men continue training the troops. Hunts go on below the sea, as at this point the Atlantians have either used magic to breathe under water so much or have just simply adapted to the ability, they now possess the ability to go underwater, which is the only reason they seem to have flourished. As well, the Atlantians continue attempting to tame gigawhales, a large species of whale with great opportunities in battle. where did i go wrong, i lost a friend, somewhere along in the bitterness
#176909977Sunday, October 25, 2015 11:26 PM GMT

[The Plague] Scouts parties are sent to observe the other factions. Those who are plagued are sacrificed to the Plague God, in an attempt to summon Plague Demons. Now, this is a story all about how my life got flipped-turned upside down
#176914850Monday, October 26, 2015 12:32 AM GMT

The Forgotten continue to surge outwards, consuming all of the meager animal and plant life that there is to be found. A precious few ghouls, no more than two hundred, along with the shambling zombies and quick but fragile skeletons. Through the efforts of the most powerful necromancers, several zombies at a time are consumed and melded together to make ghasts. But the effort is slow, and no more than half a dozen ghasts can be produced a day. As more bodies trickle in, mostly more zombies from the battles and diseases across the world, structures are set up. From Lecterns for the liches, to Bone Crypts, to Blood Altars, and of course the Forges where the skeletons can work to produce armor and weapons for the armies, the land is slowly being transformed into a place of darkness and death, readying for the mounts of global warfare against all those who would oppose the undead legions. (Yo guys, if you need info on the undead I have, PM me. I'll reply.)
#176916388Monday, October 26, 2015 12:51 AM GMT

~Inashor Pact~ The islands of the Pact take flight once again, the warehouse stores once again brimming with materials. The islands at this time are actually expanding rapidly population wise, and to maintain self sufficiency more land is needed to support agriculture. And so the Pact drifts towards the ocean, the growing chaos below is a cause for alarm and so the compulsory magical education is now far more rigorous, lasts longer, and has an increased focus on the combat aspects of the Syhelians. "Sure"~Romuluz 2014
#176921893Monday, October 26, 2015 1:54 AM GMT

With scouts reporting of factions moving outward, the High Heretic decides to do so. Thousands of cultists, travel outward to expand their territory, creating forward camps after long distances. Sickness, disease, and death is present wherever they step. Bodies stuck on pikes kept on the backs of soldiers to terrify their enemy, while behind them more heavily armed warriors trail behind. A bloody war shall come, and disease will follow. Now, this is a story all about how my life got flipped-turned upside down
#176934092Monday, October 26, 2015 5:44 AM GMT

The Fires of the Forgotten have started. Nearly a hundred thousand dead souls hammer away at the forges, crafting weapons and armor imbued by the foulest of black magics, to be used against all of those who try to keep their souls from the Archdaemon. And thousands more join the work force every day, as more fires are ignited and more weapons may be crafted. The dead are tireless, restless, neither feel pain or sorrow, endlessly working to build more and more so that the Archdaemon may give them the reward they wish. And finally, the shrines and altars of various dead, results are finally made. Already, the Allips came and spread, giving strength to the undead legions that they touched. The Blood Altars took those who thought they were special, and turned them into Bloodhulks. The powerful necromancers each made two Boneclaws, and already the minor necromancers channeled their powers to create a powerful Corpse Gatherer out of cursed earth, gravestones, and rotting zombies. The Daemons promised Doom Knights and Bodaks as conquests were successful, and the spirits of necromancers who had failed the rituals to make them immune to age and the sufferings of the mortal bodies were being called upon to return as Crimson Deaths. The coming years would see terror, blood, and death aplenty.
#176951849Monday, October 26, 2015 5:42 PM GMT

[UNITED KINGDOMS OF ANGOLFIA] King Angol II demands that crops be dealt with twice as hard to create twice the amount of food available for the population over the predicted winter.
#176964278Monday, October 26, 2015 9:41 PM GMT

Those sacrificed seemed like a lost cause, but in the pits of the dead bodies Daemons of the Plague arrived. Towering masses of flesh, out crawled worms and insects eating the beasts apart. Acid poured from the gaping mouths and holes drilled in by the little creatures, destroying the ground below them. They held trees as clubs or giant hatchets given to them. These were the Heralds of Plague Those who had faked as true cultists were once more revived as Plaguelings. Tiny creatures, circular in shape with their face unrecognizable and grotesque, with no head and their face on their torso. Their tongues stuck out for their decaying jaw, some falling off on them already. Bugs crawled and gnawed at them, leaving holes and patches of deep flesh within. They moved quickly, using their claws or swarming with their viscous bite, if they still had their decaying mouth. Some of these beasts have been possessed with wings giving them greater mobility. Relics are found, only able to be used by Heretics. Foolish cultists who tried to harness the magic were torn apart, killed, or turned into a Daemon. Now, this is a story all about how my life got flipped-turned upside down

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