#24220088Tuesday, April 13, 2010 10:16 PM GMT

You look around at what they have. You see a tent with tools in it, you ask "Whats in there?" As you slowly walk towards, then crouch to touch it. A very old bird-looking guy walks out of the big tent and says in an old raggedy voice "Flutes me boy." as he walks over with a stick in his hands, he picks one up and puts it up to his mouth and makes an odd noise, then says "Well, I'm not as good as I used to be." Then he hands you one and asks "Want to give it a try?" You hold it to your mouth then start to blow, it makes a high sound, then you move your hand over a hole, and it makes a higher noise, then you put it over all the holes and its a very high noise. Now what? A)Get your instruments B)Continue to play C)Look at other things D)Own idea
#24220456Tuesday, April 13, 2010 10:22 PM GMT

#24222031Tuesday, April 13, 2010 10:43 PM GMT

You walk to Alice and say "Follow me." Alice follows you and the rest of the team stays there, awkwardly, while running Alice asks "Where are we going?" "To get some of our instruments." You say. When you get home you grab the guitar and Alice grabs the rocks, you run back and lay down the instruments, the old one asks "What are these?" you say "Some instruments." then start to string your guitar and Alice hits the rocks together, you both make some music, then their tribe gathers their flutes, maracas, and all kinds of weird things. They start to join with the beat, other people start dancing around the fire, the spider too. Now what? A)Sit and chat B)War C)Go home D)Own idea
#24222071Tuesday, April 13, 2010 10:43 PM GMT

#24223419Tuesday, April 13, 2010 11:02 PM GMT

By the time the music is done, you all laugh and chat and sit down. The old man sits next to you and asks "So, where did you come from?" you say "That way." And point towards home, then he asks "Yes, we saw that, but where that way?" "We live in a big house, all together, with beds." You say. "Beds?" He asks. "Yes, Just some leaves and grass piled up." "Cool." The old guy says, then says "We have some sin and wool in our huts." "Huts." You ask "Yes, those things with tan on them." he says "Cool." You say then Dahn says "I'm hungry, got anything to eat?" then the deep voiced one with the hat gets up and go's up to another hut, he asks "Meat or Plant?" Dahn says "Meat." and Everyone else in your tribe raises their finger and says what they eat, the chief-looking dude gets folded leaves for all, they open them and meat eaters find red meat and plant eaters find more leaves and grass mixed in a ball, so they just eat the entire leaf. Now what? A)Ask how they built stuff and if you can use the ideas B)Chat some more C)Say thank you and leave D)Own idea
#24223575Tuesday, April 13, 2010 11:04 PM GMT

Over a thousand views and only maybe 5 or 7 people, People can start from tribe if they'd like!
#24223694Tuesday, April 13, 2010 11:06 PM GMT

#24224347Tuesday, April 13, 2010 11:15 PM GMT

You ask the Old Man what his name is, he says "The Old Man..." You stare a while, awkwardly, you say "So... The Old Man... How do you create those wooden flutes and how do those maracas make noise when you shake them an-" Your cut off and one of the tribe members with a flute in HIS hand and says "Its easy, Oh, I'm sorry, My name's Iivias." He looks back at the flute and says "We take some wood out of the tree with our knifes and-" "Knifes?" You then ask. he says "Ah, were going back, lets see, wheres my knife?... Oh here it is!" He says as he pulls a pointy rock from a small pack on his waist, its a sharpened rocks connected with glue to wood, "It starts with any two rocks then you hit them together, eventually one will chip off and become sharper and sharper, then make some glue, I see you have done that with your music thingy." "Guitar." you say. "Yes, that, then connect the rocks with wood." Now what? A)Ask for a demonstration B)How to make flutes C)How to make maracas D)How to make didgeridoos (A low instrument to make weird noises.)
#24225010Tuesday, April 13, 2010 11:24 PM GMT

#24225972Tuesday, April 13, 2010 11:38 PM GMT

You ask about the long wooden things with curves on the end. Iivias says "Ahh, the didgeridoos, they add more of a base sound, they usual start a celebration with music." "How do you make them?" You ask "Wood again, take a big block, about the size of the didgeridoos and cut downwards on an angle, then near the end curve up on an angle, going to same way, make it bigger as you go down then up, then use a knife to cut it in half, carve out an inside, and use glue to connect the pieces, any outside glue scrape off, any inside glue use some sort of cloth, or skin, on a stick to get that out." He talks fast, What now? A)Go home B)Ask about the:(Spears, Other instruments, tents, cloth, any invention a tribe would have.) C)Say thanks and go home D)Own idea
#24226602Tuesday, April 13, 2010 11:47 PM GMT

#24227466Tuesday, April 13, 2010 11:59 PM GMT

You thank everyone and head home. Loading Tribal Stage...... 10%... 46%... 72%... 89%... 99%... 100% Questions Tribe name: Symbol: Color approval:(Just in case you dont want red.) Invention Status: Musical Tribe Food: Any Current Members: 6 (I think... You, Kiff, Alice, Dahn, Dahn's mom, Spider.) Tribe chief: Cyclo Tribe Elder: Kiff Tribe Status: Peaceful Any objections to the status's? Answer the forms and tribe stage begins.
#24227882Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:06 AM GMT

I like how I did the loading thing XD
#24228078Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:09 AM GMT

Symbol: A wing with characteristics of other tribe members I can't think of a name for my tribe.
#24228537Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:15 AM GMT

Hold on I'm gunna get a cool name from another language XD
#24228902Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:20 AM GMT

奇部落 Means "Odd tribe" In Chinese (Traditional)! Weird, but the name Odd tribe fits for your tribes array of species.
#24229029Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:22 AM GMT

And Cyclo is the only one of his species in this tribe.
#24229521Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:28 AM GMT

I'll go into that later. But now tribe names and stuff is focused on.
#24229642Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:30 AM GMT

Ok, let start the tribe stage!
#24229815Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:32 AM GMT

Tribe sign: I was thinking about a bottom of a spider with 8 legs radiating outwards and wings coming from the top left, with a tail underneath it, a curved tail, and the spider legs furry, the background red, and the sign black. Alice and Cyclo=Wings(Bird) Spider=Pet spider(Arachnid) Dahn and mom=Curved tail(Lizard) Kiff=fur(Mammal)
#24229997Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:34 AM GMT

name: frankencell  ocean: befp  color: red  companion color: blue size: 3
#24230177Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:36 AM GMT

Ok, make that the tribe sign.
#24230225Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:37 AM GMT

(Reply to fire's post.)
#24230257Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:37 AM GMT

(Oh, A new player!) You start in an ocean, a cell evolved into the Frankencell species, and he starts to roam. What do you do? A)Sleep B)Eat C)Explore
#24230593Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:42 AM GMT

Cool, and the name is the Chinese one I created somewhere above?--^ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------|