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#177927468Friday, November 13, 2015 1:11 AM GMT

*Note only thing revised was the grammar. This is a reboot, we are not continuing, as I know most would enjoy starting from scratch. Please note that you can transfer characters by posting the same cs you did the first time! Thank you for wanting a reboot guys! Now that some of us are more accustomed to our schedules now, I hope we can have a successful RP!! Heroes are not born, but are made. Through sheer will, fate, or luck, some people find themselves breaking past human limits. But no, it is never a mistake, these people… if you can still call them that, are chosen. Chosen for what exactly? Balance. The world is slowly loosing balance. These people are here to either restore balance, or overthrow it. You are one of these people. You have received your powers, and it is up to you to decide. What will you do with these new abilities? Will you be a hero that everyone loves? Or the villain that everyone fears? Would you stay neutral, a mercenary working for the side that pays? Or will you be a thief interfering with anyone no matter what they are. This world is cruel, sometimes making you to make impossible choices, breaking you, laughing at you. Will you still save it, after what it has done for you, and try to make it a better place? Or, will you laugh at it as it now bends to your power? There is always a story to how people get there powers. Some received a disease, but instead of killing them, it made them stronger, or maybe, they were exposed to some chemical waste, changing their molecular makeup. It could have been through many rigorous training. But, no matter where you are from, or how you received you power, if it is not strong enough, you will die. So, travel the world, teaming up with other people. Tip the scale to your favored side, develop your powers, hone your skills, but head my warning, it is coming. There is a reason you received these powers, and you will need to learn to use them if you wish to survive what is coming. First Arc Introduction: “Brother… are you sure?” asked one of the smaller boys in the group. He was dressed in dull, old clothing, much too big for him. He followed 10 other boys, and those boys were led by Lance. “Of course… in this world, only the strongest live…” said Lance with a sad smile. He was an older boy, almost 17, and he as thin as a bone. He led a group of homeless children who had run away from home, an orphanage, or was just born poor. They wandered through the city, looking up to a sign that had directed them out of it. They had pondered on stealing food, but that wouldn’t do. Some of the older kids had watched a few survival shows before leaving, and decided they would rather go hunt. They passed it off as a game to the younger kids, telling them it would be fun to try new things. This assured them, but once they began to get tired, the little ones began asking question. They wandered out of town, wandering until finding an area dense with trees. There, it would be teaming the creatures! They had spotted a few animals, and the little ones thought up a game to name as many as they could. Finally, they had stumbled upon a large deer, and the boys decided it was what they were looking for. The problem was, how would they get it? Lance stepped up, holding a stick in his hand. He broke the tip off, making sure the stick was sharp on the end. “We spear it.” he said, wearing a frown on his face. Of course, he did not enjoy this, but he had to. This was for his brothers. He readied himself, getting into a stance. He held his arm back, kept his legs apart, and he stood still, looking at the deer. He began to concentrate, and took a large breath in. He could smell the forest air, and was now ready. He whipped his hand forward as hard as he could, and the stick whistled in the air. Leaving his hand, it hit the target right through the head, the blow instantly killing it. The bigger kids had covered the younger kids’ eyes, keeping them from seeing the dead deer. They had scored their first meal. But before they could receive their prize, a gunshot was heard, causing the kids to jump in fear, some of the younger ones began to cry. The older kids tried to quite them down, failing. In the distance, a pair of 2 guards looked around. After hearing the yelp of a deer, they had moved out, suspecting some sort of hunter, disturbing the base site. They were sent out to scout for any threats. They were equipped with bulletproof armor and some sort of guns. They snuck in silence, as they were told to take out anything they found, quietly. They had followed cries in the forest, holding their guns up, preparing for if anything big were to happen. They peaked through a bush, and what they saw was a group of children, surrounding a deer. They had built a fire, cooking the meat. Unfortunately, it had burnt, and it didn’t taste well, so the boys gave up and just sat around the fire. Their boss had prepared these 2, instructing them to shoot and kill anyone that went into the forest, unless part of The Rebellion. They could not risk anyone knowing of what they were doing here, even if they had not seen it, they were not to leave the forest. They aimed up, readying to shoot, and just like that, a spray of bullets were released. Many of the kids then scattered, but for some of them, it was too late. The rest scattered around the dark forest, hoping to escape the onslaught. Few did, including Lance. He had bolted, leaving everyone behind. He looked back, but saw nothing. He continued to run, hoping not to be caught. He soon made it out of the forest, and he waited, and waited, and waited. There was no sign of any of the kids. Most were separated, and he already knew that some of them were dead as well. He felt so powerless, so useless. “Why?! Why have I trained for so long, yet amount to nothing! To trash! I couldn’t help any of them!” he cried, letting tears stream down his face. He fell onto his knees, his ragged pants now covered in dirt. His tears sparkled, showing the moonlights brilliant light. Lance punched at the ground, his hand began to bleed. It stung as it came into contact with the dirt, but Lance left “Did you dispose of them?” asked the boss, looking to the 2 he had sent out. “No, sir. Some of them managed to flee.” said one of the Guards, being cut off. “What? You fools! If any of them know we were here, they could report us! Quick, go find them!” yelled the boss, hitting the table out of anger. “What would be… impossible to do, so I suggest, that… You. Evacuate. Now.” said a woman walking into the room, poking at his nose playfully as she said the last 3 words. “Yeh… yes ma’am.” said the boss, as if afraid of her. He stood up from his seat, and picked up a phone. “Whatever you are doing, drop it now. We are evacuating!” said the boss nervously. The message reached everyone in the base, making them abandon what they were doing. They took a big blow doing this, but dodged a big bullet there. In less than 10 minutes, everyone was out of the forest, and the only thing left at the base was a bunch of crates. That day, Lance returned, searching for anyone of the boys who had survived. None of them. The boys he found lay still, sleeping eternally. Lance spent that day digging and crying. He made a whole for every separate boy. He ended the day leaning on a tree, overlooking the makeshift graces he had created, and began to speak. “I… couldn’t save them. None of them. They all…” he was interrupted as a bright light caught his view. He began following it, arriving at what looked to be an old abandoned warehouse. It was filled with many crates, He wandered around, looking for, well… nothing in particular. His eyes landed on one box. It was different from the rest, he could feel it. He opened the crate, his view falling upon a canister. It was filled with a blue substance. Lance picked it up, trying to inspect it, dropping it instead. The room filled with a gas, and it began to spread in the air. Lance grabbed at his neck, trying to breathe. He couldn’t, and the room began to look blurry. He was knocked out, lying on the cold, concrete floor. When he awoke, he was surrounded by people, moving the crates, taking them out of the building, bringing them into some sort of vehicles. Lance was afraid, assuming a fighting stance, he approached one of them men. He swung his hand at him, but it went right through. He looked at what they wore closely. A badge of what seemed to be a star with an XT on it covered their translucent vests. They weren't really there… or was he not really there? “Am… am I dead?” he asked, nobody answering. Lance heard a message from a loudspeaker, telling everyone to evacuate. Everyone dropped what they were carrying and ran towards the exits. Lance tried to follow, but could not leave the building, he panicked, banging at the invisible wall keeping him in. As the vehicles rode away, the room became bright, and Lance found himself lying on the cold floor once again. He got up, confused on what just happened, and walked into the city, the day… over. The story is only starting, as you may notice, so now, it is your choice on where it goes. How you act and react will all reflect on how this story ends. This is only the beginning of many countless tales, all leading