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#177578215Friday, November 06, 2015 6:47 PM GMT

As I am an ambitious developer, I plan to dev-ex soon once I get a pay-pal account set up, but I am a little worried about the requirement of "little to no moderation history" is worrying me. In my opinion, moderation history shouldn't count for the most part, unless of course the user in question has knowingly claimed copyrighted content as their own, scammed users, all those major things, but I digress. The reason for this is that some game developers have a dark sense of humor, or can be controversial in nature. Sometimes they may go a bit too far a few times and get banned a few times. Just because they went slightly over the edge a little bit accidentally shouldn't mean they be snuffed out of a chance for some extra college funding, or some help paying bills. Now obviously I don't know the exact process for dev-ex, but I know that there should be some leniency when it comes to minor offences. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade!
#177578344Friday, November 06, 2015 6:50 PM GMT

I think the bigger thing is bans for scamming.
#177579120Friday, November 06, 2015 7:16 PM GMT

Support, I have a -HUGE- moderation history, and I wish it to be cleared up, because I have gone through with my bans, and I plan to use DevEx.
#177582365Friday, November 06, 2015 8:39 PM GMT

I think that regarding this. No RECENT moderation history should be a major factor. I haven't had a single issue since 2012. However, I got a warning for 'scamming' back in 2011 because someone tried to scam me out of my limited items via trades and saying they'll "trade it up and return it as a profit later on", and when I replied saying stop trying to scam me, the system flagged it and gave me a warning. I have 4 things on my history, all for different reasons, a reminder, 2 warnings, and a 1 day ban due to typing someone's username. That user got many players banned as a result of their name, so much so that moderation forced them to change it when the name-change feature came out. Nothing since early 2012. Little or no moderation history refers to having very few incidents, and they need to be minor, they'd prefer you to have only warnings. Things that will immediately make you ineligible forever: Bans for Scamming, attempted account theft, abuse of developer products. Those are severe cases, which are corrupt, and are methods that could have netted you the currency you're trying to Dev-Ex through illegitimate means. Maybe clear all warning history after several years without any incident. EXCEPT FOR THOSE WHICH MAKE YOU INELIGIBLE FOR DEV-EX. If you scammed someone and got banned for it, then you deserve that mark on your record. It states you're a dishonest and untrustworthy individual, and Roblox won't let such a person Dev-Ex, because they're still corrupt deep down, and obtained the money through illegal means.
#177582488Friday, November 06, 2015 8:42 PM GMT

@Midnight Agreed. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade!
#177582781Friday, November 06, 2015 8:48 PM GMT

Provided you don't have any serious offenses, you'll probably be fine.
#177582865Friday, November 06, 2015 8:50 PM GMT

All I have is talking about inappropriate topics and a warning for forum spam When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade!
#177582955Friday, November 06, 2015 8:52 PM GMT

Then you are safe. Using Linux Mint 17,2 KDE Edition -- 17-9|8=4|D-B|9-8=4|11-9-8|8=4|+|1B|B-A=4|F-D|A=4|4B|B-A=4|19-B|13-B
#177583606Friday, November 06, 2015 9:06 PM GMT

I've got: Reminder: Don't post offsite links. (This was before they allowed YouTube links) Warning: Don't talk about inappropriate topics. (Cursed at someone for spawnkilling, I was childish back then. The word I used is now allowed on the site, which is somewhat ironic. I Acknowledge that I deserved that warning.) Ban (1-Day): Adult content in a player's username that I typed. This was before I knew what the word meant or what it was, I just thought it was an alternate spelling due to their original username being taken. It explained why everyone used an abbreviation for their name instead of saying it. The ban was lifted when I explained the circumstances to moderation. Warning: Do not scam on Roblox (As I stated before, someone tried to scam me, I accused them of attempting to scam me, over messages, and Roblox flagged it and punished me instead of the culprit. The reminder was from early 2012. Not a single thing in over 3 years. I should be fine when I attempt to Dev-Ex early next year.
#177583783Friday, November 06, 2015 9:09 PM GMT

I have gotten a couple warnings and one ban for scamming, and the problem is that they were mostly because I used to make "obbies for money" which Roblox automatically assume are scamming. Now I apparently have no way to devex.
#177583801Friday, November 06, 2015 9:09 PM GMT

