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#177258292Saturday, October 31, 2015 10:39 PM GMT

Resurrection Project (Story) Chapter 1- Cold-hearted. Tails was walking down the street, sword in hand. The street was dimly lit, the cobbled path eroded by the many people and horses that walk upon it on a day to day basis. The moon was full, high in the sky. The witching hour. Blood was dripping from his shirt. Another day, another bounty raised. He had killed another person for the respectful money he will be rewarded, the client must be tired waiting by now. "Weak scrubs." Tails swore, indicating he was superior to all, though by the time he got to the crossroads into the main street, a scream erupted from behind. "Allahu akbar!" the voice rang, echoing off of the Norman-styled buildings. It was Snowverlord Danonymous of Alsuis, and he had come to kill Tails. Danonymous landed into Tails, rugby tackling him down into a sign that read "Diamond Crossroads". Tails swore loudly. "You've got quite a nice bounty raised above your head, brother. Just wait till you get decapped and I get my money, I'll be rich, I tell you, rich!" with that, the annoying-ass boastful Alsuian let off an eerie cackle, one of a witch. Tails was peeved, yo. Tails pushed Dan off of him, and quickly found his feet. Danonymous, though powerful, was not expecting retaliation. Tails drew his sword menacingly, and lunged; slashing with everything he's got. Dan, being the champion SFer he was, professionally ducked and sidestepped with every move Tails made. At that moment, Tails reached into his 'Bag of Randomness' (trademarked) and pulled out the epic double bladed lightsaber he saw in Episode One of the Star Wars Prequels. However, being the honourable person he was, he threw Danonymous a single bladed lightsaber, 'evening' the odds even though Tails was an undeniable expert at lightsaber fighting because of his sheer awesomeness. Suddenly, that badass as hell choir music from the final battle at the end of The Phantom Menace started playing as Tails ignited the saber-staff. "Baby jesus!" Dan exclaimed, clutching the handle of his new lightsaber. "Come at me, you white coont." Tails retorted, swinging and doing tricks that defied the laws of gravity with his double-saber. The Sammich-maker turned hitman made the first move, darting forward quickly,doing a quick swiping manoeuvre with one of the ends of his blade, wielding it like a bo-staff. Danonymous was grazed by the blades, his left side was badly scarred. "This suit cost ten damned robux, you know how hard it is to earn that?!" Dan exclaimed, initiating his lightsaber, fortunately matching his iconic tie colour of ice blue. Tails was unfazed by his screaming, and haphazardly leapt, both hands clutching the dual-saber as he made a spinning, horizontal motion that reminded Danonymous of Levi from Attack on Titan. Fortunately for the snowman, he was lucky to have backflipped out of the way. "You filthy, acrobatic white boy." Tails shouted, locking eyes with the King of Alsuian Snowmen. The latter made a childish grin, mocking Tails' accent: "Kahm at may, yee woit coont." this made Tails mad. No one dares make fun of Tails' accent. Tails once again made an aggressive play, jabbing forward with one blade, before putting a large amount of strength in his right hand and bringing around the second blade. It connects with Dan, crackling like when electricity is in contact with water, as they enter into a blade-lock. Dan stood his ground, putting his right leg back. "You know, I also do martial arts, right?" Dan asked rhetorically, and with that, he threw the leg right back up, bending it and snapping straight out into Tails' hips, knocking him back. Danonymous held out his ice-blue single-handed lightsaber, right leg in front, as if he was imitating a pirate. "You're gonna die tonight, mate." Dan stated. Tails wanted to end the fight, and seeing that Dan was too busy imitating a pirate and taunting him, he took his chance. Ducking in closer to Danonymous, one of his blades connected with the Snowman's. He batted the blade out of the way, before doing exactly what Darth Maul did when he killed Qui Jon Jin and hit Dan in the forehead with the actual hilt of his saber-staff. It disorientated Dan enough for Tails to slice his lightsaber hilt in two. Dan tripped over himself in shock. Did a champion SFer just lose to a weeny Northern Irishboy wielding a lightsaber... a bow-staff lightsaber...? Still recovering from the concussion, Dan looked up to see Tails upon him, chuckling. "Well, my bounty is dead, and now the other bountyhunter will end up dead, too!" with that, he raised his lightsaber up, and plunged it into the Snowverlord. "Ach scheisse!" Dan swore, dropping dead generically, tongue sticking out. The Final Fantasy victory theme could be heard. "Yee, now watch me whip, whip, watch me nae nae..." Tails sung, walking off to the residence of the contractor that would make him infamous for his wealth from contract killing. However, Tails failed to notice the figure that had watched their little... tete tete. It pressed its index and middle-finger against a small ear-piece, "Subject E-4233 has been eliminated. Requested course of action?" "Understood, resurrection process has been activated." To be continued. Written by Danonymous and Tailsdahfox136 on a late Saturday night.
#177258356Saturday, October 31, 2015 10:39 PM GMT