to… the end. Notes: If you didn't understand any of this, this is a free-roam, super powered RP, encouraging you to forge a hero or villain, just like ones out of comic books! Pick a power, make a costume, and get to saving the world, or working to destroy it. As you can see in the Arc 1 intro, this will be a very story driven RP. Then how will it be free roam? Events will be presented every once in a while, taking place all over the many locations thought this world. Of course, as the story broadens, the world will as well, so look through the RP for more locations. The ones given here are the starting locations, the only places where you can start from. Groups: In the Superhero world, there are groups, teams, gangs, and leagues of superheroes! In here, once the RP is big enough, we will use the Group system to make roleplaying together easier. Instead of wandering the world alone, groups help people stay together when roleplaying. A group can be disbanded or created on the spot, making grouping with anyone, anytime possible. Groups will participate in missions, raids, and rescues/heists together! These kind of events will advance the story a bit. If there aren’t enough people however, we may never use these, and have missions for only 1-3 people. Powers: In this RP, everyone has powers! In the beginning, your character is still new to their power, but over time, their power will grow stronger, sometimes even mutating into something stronger! Watch out though, because what you do can affect how your power evolves! If you act against your morals, you may end up losing some strength! (This is to make it harder to switch sides, which you can do) How will your powers evolve? Maybe you train your power, finding a new signature move! Maybe you get pushed too far in combat, unlocking more of your powers! The limits are endless, but to gain strength, you must participate in the story events that will be held all over the locations in the RP! Meaning, the more you RP, and the better quality you RP, the stronger you can become! Combat: Some of you may be wondering, how will this work? I had stated that there will be no numbers involved. I am trying to aim for a more, story-like style of combat. Make it all flow together, not just some plain text like, “Bob punched the thug” Spice it up a lil, and definitely make it fit your own heroes! An example would be… “As the enemies drew closer, Dave had assumed a fighting position. The thugs that had charged at him were nearing closer, but Dave took a deep breath, charging up his power. As they leaped toward him, he attempted to dash past them, trying to hit each of them in the ribs as he tried shoved past them.” Of course, many role-playing rules apply, meaning you can’t assume that your attack hits, because if you did, everything would be just a plain, one-shot kill… We want longer, more intense battles. Of course there will be the little grunts that you can probably hit in one try, but there will be some tougher opponents that you might need some strategy to bring them down. Factions: Factions do not need to be joined! You can be a rogue hero and go out alone, or team up. Later on in the RP, you can even make your own. For now, there are only 2 Factions, but soon, there may be more as the story progresses. XT- XenoTech Corp A curropt company with a very, very large goal in mind. It wishes to shape the world the way it wants, from behind the scenes. Of course, for now, they deal with.. "International Trades" with some shady people, delivering, stealing, and grifting. If you join this Faction, expect lots of robberies, raids, and sabotge! Allgnment is Evil TBSH- The Brother/Sisterhood A band of youths lead by Lance in order to figure out the plans of XenoTech! As they are all youths, and are form the rather shady parts of the city, they do not always seem good. Alignment for now is Neutral Locations: Locations are split into 3 Categories. Country, City, and Buildings of Importance For now, there is only 1 Country, and we will expand on that soon. Country- North America North America is home to the Factions XT and The White Hoods, and is one of the countries mostly affected by the new “Powered Humans” Many criminals and heroes alike have begun appearing around here. The weather here is diverse, and the land is as well. Hot some places, cold in others. This place is rather stable economically, but may soon face dark times if it does not change, but maybe, it might not be able to see that day. City- New York City New York City is the largest city in America, and has the largest population as well. It is home to several hundreds of buildings and locations. Building/Area- Back Alleys These places are usually littered with trash, more trash, and even more trash. The kind of trash? All kinds. If you ever go in here, you better watch your back, or you just might bump into trouble. Building/Area- Park The Park is filled with trees and plants, unlike the rest of the city. It also has a little playground, a few benches, and a fountain in the center, a great place to relax, hang out, and buy a hotdog and just chill. Building/Area- Pizza Phill’s Pizza Phill’s is a failing restaurant, well it is supposed to be. After a while, it was mostly populated by gangs as sort of a base. The place is never clean, and many times, the staff is not even there, as it was overthrown by gangs. Building/Area- Apartment Buildings 1 through 3(These are all different ones) In the many apartment buildings in the city, live people. All kinds of people. Maybe even you live here? You can rent a room here. There really is not much more to say about it. Building/Area- Statue of Liberty This amazing landmark symbolizes America’s Freedom, and was a gift from France. This is a great tourist attraction, and may attract people’s attention. This can sometimes be a hotspot for trouble. Building/Area- Time Square The most busy, full, noisy, part of New York City! Even during the night, this place is light up, with many lights, signs, and cinemas! Building/Area- Offical District Area which is filled with civil and justice buildings. Will be the center of any response to any criminal emergency. Building/Area- Forest Outside the city is a large forest, dense with trees. It is home to a strange abandoned warehouse filled with strange boxes. Now... I will be adding locations later on, but for now, explore the city, and advance the story with your choices! Rules: 1. If you cuss, don't overblow it. Don't just explode into it for no reason. If you are going to use words for adults, use them like adults... 2. Romance is allowed, just not going too far. 3. No ODing, it is different to have to characters in a romance. 4. No Godmodding. Your hero is not perfect, and will make mistakes! You can't always hit, or dodge, or block... 5. If you are found breaking any of these rules, you will first be warned, then if you do it again, you may be asked to leave... 6. Characters die, it happens all the time! If your character dies... (Which is a really rare occurence) you will be able to make a new one! 7. The max amount of Heroes you can have at once is only 1 sadly 8. Causing a fuss is against the rules. Fighting with others OOC is not tolerated! Go into group Chat or something to do that. Here is the CS! If you posted your CS on the Interest Check forum, please add in the new part. Name: Alias(Hero/Villain name): Faction: Age: Gender: Backstory(Not Optional): Appearance: Disguise/Costume: Power: Alignment(refer to the DND alignment chart please): Anyways, here is my CS! I Hope you all sign up! Name: Lance Strongarm Alias(Hero/Villain name): N/A Faction: TBSH Age: 17 Gender: Male Backstory(Not Optional):Check the Arc 1 Intro Appearance: Lance is a rather scrawny boy, and is rather tall, standing at around 5'11 feet tall. His eyes are a bright blue, and his hair a light chestnut. His hair is a mess of curls, but they are a bit short. A piece of hair hangs down, making a curl on his forehead. He usually wears a rugged basketball jersey and a pair of baggy sweatpants. He used to wear glasses, until of course his powers mutated. Disguise/Costume: When Lance is disguised, he dons a black hoodie. What? You expect a poor kid to have the money to construct a real suit? Lance wields a Spear that he had put together using a stick and a pocket knife. Even more proof that he doesn't have the money to spend on a costume. Power: Lance's power is Prophecy. He was at first only able to see into the future, or have something in his vision direct him to something of importance. After stumbling into a warehouse previously under XT's control, he stumbled onto something. It mutated his powers, giving them more strength. He can now see the future at will, yet it exhausts him. Alignment(refer to the DND alignment chart please): Lawful Neutral A big thanks to TNTJack and kitrain for helping... er, or signing up to help. You were a ... big help? I haven't done this before, so having so many people wanna join makes me a little happy inside! Thanks for joining, and I do hope you enjoy this world I have crafted. I am so happy that not only was this a good idea, but that people want it back. Thank you to all who previously joined, and thanks to those who will join now! Now please, the only thing I want to see here is fun!
#177927573Friday, November 13, 2015 1:13 AM GMT