Oh lord here we go Warn on 11/5/2015 2:09:37 PM to 11/5/2015 2:09:37 PM - Please don't spam on ROBLOX. Warn on 11/3/2015 11:06:08 AM to 11/3/2015 11:06:08 AM - We're sorry, but due to copyright reasons we cannot allow images of the Troll Face onto the site. Warn on 11/2/2015 1:12:05 AM to 11/2/2015 1:12:05 AM - Don't talk about inappropriate topics on ROBLOX. Warn on 10/30/2015 2:03:59 PM to 10/30/2015 2:03:59 PM - Don't talk about inappropriate topics on ROBLOX. Warn on 10/25/2015 3:29:18 PM to 10/25/2015 3:29:18 PM - Do not say inappropriate things on Roblox. Ban 1 Day on 10/25/2015 12:50:22 AM to 10/25/2015 3:29:17 PM - Don't talk about inappropriate topics on ROBLOX. Ban 1 Day on 10/22/2015 1:18:17 PM to 10/23/2015 1:18:17 PM - Don't talk about inappropriate topics on ROBLOX. Warn on 10/15/2015 2:01:29 PM to 10/15/2015 2:01:29 PM - Do not say inappropriate or mean things about others on ROBLOX! Warn on 10/11/2015 1:37:14 AM to 10/11/2015 1:37:14 AM - Don't talk about inappropriate topics on ROBLOX. Warn on 10/9/2015 7:56:18 PM to 10/9/2015 7:56:18 PM - Don't talk about inappropriate topics on ROBLOX. Warn on 10/8/2015 8:17:18 PM to 10/8/2015 8:17:18 PM - Don't talk about inappropriate topics on ROBLOX. Ban 1 Day on 9/6/2015 10:24:21 PM to 9/7/2015 10:24:21 PM - Don't talk about inappropriate topics on ROBLOX. Warn on 7/5/2015 3:26:02 AM to 7/5/2015 3:26:02 AM - This image is inappropriate for ROBLOX. Warn on 1/5/2015 8:04:53 PM to 1/5/2015 8:04:53 PM - Do not say inappropriate or mean things about others on ROBLOX! Warn on 12/18/2014 9:05:13 PM to 12/18/2014 9:05:13 PM - Don't talk about inappropriate topics on ROBLOX. Warn on 10/21/2014 8:59:45 AM to 10/21/2014 8:59:45 AM - Don't talk about inappropriate topics on ROBLOX. Warn on 10/2/2014 11:00:21 PM to 10/2/2014 11:00:21 PM - Do not say inappropriate or mean things about others on ROBLOX! When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade!
#177583927Friday, November 06, 2015 9:11 PM GMT

Wow, that is some list alright. I was seriously laughing when I saw it.
#177584166Friday, November 06, 2015 9:16 PM GMT

again, all are minor offences. I was just taking things a bit too far, inappropriate jokes that are a bit too edgy for roblox, etc When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade!
#177584321Friday, November 06, 2015 9:20 PM GMT

"Warn on 11/3/2015 11:06:08 AM to 11/3/2015 11:06:08 AM - We're sorry, but due to copyright reasons we cannot allow images of the Troll Face onto the site." that's quality moderation
#177584354Friday, November 06, 2015 9:20 PM GMT

Yeah, kinda ironic tbh the silly moderator was trolling me When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade!
#177584597Friday, November 06, 2015 9:26 PM GMT

"Cannot allow images of troll face due to copyright reasons." THERE'S A COPYRIGHT ON THAT? Now I need to look up who owns it, because they probably got the rights to the Troll song as well. Then I can actually purchase the rights to those and use them in my videos. All in the past 2 years. Hmm. The sheer number and recent things is a bit of an issue, though minor. In the event you have enough to Dev-Ex, work on going several months without getting any incidents. By inappropriate topics, I'm going to assume swearing and conversation topics not suitably for those under 13 (though not adult content.) In this case, you'll be fine as long as you can get some time going where you don't have any incidents. Depending on your age as well, Roblox may cut you some slack if you're 15 or younger. I joined back towards the start of high school because Roblox was a development platform to help me gather experience in the area I wanted to study. If you can show them you matured by having little to no history from now on, it'll probably help your image and change your standing over time. Also, don't attempt to Dev-Ex until you've gone at least 3-6 months without history, that way it may put you in better standing. Keep all things to warnings, and make sure you're respectful and mature online, no matter how everyone else is acting. It'll keep your number of future incidents down.
#177587060Friday, November 06, 2015 10:16 PM GMT

maybe it's there to haunt you and make you feel bad
#177587282Friday, November 06, 2015 10:20 PM GMT

Support Also ROBLOX should do this for the whole "Anyone can have their game in a devent" kind of thing. Because that means ROBLOX is lying.
#177590761Friday, November 06, 2015 11:22 PM GMT

Support I have a bit of moderation history but that was like 3-4 years ago where I was too young to even realize. And stupid things like posting an offsite link to YouTube back when it was disallowed.
#177607340Saturday, November 07, 2015 3:54 AM GMT

Well, time to add my moderation history. Mine is mainly squeaky clean. Warn on 7/23/2014 5:57:36 PM to 7/23/2014 5:57:36 PM - Don't say inappropriate things on ROBLOX. All i did was spam "F K" because i was making fun of some other person who said it. Remind on 2/20/2010 8:31:28 PM to 2/20/2010 8:31:28 PM - Please don't spam on Roblox. I decided to copy and paste one of those "builderman told me" Chain comments. I was only eight back then and it was five years ago, but if i get a reminder for spamming, why dont all the other people who spam get reminders?

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