One does not simply win over Snowverlord. "Rabbits tastes like chickens." -Danonymous.
#177261327Saturday, October 31, 2015 11:36 PM GMT

theres a lack of me pls ansr
#177286418Sunday, November 01, 2015 10:17 AM GMT

The only mistakes I see is that we advanced through the combat and ending scene too quickly. The first paragraph seemed like a bad piece of poetry and yeah. Though I wrote this in past tense, I still made many mistakes because believe me, I am not comfortable using tenses in my sentences and stuff. There was one moment where Tails probably forgot to space after using a punctuation mark, and yeah, that's it.
#177286662Sunday, November 01, 2015 10:27 AM GMT

Tails, I'm on iPad ffs, I can't read chats mate. Now who wants to be in this story? Good or evil? Bountyhunter or lone assassin? A fool or an intellect? A STAR WARS FAN OR A ROCKMAX KIND OF GUY?!
#177286713Sunday, November 01, 2015 10:29 AM GMT

The fight ended quick because I'm simply too pro for you Dan.
#177286719Sunday, November 01, 2015 10:29 AM GMT

theres a lack of me X2
#177287463Sunday, November 01, 2015 11:05 AM GMT

One day, Tails, I will find where you live and kill your pet fish.
#177287963Sunday, November 01, 2015 11:29 AM GMT

theres a lack of me X3
#177288167Sunday, November 01, 2015 11:38 AM GMT

Please leave descriptions of yourselves then, jeez.
#177290525Sunday, November 01, 2015 12:58 PM GMT

I'm quiet most of the time, my brain whirring with ideas and stories. As you can tell by that last word, I have a very big imagination. My weapon will be known as the Cobra, and is a Blaster-blade, my own invention. It can either used as an gun, firing very strong bullets, or as a knife. In the story, can I be mute? Also, can I be a Boba Fett-like character? 'Pay me the right amount, I'll do my work'-esque thing.
#177291284Sunday, November 01, 2015 1:19 PM GMT

I wish to be a beautiful Archangel in the form of a white kitten. She will annihilate heathens who try to commit blasphemy upon cats. The kitten has a six foot robot wearing white robes and fake angel wings, carrying two white longswords in each hand. The robot will look like some realistic woman wearing white robes and having two wings. The statue will attack anyone the kitten asks to attack. ohohoho
#177374975Monday, November 02, 2015 5:28 PM GMT

Oh good this is still here, I thought this may have been deleted along with Pawz' story.
#177375093Monday, November 02, 2015 5:31 PM GMT

What made you think it was deleted? >.> "Rabbits tastes like chickens." -Danonymous.
#177375109Monday, November 02, 2015 5:31 PM GMT

if you make anyone like zer0 i'll love you forever or athena she's cool too or springs she's also cool
#177375156Monday, November 02, 2015 5:33 PM GMT

spoiler- why not? "Rabbits tastes like chickens." -Danonymous.
#177375282Monday, November 02, 2015 5:36 PM GMT

Hey Dan, PM me the link to the pad, I'm on tablet rite now.
#177375305Monday, November 02, 2015 5:36 PM GMT

you can't edit if you're on tablet and I gtg do clan stuff anyway k bye see you on Saturday "Rabbits tastes like chickens." -Danonymous.
#177379830Monday, November 02, 2015 7:38 PM GMT

theres a lack of me X4 "Now who wants to be in this story? Good or evil? Bountyhunter or lone assassin? A fool or an intellect? A STAR WARS FAN OR A ROCKMAX KIND OF GUY?!" Evil. Lone assassin. Intellect. Star wars fan. I am an all-controlling mastermind obsessed with proving my superiority over all others, to the point of killing my rivals in death duels and augmenting myself with mechanical limbs, replacing my flesh with bio-steel, and brain enhancement implants, among other things. Other than that, I use humor and become friends or at least am friendly with the popular folks so their influence spreads to others, hence giving me a network of information to draw from.
#177379873Monday, November 02, 2015 7:39 PM GMT

"baby jesus!" I laughed at that.
#177380045Monday, November 02, 2015 7:43 PM GMT

Damnit, I forgot to make Jesus' forename a proper noun, my mistake, sorry. And LNG, we have plans for you, mate, you're not gonna be a lone assassin though ;-; unless you're okay with still being an evil mastermind and an intellect and brave supreme leader of sorts, then yee, oh, and you get robot tentacles, how cool is that? "Rabbits tastes like chickens." -Danonymous.
#177394231Tuesday, November 03, 2015 12:01 AM GMT

You sold me at "we have plans for you". I'll abandon previous plans and thoughts in favor of fawning over you guys and this story.
#177439640Tuesday, November 03, 2015 10:03 PM GMT

im bird queen im very emotional and i am very complainy and i love birds. can speak english, bangali and i am currently learning french. i am 5'6 im brown im kind of fat and ugly but also im not clearly because im the bird queen. very shy and timid. and im gray
#177439998Tuesday, November 03, 2015 10:09 PM GMT

I'm the steampunker I have a outgoing personality with an annoying presence, and usually get people jealous or mad at me for doing something awesome/wrong. I am infamous for many acts of thievery and pranks, which usually include ransacking floating islands with a huge mech. I tinker with things that I should never think of, as I evade combat in the most clever ways, If I ever had to fight, I would defeat them in a number of humorous yet embarrassing ways for my foe, then finish in a great spectacular in rockets, explosions, lights, and music.
#177692188Sunday, November 08, 2015 2:12 PM GMT

tails you know my personality good enough

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