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#176665879Thursday, October 22, 2015 1:07 AM GMT

You were tasked with exploring multiple worlds by the Deratori Colonial Agency (DCA). Aboard the Izom Hercules. It's a $4 billion dollar spacecraft engineered by Yamamato Exploration. Completed with sixteen side-mounted gatling-guns, a railgun launching 400kg projectiles at Mach 18, dual Sterling engines, and intergalactic star maps, the Izom is truly a marvel of modern spacecraft manufacturing. There are 2 planets you can choose for your descent upon. Choose One: ✔ - Yes (_) - Pioliv: A planet with a mass doubled that of Jupiter, (3.79600 × 10²⁷) it is 86% water, with three continents. It's gravity is 5.37 times stronger than Earth. It's surface is pimpled with active volcanoes, adding landmass to the world every day. It's a gas planet with a atmosphere composed of hydrogen, chlorine, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen. It has known native life, although there are obvious remnants of a civilization close to ours in the modern-day universe. (_) - Loynus: An ice giant planet, is in a small solar system with only nine other planets. It's about 2.5x larger than Earth and has a 1.37x gravity greater than Earth's. Nope. I'm going to stop making sci-fi roleplays. I don't like them. I might work on some sort of Military-sim...

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