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#176832873Saturday, October 24, 2015 10:20 PM GMT

[This is based off 2012.] The famous weatherman on the screen, Martin Cortina, described a historic flood, known to come every 1,010 years, called the "The 1,010 Deaths Flood" due to how it came from 1,010 years ago. The geologist claimed it as a year of catastrophe and disaster. "We will all have no life, no soul, when this flood ends.." said the geologist. Officials from around the world met in the UN, and decided to initiate "Project Arks" which resulted in all the metal in the world being taken to build the arks. The project was decided to take place in a small town, called Orient. The town was removed from the maps, the town was declared off-limits by officials, and they decided that all the rich people chosen by geneticists to make the perfect life were let on the arks. "This is FOX News, reporting live. There has been rumors around that the arks are in Orient, New York, due to the town now being fenced off. Now, we'll be on the arks, being safe." The screen flashed off. The year is November 29th, 2019. There is some panic going on all around the country. All the highways are filled with traffic jams leading towards Orient. All the people living in town aren't allowed on the arks, unless they manage to sneak in, which is unlikely. People all around are booking flights and traveling, just to get on the arks. There are four classes: Bandit: These are the people that usually rob or steal from people, including transportation. They mainly live in big towns like Scranton. High Class: The high class are people who are rich but didn't make it to the yacht. They live all over, and they use limos and other cars for transportation. Smugglers: They can smuggle anyone into the Orient arks, including themselves, and they live mainly in only Cassville and Lewes. [Two spots open for reservation] Middle Class: They are the average joe; they weren't invited and they want to get on the yacht. They live everywhere. -- Locations: Delhi, NY: This quaint little town in Delaware County. This place has nearly 6,000 people, and known for it's car variety. This place has many places to live around town, and it's 248 miles from Orient. Difficulty: Easy-Medium Mystic, CT: This place has a sea port that you can easily use to dock into Orient, a ferry leaves at the Mystic Seaport but it costs a lot. This place has lots of high paying jobs. This place is 272 miles away from Orient. Difficulty: Medium Scranton, PA: The city that is a metropolis. Scranton has a population of around 75,000 people. This place has many people who can sneak you in the project. The town is 221.4 miles away from the city of Orient, however, it'll have a large price. Difficulty: Medium-Hard Lewes, DE: Lewes has a port that was closed down. 99% of the boats in the port don't work. Many jobs here are medium paying, which'll take awhile to get to. 80% of the cars here are owned, 15% are by the black market, and 5% is abandoned and impossible to fix. The city of Lewes is 5 hours, 25 minutes away, and it has a population of 2,747 people. Difficulty: Hard Cassville, NJ: This city is an unknown place of misery. Almost nobody lives here, at a population of 300. However, it is the closest to Orient, as it's only 166.4 miles away. It is impossible to get some kind of transportation there, except there's a few motorcycles. Difficulty: Hard -- Rules: 1. Your CS must be above mediocre. If your CS is below mediocre, even by the slightest bit. 2. If you are going to do a troll CS, at least make it good. 3. Be respectful to people, and if they role-play wrong or incorrectly, give them constructive criticism. 4. Godmodders will be given a warning and kicked. 5. Ignore all trolls. 6. Be realistic. 7. This is a random rule, I don't know what to put here. 8. Swearing and romance at your own risk. 9. If you have a car or something, name the model, like "Kia Sorento 2019" or something like that, and put it in your Inventory. -- CS: Name: Gender: Age: Physical Appearance: Clothing Appearance: Personality: Biography: Class: Location: Inventory: Other: -- Admins: Don't know. Only admin so far is me, I guess.
#176833868Saturday, October 24, 2015 10:36 PM GMT

Honestly, I would just get on a plane and stay up until the flood is gone, Or a hot airbaloon.
#176834182Saturday, October 24, 2015 10:40 PM GMT

[I'm being realistic. Do you think the plane would stay up for 1000 years? or the balloon? No. So, your theory is wrong.]
#176834563Saturday, October 24, 2015 10:46 PM GMT

so.. the flood last 1000 years so they get 10 years to rebuild?
#176834609Saturday, October 24, 2015 10:46 PM GMT

[You read it wrong. It COMES every 1000 years.]
#176834674Saturday, October 24, 2015 10:47 PM GMT

and you said it stays for 1 year a ballon has done that before.
#176834747Saturday, October 24, 2015 10:49 PM GMT

