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#176776653Saturday, October 24, 2015 2:17 AM GMT

This is just an unfinished piece in that one story I wrote. Hopefully, I can add more to "Your King". In addition, this does NOT belong to the next chapter. It's a ways away. -- -- -- "Cheers to birm and tim!" Pruz exclaimed as he stood and most others smiled. Several others had their faces filled with slaughtered meat from our last hunting. Others stood as well to help propose the toast. I don't know why, but something just irked inside of me, like I did something wrong. And I knew that being king was a flaw just waiting to add more to its corruption. I guzzled the harmful liquid down my throat. Now, this was the first time trying the stuff. Any it tasted bitter and dark. I noticed something else inside of the glass, but whence I realized, it was already too late. In subsequent affect, my head started hurting. I felt over my head and noticed that my temperature was dropping. I could have warned Pick, Eik, or someone else in the upper class with me, but no; In no further retribution I tip over, but this time, I felt time pass rather slowly. --- missing det --- Before I fully am out of it, I utter to myself. 'I should have trusted you, ... .. .. .' And that was it. -- -- --fin. This next bit are notes that I've taken from A LONG TIME AGO. Bleeping out some words with X because too much. -- -- -- Your King [notes] Purring ~ Oh yeah, he'll tell me everything. BrickDynamics insured me to make an anti-XXXX, a.k.a. XXXX (He also has more infurmayshun)
#176776952Saturday, October 24, 2015 2:20 AM GMT

Should I finish the actual story guys?.?.
#176777029Saturday, October 24, 2015 2:21 AM GMT

what even
#176777489Saturday, October 24, 2015 2:26 AM GMT

Yes continue and hopefully things will make more sense than this
#176777541Saturday, October 24, 2015 2:27 AM GMT

Why did I use I? It's supposed to be third person.
#176777561Saturday, October 24, 2015 2:27 AM GMT

" birm and tim! " *read piks fanfic* *cries*

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