#177928180Friday, November 13, 2015 1:24 AM GMT

Name- Akrin Ragnarok Alias: Ragnarok Faction: TBSH Age: 18 Gender: female Backstory: She, when a young girl, had been infused with Aether by a elemental of the same material. The two don't like eachother, but work together when in dire times. She has a split personality you could say. When she was infused with Aether, she had been only 16. She had forgotten what she was and who her parents were, so she named herself in a new place she had never seen before. She joined the brotherhood seeking for guidance. (Sorry, can't think of a better one) Appearance: Akrin has blue glowing eyes with a height of 5'9 and extremely long black hair that is 4'2 in length. At the end, it curls a little, and is colored blue. One of her eyes are literally on fire colored blue/white, but it is covered by his hair by a bit. She has a gray t-shirt with a black tank top with a decal showing a rip mark colored blue. Over that she has a gray-black jacket with a blue decal on the back that looks like a orb with wings separated from it just a little. She has long black pants that lead to black huge boots with straps to help her stand her ground when using attacks. On her head, she has headphones with steel "Ear pieces" that connect with the muffles of the headphones, that look like swept back stars. Disguise: She just wears a hoodie over her head with a cheap white mask without special facial features. Powers- Aether manipluation. Akrin has, and indeed oh known, that her soul is now made of Aether. She can also split souls in order to give a wider variety of attacks, with aid of the spirit that imbued itself to her, if they can agree on something. Naturally, she can manipulate it in many ways, but can become more powerful at a cost of making herself more vulnerable by splitting souls. Weapons: She uses a Aether-generated blue steel pistol called hydro. The barrel is larger than usual, and can shoot much faster than any normal pistol. It has a thirty bullet capacity, that burns itself up in seconds. Sometimes, she can replace the bullets with Aether, making ammo not a problem. Alighnment: Nuetral chaotic
#177932396Friday, November 13, 2015 2:43 AM GMT