[I never said that.. ugh.]
#176834939Saturday, October 24, 2015 10:52 PM GMT

[Oh, yeah, a hot air balloon has never done that before. the longest flight was only 320 hours, aka 45 days.]
#176835229Saturday, October 24, 2015 10:57 PM GMT

okay, Well then get your own boat... DUH
#176835337Saturday, October 24, 2015 10:59 PM GMT

[You sure are an idiot.. the boat wouldn't be able to stand the tides when it comes in. Yes, it's a dangerous flood.]
#176868068Sunday, October 25, 2015 12:01 PM GMT

#176870484Sunday, October 25, 2015 1:18 PM GMT

bump 2
#176871435Sunday, October 25, 2015 1:42 PM GMT

Marked. Probablygonna do a famous YouTuber and Twitch streamer for the High Class, if that is allowed.
#176872190Sunday, October 25, 2015 1:59 PM GMT

OK. I'm going to make my CS soon.
#176872401Sunday, October 25, 2015 2:04 PM GMT

CS: Name: Sarah Shawcross Gender: Female Age: 24 Physical Appearance: Her spiky, shoulder length hair is naturally black, but she dyed it to have electric blue streaks in it. Her eyes are a beautiful emerald green and she stands at 5'8". Her skin is fair with a slight tan to it, her facial features being smooth and child-like, making her look younger. She also has a small tattoos of rainbow lightning bolts on the outisde of both her eyes. Clothing Appearance: She likes to keep it simple, wearing a plain white short sleeved crop-top, a black leather jacket, blue denim hot-pants and red and blue converse high-tops. She also has red lensed shades that sit on top of her head. Personality: To be revealed. Biography: To be revealed. Class: High Class Location: Delhi, NY Inventory: An 2014 Lamborghini Huracan, wrapped in Electric blue chrome, with white lightning designs on it and black rims. Other: She's a famous YouTuber and Twitch streamer.
#176872588Sunday, October 25, 2015 2:09 PM GMT

[Accepted. Making my CS soon.]
#176872615Sunday, October 25, 2015 2:10 PM GMT

(Cool. So when can we start?)
#176873281Sunday, October 25, 2015 2:24 PM GMT

[When we get at least 4-5 people. I count as a person also, by the way.] Name: Jordan Mexto Gender: Female Age: 19 Physical Appearance: Jordan has chestnut hair with some blonde highlights, which goes down to about her waist. She has a scar along her arm from a dangerous accident, and she has hazel-blue eyes. She is about 5'6" and she has a slightly lighter skin tone than Caucasian. She has a temporary tattoo of a word that says "Delhi" in blue and white. Clothing Appearance: Jordan wears blue jeans, with a t-shirt with a bunch of stripes. She wears some brown uggs, and a 1920s flower hat. She also wears some shades. Personality: Jordan is often mysterious with plenty of secrets, she tries to make everyone happy, she doesn't care what people say about her. She's brave, and fearless of most things. She does have a huge fear of clowns, but that's about it. She also loves technology. Biography: TBR Class: Middle Class Location: Delhi, NY Inventory: 2016 Hyundai Tuscon in brown, flashlight, cellphone, wallet. Other: She has a teacup french bulldog as a pet, named Fluffy. She's a fan of Sarah Shawcross.
#176873424Sunday, October 25, 2015 2:27 PM GMT

(Hmm... I'm not sure 4-5 joiners could be possible. But what do I know? XP)
#176873492Sunday, October 25, 2015 2:29 PM GMT

[We need 2-3 more people then we'll be able to start.]
#176873534Sunday, October 25, 2015 2:30 PM GMT

#176873892Sunday, October 25, 2015 2:37 PM GMT

(I have an idea. If we start RPing now, people would see that it has started and might join. Do you get where I am going?)
#176874015Sunday, October 25, 2015 2:39 PM GMT

[Yeah. Let's start. I'm letting you go first, I guess.]
#176874127Sunday, October 25, 2015 2:41 PM GMT

[Sarah] I smile as another car vlog finishes uploading. I sit back in my DX-Rcaer gaming chair, putting my hands behind my head.
#176874380Sunday, October 25, 2015 2:46 PM GMT

Jordan She gets some paper and writes down how to sneak into one of the arks.

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