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#177782014Monday, November 09, 2015 11:55 PM GMT

[-]Shinobi Exam Guide: Yugakure [-] I am adding anime questions on here, Do not complain when your exam comes and you get anime questions and you have no clue what it is. I am putting them on here so you can study them like someone wanting to rank up would. Rules for sparring in a Exams: - No Aircamping - No Spam (x3) - No thunderstorm - Storm release. - No Modes and CJ - Ninshu. - No Lotus. - No summoning - Hawk. - No Otsutsuki staff, No Shiruken Spam (x3) - To Death. [1] Villager ---> Academy = As soon as you join Yugakure, your first rank will be Villager, to get to Academy you must atleast be CB Level 150+ and then you will PM a Jonin Sensei+ to rank you to academy, please do not flood the wall for academy rank. [2] Academy ---> Genin = As soon as you are Academy, to become genin you must only take questions, in the exam there will be no sparring. you will be learning these following questions: - What are the 3 Basic Combat Style? - What made Yugakure look good for you to join? - What are your goals in Yugakure? [3] Genin ---> Chunin = As soon as you are a Genin, to become chunin you will need to spar another genin and get asked questions, The one who dies will fail unless the hoster sees potential in you. You will learn these following questions: - What do you do if you see a slug user. - What do you do if you see a rouge from another village? - What is the STS Formation? - What do you do if you see a rouge from Hot Water village? [4] Chunin ---> --Jonin = As soon as your a Chunin, to become jonin you will have to spar another chunin, loser will fail unless the hoster sees potential in you. Their will also be the following questions: - What are the roles of HR rank in Yugakure? - What have you learned about Yugakure so far? - If your in a war, and your commander dies off, and their are 4-5 people left, what would you do? [5] Jonin = As a Jonin, you must be active, The kages will select you to be JS rank if you show you care by being an active wall poster and protecting exams, Or get chosen at a meeting. [6] Jonin Sensei = As a Jonin Sensei, you must successfully do your jobs and be active, Your main job is to host exams. [7] Ambassador = As an Ambassador, you must successfully do your jobs and be active, the kages will pick out active Jonin sensei once in a while to become ambassador, or be chosen in a meeting. [8] Sub Kage = As a Sub Kage you must successfully do your jobs and be active, The only way to get this rank is by kages choosing you as their "sub." [9] Kage = This rank is a rank that you earn with hard work and maturity. You will be voted on by current HR of the village and the sub with the most votes get the next available kage rank. ( If you are an inactive sub and you win in votes, you may not get the kage position.) Kignis owes me strawberry milk qq

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