(Same character, except I changed my power to poison manipulation.) Name: Albert Davidson Alias: Outbreak Faction: None Age: 37 Gender: Male Backstory: Albert has worked for a small manufacturing company by the name of DMP Inc. for several years now. He joined the company on the recommendation of a friend and it was there he discovered his power. At first, the paint would start peeling off of the cases. Then his clothes would mysteriously start fading in color sooner than they should've and when the grass died after he spit on it... well he became a bit more careful about what he touched. Albert is no hero, nor is he a villain. He enjoys using his power, whether he's stealing from a bank or just helping that nice lady being mugged, you'll never know what he's going to do next. Unless you're him. His wife, Elizabeth, and his daughter, Nicole, have no idea of his super powers or his double life. They believe his "daily jogs" are just that, but he actually just heads out to have some fun with his powers. Appearance: He is tall. Very tall, standing at 6 ft 8 inches full height. However, he is skinny which gives him a lanky body shape. His skin is is not too pale, but it's still obvious that he doesn't get much sun. His face is round and has short, black hair with signs of grey that he combs back. His eyes are deep-set, narrow, and gun-metal grey. His civilian wardrobe consists of darker color shirts, like black or dark blue, and jeans. Disguise/Costume: His outfit is inspired by the doctors that worked to combat the black plague in the 14th century. His white bird-like gas mask fits snugly and is tied to his face with two bands that create a "X" behind his head. The "beak" protrudes about 1 foot out of the mask and is curved slightly down. The mask looks as if the various parts were stitched together and is made of light steel with large, coppery-green colored lenses that glow slightly. His dark, blackish-green trench coat covers a white undershirt, and has a hood that he uses to cover the back of his head that is tied together with a dark brown utility belt that goes from his right shoulder to the left side of his waist. The belt has multiple pockets that can be used to various objects. The coattail hangs down to the back of his knees, his pants are the same color as his coat and he wears black combat boots that the pants end in. He wears black leather gloves and take them off when he wants to use his powers. Power: Poison Manipulation - Currently, he has a very basic understanding of his power only being able to create a moderately poisonous mist and converting a small portion of his body into a solid form. Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
#177933238Friday, November 13, 2015 2:59 AM GMT

Name: Grayson Vandar Alias(Hero/Villain name): Blackshot Faction: XenoTech Corp Age: 22 Gender: Male Backstory(Not Optional): When Grayson was 15 his alcoholic father killed his mother and abandoned him, so he had no choice but to become a low life criminal making petty robberies. As Gray got older, he got stronger and wiser. He also got better equipment from the money his jobs offered. At the age of 20, he had become a career criminal and was extremely good. Him and a few others were hired by XenoTech to steal a crate of supplies for them. Sadly for the team, Gray was the only one to make it back, but happily for Gray, he was the only one to make it back. Gray and XenoTech compromised and GRay got 3/4th of the total amount of money XenoTech was going to give the team. With the money, Gray bought his guns and continued to work with XenoTech. On a similar mission, Gray had spilled the supplies and burnt his whole body in the mysterious sludge while falling in. But Gray wasn't ready to die yet, he got up and continued to fight. He became overwhelmed and was pushed back into a corner. Behind his was a ledge a little too high for him to reach. He thought that if he went fast enough, he could run up the wall and grab the ledge. He had no other choice so he backed up and ran right at it. To his surprise, he stuck to the wall! He escaped back to XenoTech and told them all about it. They told him if he were to always work for them and let them test his abilities, they would pay him a large salary. Gray happily accepted and has worked for XenoTech ever since. Appearance: Grayson's skin color is tan for one main reason, his gun. When he wasn't confident in his skills, he would sit on a rooftop for hours waiting for the perfect shot. He has chestnut brown hair which some of his friends called it dirt. He has emerald green eyes which sparkle underneath his visor. He also has a nasty little scar from above of his right eye to below his left eye from one of his earlier fights. His hair is cut short with bangs which he swifts to the left because he likes to show his scar off and says it's "a battle scar". Gray is about 5 feet 9 inches and weighs 185 pounds. He needed to stay in shape if he was going to survive in this nasty world. Gray’s torso is slightly small, but he packs the guns if you know what I mean. Who would've known holding a gun for hours everyday would give you his guns? Not Gray. Disguise/Costume: Gray wears a dark trench coat over a long sleeved black pants and shirts during "missions". He also wears mask/visor over his face with one side that's white, and the other black. Both sides have red eye holes and a scratched in zig-zag smile. Power: Grayson has the power to "Wall-crawl" which allows his to stand vertically on any surface, no matter the terrain or location. Weapons: Gray carries a AU-57 Sniper Rifle which he named "Damien the Dragon". Damien is decaled with a purple and yellow dragon "flying" all the way to the end of the barrel. Gray also carries two RV-65 pistols named "A" and "Z". They are decaled with their name on each side of the pistol. Alignment: Neutral Evil
#177933494Friday, November 13, 2015 3:04 AM GMT

