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#176852646Sunday, October 25, 2015 3:37 AM GMT

PLEASE READ EVERYTHING IN ORDER TO MAKE A CHARACTER AND UNDERSTAND THE GAME. IF YOU DON'T HAVE THE TIME, JUST SKIM OVER OR SOMETHING. CTRL + F |SHEET| TO START MAKING THE CHARACTER I'm making a CYOA/Simulator for Halloween, since it's basically a week away. The CYOA/Simulator will be based upon the Salem witch trials, and I need some characters to add into the CYOA/Simulator. It'd be nice if the characters were made by ideas from you guys, since I'm bad at making any kind of character. |SETTING|: Salem, Massachusetts |TIME PERIOD|: 1692 |START DATE|: October 1st |END DATE|: October 31st [DETECTION] is a result the proswagonist gets when investigating someone. I'm going to need about twelve character general descriptions for the CYOA/Simulator. |RULES|: 1. All characters MUST HAVE SERIOUS NAMES AND DESCRIPTIONS. 2. You can't play as your character since it's a CYOA/Simulator. 3. Unfortunately, I get to pick what roles the characters have, annnnnnnd (of course) it's a secret. 4. You can't have a character that's under 19. Kids don't do this kind of stuff. |ROLES|: Doctor- Heals the residents of Salem (whether they need it or not). [GOOD GUYS] [DETECTION]: Your target visits others to "aid". Amnesiac- Has no idea who they are. [DETECTION]: Your target does nothing. Investigator- Gets hints to what the other roles COULD be (via [DETECTION])--only the Protagonist can be the Investigator. As an Investigator, you/the Protagonist has the options to lynch or not lynch the target you investigated last night. [DETECTION]: Silly goose, you can't use this on yourself! Jailor- Jails the suspicious residents of Salem. [DETECTION]: Your target visits others to inquire. Lookout- Watches targets at night. [DETECTION]: Your target roams at night. Mayor- The big boss of the town. [DETECTION]: Your target leads others. Medium- That one guy that does stuff with the dead people. [DETECTION]: Your target works/has worked with dead bodies. Sheriff- Tasked with keeping things at order. [DETECTION]: Your target visits others to inquire. Veteran- An ex-army officer. [DETECTION]: Your target works/has worked with dead bodies. [TARGETS TO ELIMINATE TO WIN] Necromancer- That one guy that does weird stuff with the dead people. [DETECTION]: Your target works/has worked with dead bodies. Cultist- Believes that in order for others to live, they need to worship their deity. [DETECTION]: Your target visits others to inquire. Witch- Has evil magic powers, terrorizes Salem all the time. [DETECTION]: Your target leads others. Voodoo Doctor- Causes pain to others. [DETECTION]: Your target roams at night. |SHEET| [The character you want in the CYOA/Simulator!] Name: Gender: Description: Age:
#176853477Sunday, October 25, 2015 3:50 AM GMT

#176853890Sunday, October 25, 2015 3:57 AM GMT

bump 2
#176854039Sunday, October 25, 2015 4:00 AM GMT

bump 3
#176854628Sunday, October 25, 2015 4:10 AM GMT

bump 4 :/
#176854952Sunday, October 25, 2015 4:15 AM GMT

bump 5
#176855150Sunday, October 25, 2015 4:19 AM GMT

bump 6
#176858450Sunday, October 25, 2015 5:25 AM GMT

7th bumppppppppppppppppp
#176858533Sunday, October 25, 2015 5:27 AM GMT

#176864336Sunday, October 25, 2015 9:05 AM GMT

dog how are ya  
#176869149Sunday, October 25, 2015 12:40 PM GMT

You're idea is neat and people complain about there not being enough Halloween role-plays, so I'll make a CS. Name: Thomas Bernard Gender: Male Description: Thomas was raised not to be afraid of witches, but to love them as people. Thomas did some digging and found various proofs of Thomas' mother being a witch, so afterwards he was quite suspicious as to whether or not witches are bad or good, yet Thomas usually tries to defend witches for their actions, and still treats them like people, as he was raised. Thomas is quite clumsy and /always/ wears a purple shirt. Age: 31 Would you mind if I made another one? ~ "Long live the purple shirt." ~

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