Name: Aaron Kingston Alias(Hero/Villain name): The Armored Rider Faction: None Age: 25 Gender: Male Backstory(Not Optional): He was born in a high-class family. His father owns a call center and had a relation with XenoTech, while his mother only worked as an office worker. During his youthful days, he had high grades and a lot of friends, obviously because he is rich. But he felt something missing, very missing. Upon graduating college, he would then heard news about the TBSH being hunted down by XenoTech. In response, he gather the worlds finest minds to create a suit that will allow him to not just stop Xenotech, but also save TBSH, and vice versa. However, since there are other people who gain powers, Aaron on the other hand doesn't. His power came from his suit (like Iron Man), and with it's tremendous powers, Aaron will not stop until both factions will come at peace. Additionally, to further improve his combat skills, he customizes his Honda DN-10 with a powerful engine booster that allows him to drive at mach 4. Silver in color, it even has two hidden wings which enables it to fly at the same mach. He calls the motorcycle the Machine Striker. Appearance: He stands around 6'0 feet tall, has lean muscles, and he is Caucasian. He has short brown hair and jet black eyes. His face is round and his nose is pretty "basic", I'm sorry, I can't handle complex detailing, I wanted a simple and generalized description. For his normal attire, he likes to wear long sleeved polo shirts accompanied by various vests and/or blazers and a various ties. He wears any color of slacks, formal belts, and dress shoes. As of now, he wears a black long sleeve polo shirt, white vest, gray tie, black blazer, black belt with golden buckle, black slacks, and black dress shoes. Disguise/Costume: Unlike other people who waste their time wearing their disguises in hidden places, he keeps his vest in a special belt. He calls it the Armored Driver; it is a silver belt with an "energy storage" in the buckle. It looks quite huge, the same size as his foot. It has a white button that he can press and a silver strap to wrap around his waist. Upon pressing the button, his suit of armor appears and instantly he wears it in just seconds. His suit is silver with black parts on the forearms, joints, and hind-legs. It has round visors and two shields attached to his shoulders to protect himself from side attacks. Behind him a rounded jetpack, no wings, just one rocket hidden inside. In the middle of his abdomens is a rounded core. Power: Energy conversion, the ability to absorb any energy and convert them for various attacks, so basically, he can absorb any type of energy so that he can convert them for attacks. Every time he absorbs energy, the energy converter, the core, and his visor will glow in color, depending on the energy he absorbs. Solar-Yellow Thermal-Red Hydro-Blue Wind-Green Gravity-Violet(Space only) Electrical-Gold Additionally, he gains the power of flight and resistance to bullets, except for rockets. I know my character is slightly OP, but rockets can kill him. Alignment(refer to the DND alignment chart please): Lawful Good
#177934345Friday, November 13, 2015 3:23 AM GMT

Name: Joshua Crawley Alias(Hero/Villain name):The Grey Man Faction:None Age:27 Gender:Male Backstory(Not Optional): Once upon a time, Crawley was known as Darren Bartley, the son of a rather poor lower class family. Crawley grew up with next to no moral compass and quickly turned criminal. After being caught in a robbery gone bad, the still teenage Crawley was sent to a rehabilitation program and seemed to have turned a new leaf, eventually becoming a police officer and changing his name to Joshua Crawley. However he was soon transferred into a department whose head was under the thumb of Xenotech, Crawley grew fed up with the corruption and quit suddenly, deciding to roam the streets and exact justice as he saw fit. Appearance: Joshua Crawley is a large man, standing at two meters in height and very muscular. He has piercing blue eyes, pasty white skin, and is bald save for a black goatee. Often times Crawley is found wearing a grey hoodie and sweatpants. Disguise/Costume: A pair of white masks in the style of greek theatre, one is a smiley face, one is a frowny face. Crawley wears them depending on what he's doing. (Smiley for good, Frowny for bad) Power: Power Manipulation While useless on it's own, when in proximity with other power users, Crawley can dull, amplify, or even mimic anothers powers to his own advantage. Alignment(refer to the DND alignment chart please):Chaotic Neutral "Sure"~Romuluz 2014
#177937472Friday, November 13, 2015 4:53 AM GMT

Name: Nick Avalos Alias(Hero/Villain name): Inu (pronounced like emu, but with an N, so enu.) Faction: N/A Age: 15 Gender: male Backstory(Not Optional): (I apologize ahead of time for probably failing at this) when Nick was younger, he didn't have it too hard. His parents got him anything he wanted, whenever he wanted. His life was simple, but that's why he absolutely hated it. It was just so boring! No matter how much he acted up or purposely snapped at his parents, they acted the same. Never changing. Because of his boredom he would often leave for hours on end, and this is how he discovered his power. While out late one evening, Nick was attacked. By who, he still doesn't know. They were relentless though, beating him almost to death. Then, they suddenly just... backed off. Nick continued to spit curses at them, having not noticed the change yet. The largest quickly yelled something Nick wasn't paying attention to, and suddenly, they were gone. It wasn't until right then and there that Nick realised why. Staring into a window, he noticed a half wolf person staring back. He tilted his head, so did they. It took him a moment to realise that it was in fact, himself. Almost, anyway. Now he had two bushy silver wolf ears atop his head, and his canine teeth were unusually sharp. A tail made itself know from behind his back, he started at it in surprise. Suddenly curious, he willed the odd new features to disappear, and they did, shrinking back into his body like they were never there. He concentrated on bringing them back, only this time as a full wolf. It worked, though the effort made him quite tired, even more than after being beat. So he then returned to his human form and headed home to treat the still bleeding wounds. That was three years ago though, and he now lives on the streets, having left his parents without a goodbye. He had now almost perfected turning into three creatures, the wolf, a cat, and a raven, and still works constantly on his powers. Though he doesn't consider himself a bad guy, he isn't a good one either. He often pickpockets, and if you pay him enough, there's almost no job he won't do. Whether you're a good or bad person, he will not question. Appearance: pretty average build, leans more towards lanky. He has pale silvery platinum colored hair that is just a bit shorter than jaw length, along with oddly matched eyes. One is bright green, while the other is a dark blue, almost purple in color. He has a long navy blue scarf that reaches his elbow even when it's wrapped around his neck, and he has a black shirt with blue jeans. He has brown boots that reach a few inches higher than his ankles. Bandages wrap from his elbows all the way up his arm and around his palms and knuckles. Disguise/Costume: when traveling, he often just wanders as either a cat or flies as a raven. He will, however, dress for the occasion depending on what he has to do. Power: ShapeShifting Nick's abilities are restricted to mammals, birds, reptiles, and fish. He cannot turn into other people, or insects. Alignment(refer to the DND alignment chart please): (What is the DND alignment chart.. I'm kinda clueless here -_-) (Sorry if I failed a bit at the character sheet, it's been forever times fourty two since I've mad a character from scratch)
#177965594Friday, November 13, 2015 11:19 PM GMT

#177966008Friday, November 13, 2015 11:26 PM GMT

mark de mark
#177969483Saturday, November 14, 2015 12:19 AM GMT

Name: Roland Hotchkins Alias(Hero/Villain name): N/A Faction: N/A Age: 36 Gender: M Backstory(Not Optional): Roland was born in New York into the middle class. In school he took an interest in Journalism, seeing he could possibly make money. At age 21 he joined the local news station and rose through the ranks as a reporter respected and beloved by the community. After his father died when he was 27, he became a devout Christian. Appearance: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/f6/32/1b/f6321bc696ee2cc148670e6c6a4b67e2.jpg Disguise/Costume: N/a Power: N/A Alignment(refer to the DND alignment chart please): Neutral Good
#177971507Saturday, November 14, 2015 12:54 AM GMT

Name: Darren Blackfield Alias(Hero/Villain name): Silence Faction: TBSH Age: 19 Gender: M Backstory(Not Optional): He was frightened when he noticed his powers, Darren hid them, he was scared of himself. One night he awoke with a start to see shadows in the shape of humanoids walk around his room. He noticed that what ever he thought of they would turn into. His parents began to think he was insane, so like any other boy he packed up and ran away. The Brotherhood found him lying cold and alone near a free way, letting him in when they say his powers. Appearance: He is 6'3" with an slight build. His eyes are jet black, but not nearly as dark as his hair. He has incredibly unsightly pale skin, his thick jaw line wraps around his face creating light compliments by the shadows around it. His hair tufts moderately around his head, it is of short-medium length going now lower than the back of his neck. His eyes seem to move if you look into them, the shadows behind them circulate so he usually can be seen looking down. He wears a light grey shirt and long black pants. Disguise/Costume: He wears thick padding around his body over a ghille suit material. He also has a study black mask that looks like this http://images.halloweencostumes.com/products/17635/1-1/black-full-face-mask.jpg. Power: Shadow - He can manipulate shadows and darkness to his will, possibly even creating small orbs that can absorb light and possibly even life from someones body, although it leaves him completely exhausted. Alignment(refer to the DND alignment chart please): Chaotic Good +4,567 | http://www.roblox.com/life-has-many-doors-ed-boy-item?id=235373035 life has many doors edboy
#177972358Saturday, November 14, 2015 1:07 AM GMT

In gonna join tomorrow just wait. I might make a character with sun manipulation, destruction, flying, water, or symbiote power.
#177973819Saturday, November 14, 2015 1:31 AM GMT

Is it OK if I'm a mutated animal? ;p do u liek it
#177973985Saturday, November 14, 2015 1:34 AM GMT

Marked, I will read it later. I'm a bit drowsy at the moment.
#177975165Saturday, November 14, 2015 1:54 AM GMT

tracking as well.
#177979102Saturday, November 14, 2015 3:16 AM GMT

@North A sentient mutated animal? It doesn't really matter either way. It would be pretty fun having an animal superhero or villain, even if it is just as smart as a regular animal. Also, this is an auto accept rp unless you are denied. If not told that you are denied, you are in! Welcome to the RP. When enough are online, we can group up just in case, as sort of an ooc chat for this rp!
#177979887Saturday, November 14, 2015 3:33 AM GMT

Name: Maxwell C. Rothwell Alias(Hero/Villain name): Oneshot Faction: XT Age: 24 Gender: Male Backstory(Not Optional): Max had been trained to fight for all his life. He learned many things, but what he enjoyed the most was sharpshooting. He was never the kind to enjoy something, but when he was training, there was some sort of rush to it, and so, when he was appointed to a position in the XT Private Army, he accepted with high hopes of action. Appearance: Maxwell is a medium sized man with not much muscle-mass. He is about 6 feet tall, and his hair is a sideways-spiked blonde, black tips. His eyes are blue, and his face is covered in a scruffy beard. He usually is seen with a nice suit, and a nice pair of black shoes. Disguise/Costume: Maxwell wears a black bulletproof vest, and to cover his face, he uses a medical mask. He wears a black suit under it all. Power: Shooting. He can shoot a gun really well. Thats it Alignment(refer to the DND alignment chart please): Lawful Evil Notes: I needed an evil protagonist, but not a antagonist. A Hero Protagonist will also be made. This will act as a guide for all 3 groups. There will be 3 different story lines, all interconnected. What kind of person you make will determine which story you play.
#177983285Saturday, November 14, 2015 4:36 AM GMT

[ This will make more sense when Laser's character comes around. The two are mercenary partners - they share the bounty. ] Name: Remy Watkins. Alias: Hex. Age: Twenty-six, appears about nine. Born October 29th. Gender: Cismale. He/him pronouns. Faction: Not applicable. Appearance: At fifty inches, and fifty-four pounds Remy certainly doesn't hold an intimidating air. To be fair, he does look like a nine-year old, which certainly throws off some people. He has pale, almost porcelain skin, a color often attributed to a doll. The male has soft, angelic curls, coloured in a way that could be contributed to cinnamon. Combined with his innocent-looking emerald orbs, long lashes, and a cute button down nose, the word to describe Remy is frickin' adorable. Which of course pisses him off immensely, for here he is, attempting to be a legitimate mercenary and people keep trying to squeeze his ruddy cheeks. So not cool. Disguise/Costume: Sadly, they don't really make small kevlar vests for children. So Remy has had to improvise, by personally modifying his costume multiple times, to withstand impact. He has a suit simple to Grace's - made out of a similar, elastic-like material, with built in practical functions. The smartsuit is bulletproof, is resistant to temperature, and even has the nifty ability to 'cloak' appearing temporarily as a normal set of clothing, or even shield him from view as long as there's enough battery. If his identity is in need of protection, Remy will put on a pair of tech googles, with functions that include multiple scanners, telescope zooming, and even a tracking and communicating function. All of which is wired to a chip in his brain. [Hey, being a merc has it's advantages. Namely large sums of money for a good job.] And since Remy believes in environment-friendly stunts, the suit is solar-powered and can be recharged. Power: In short, Remy's ability allows him to place curses, hexes, etc on the world around him. He can manipulate magic, to an extent, as long as guidelines are followed. For one, in order for his power to work - the spell must be a rhyme. If it doesn't rhyme, the curse won't work. His power also doesn't last long, unless specified otherwise. Meaning he can't reverse hexes marked as permanent. If he messes up, it stays that way. At least this has taught the man to be more careful. His power is more concentrated when channel through an object, such as a wand. If there's not a wand on hand, then usually any old item would do. Like a lamp, or a cue-ball. Likewise a familiar also helps, as long as the familiar is within a five-foot radius. Which is why Remy has a toad named Gerald. Backstory: Remy wasn't always the way he is now. Like most, he had a somewhat normal life. Born to two middle-class parents he grew up relatively happy. No furious divorces, no traumatic familial deaths. He went to school, hunted with his father, graduated, and studied creative writing in college. It was the post-college part in which trouble was caused. He wasn't a villain in the beginning, hadn't even the thought of the prospect of killing for memory. Heck, the male didn't even know he had powers, until one fateful evening when he was writing a poem for his final project and accidentally turned his cat into a flowerpot. From then on, things obviously changed. While Remy hesitantly tested out the new waters at first, his hexes soon grew to be more and more complex as he became more confident. And then he made his mistake. Remy grew greedy - he wanted to be young, forever. So when he cast the spell, his wording wasn't specific enough. Instead of making him an immortal young man, the hex reversed his age, moving the male down to the delicate age of nine. Even worse, the spell was meant to be permanent, and there he stayed. Down get me wrong - Remy can still die. He still bleeds, he can get sick. His body just can't age. Since then he's been forced to quite a few.. extremes in order to survive. With his abilities the brunette took to bounty-hunting. It paid good, and he almost always had the element of surprise on his side. It was this this job that introduced him to Gracie, when the two were sent on a mission together. Since then he's stuck around the younger woman, as the two worked well as a team and she understood what he was going through. Alignment: Assassin/Mercenary - paid to kill. Chaotic neutral. Works with Gracie Harper. Other: Remy is proficient in firearms. However, due to his stature it's quite a hassle for him to not only control, but lift more serious guns. Therefore he has a modified revolver, made specifically for him which is tucked into a holster within his smart-suit. It's better than nothing, though not by much.
#177988776Saturday, November 14, 2015 7:08 AM GMT

(I been looking for a RP like this) Name:Henry Smith Alias(Hero/Villain name):Black Winged Faction:None at the moment but opened Age:19 Gender:M Backstory(Not Optional):Henry life wasn't the best. His family was poor. At times he needed to not eat for 2 days. When he did eat it was in very small portions. At the age of 12 he thought why not help his family and get them food. So he then found a black bandanna and black hoodie and robbed the shop. He took plenty of food. He sneaked out with the food in the bag. He was lucky to not been seen by the police. His family didn't go hungry for a month. At the age of 14 his mother started to have verbal fights with his father. He would be in his room playing video games when he would hear a crash and shouting. Sooner or later he stared hearing smashes of tables and more shouting. He went out of his room to see his mother punching his dad. He stood there shocked. Henry's mum then charged at him trying to punch him to. He didn't know what her thoughts were. He started running and jumped out the window blanking out. Henry soon woke up injured. He was roaming the streets. He found a man a poor man. Henry got him food and shared with him. Until the poor man stabbed him in the back with a knife. He quickly fan away and started life homeless with alot of pain and scars. At the age of 17 he was stealing things to stay alive. One day he got captured by the police and was put into jail. He thought the only way to get out of jail is to kill the police and steal their guns and clothes. He had a messed up mind by then so he carried out the plan. He soon got out and ran. A week later he got captured by the police again and this time was put under a death penalty. He was 18 by the time he was going to get the death sentence. His last 'meal' was just water and a taco. As he got strapped up to get gas to put him out of his pain of a life. As he got given the gas he had a bad reaction and he grew wings of his back. He was screaming in pain. His pain fell from the mask and he didn't know it yet but made everything shadowed and shadows came out of the ground and let him free... Appearance: He hazel eyes and black hair that is messy. He wears a black top and black shoes. He wears sliver gloves and a black jacket. He carries around a black backpack. Disguise/Costume: He wears a black hoodie a black bandanna and black glovee. He wears black laced up shoes and black trousers.He wears a black belt. He sometimes has his wings out and sometimes not.He has swords on his back and guns on his belt(He stole these things). Power: Alignment(refer to the DND alignment chart please):Chaotic neutral/lawfully Evil. (I think he fits there)
#177988819Saturday, November 14, 2015 7:10 AM GMT

Missed power oops. Power- He can grow wings and has the power to control shadows-The example in the bakstory is rare because he has a outbursts he can normally created shadows and merge into the shadows for a small period of time.
#177988831Saturday, November 14, 2015 7:11 AM GMT

Had* Damn it typos.
#177997272Saturday, November 14, 2015 2:46 PM GMT

(It took me a bit to post after making. For every device I went on wouldn't respond to this certain thread..) Name: Gracie Harper Alias(Hero/Villain name): Pseuda Faction: N/A Age: Twenty-one, born April 9th. Gender: Feminine Backstory(Not Optional): Gracie Harper was born in Jacksonville, Florida to a mid-class family. She had twin younger brother and sister when she was twelve. Her parents were very hard working people, always stressing Gracie to get her work done. And she always did, her parents always saying that it would pay off later in her life. Boy did it pay off. After she got out of high school she got her first job, as a waitress at a busy little family restaurant of a friend she knew since her Freshman year. It was a well paying job, she did everything right there. So right that her boss found her a new job. As an "assistant". Gracie was hired by the boss to kill a rival owner. She took care of it no problem, no hesitation because of the pay. Finding out she liked the new job offering, she let her boss hire her for more jobs to take care of on the list. Soon enough, it was more of a ring leader operation, and Gracie was in the hands of master of the city. Though he was her old boss, Gracie found more work for other people, getting more pay for each time because they were clean. Clean kills because she found out a new way to get to the targets with ease. She discovered her hidden secret-a power in which she can manipulate a new body form so that way she wasn't the same person for each job. Word spread around the city that a "pseudo person" was knocking off all competition to a lot of businesses, and this struck Gracie's fancy but didn't suit her. So she took that word and made it feminine, making it her name. Her targets would be marked on the cheek once killed saying her name. Her last job in that area before she moved to New York she was hired to bring down the one who got her into all the fun in the first place. Though her boss was the one who started her enjoyment into assassinating people for money, he knew everything about protection-about her. So it had to be a two person job, and the person who got hired with her was Remy. Remy and her took him down flawlessly, and their partnership was formidable and they knew how to work as a team. A friendship developed between the older man and Gracie, and they stuck together through think and thin ever since. All jobs they would do together, and never alone. Appearance: Gracie stands at an average 5 foot 6 inches, weighing in at about one-hundred twenty pounds. Slim and agile, Gracie has a straight posture that supports her standing height. With forest green eyes that compliment a cat-eye makeup effect. She has a bright white smile with semi straight teeth, a few rough places here in there. She has pink natural light pink colored lips that lay amid her face. With curly locks of brown, Gracie's hair reaches to her waist, and her bangs that lay above her pale forehead drop down to her nose just to curl up giving her an innocent look. Her feet are small, unmeasured you can say they are about a six or seven in women's size [I really don't know the difference in men and women shoe sizes]. Gracie possesses long arms, or at least normal, skinny and reaching down to hips she can stretch her fingers around her arms one time. Others can do it almost twice. Down near the end of her arm, her hands, are her mid-length skinny fingers. Ended by short and shiny nails flat-tipped can look like she can pinch pretty easily. Other features of her body, such as bust, are small. Disguise/Costume: A thick, black morph suit that outlines the shape of her body. It is lightweight and has multiple belt loops to hold weapons. Her costume is smart-wired to her brain, so that when she chances her physical appearance, her clothes change as well to fit character, in other-words if she tries to morph herself to look like Remy she would have the same apparel as him at that moment in time. Temperature resistant and bulletproof, her suit is a little less complex than Remy's because her power is morphing. Where as he can cloak. Gracie can manipulate a hidden hood in her suit that stops above her forehead and then drops down a mask to her collar to conceal her face. The only thing can see through her mask is her piercing green eyes. Power: Able to shape-shift to any human form, existing, pre-existing or made up. What this means is that Gracie is enabled to morph herself into someone who used to be alive, someone that is alive now (take for example someone in the role-play to disguise herself), or a made up person. Someone from her imagination that fits the situation. She is basically a deceiver. Alignment(refer to the DND alignment chart please): Assassin/Mercenary (Paid to kill) Chaotic Neutral. Gracie works with Remy Watkins in assassinations. Other: Suitable to hand to hand combat and melee weapons [assassination specialty] Gracie cannot handle firearms. You will find her fighting with her hands or a blunt weapons such as swords, knives, daggers. Her favorite to use is a sword + dagger combo, she has multiple confirmed assassinations with those.
#177997345Saturday, November 14, 2015 2:48 PM GMT

Everybody is accepted Because everybody put some effort and time to making them (Obviously) I think we can start now, depending on your faction. The TBSH has not yet been formed
#177997997Saturday, November 14, 2015 3:06 PM GMT

(Yeet) Roland sat in a chair in his office. He looked around, seeing multiple articles that he was involved in. He spun around in his chair, stretched, and yawned. Seeing it was noon and lunchtime, he decided to go out. He walked out of his office, passing multiple coworkers as he exited the news building. He walked the streets, looking for suitable restaurants.

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