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#177992875Saturday, November 14, 2015 12:03 PM GMT

NewsThread: RRW a popular wrestling Federation has just landed a Deal and Partnership terms with RUKW a United Kingdom Federation. With the Partnership, RUKW will have it's division in RRW whilest still being able to have it's members Participate in Main Events, Regular Shows and Even Paper Views with the RRW Superstars and Compete for RRW Titles. Basically the RUKW will become it's Own Roster like Raw and Mayhem. With their own Show Saturday Night Superstars. This agreement will strengthen the amount of Current Superstars in the already boosting group of it's kind RRW. With the most realistic wrestling experience on ROBLOX, the growth will help implement new ideas and tools for a variety use for super stars. This agreement also states that although being two completely different countries, federations, and having completely different time zones. With great organization, time and effort no matter the circumstances any two parties can come together and work as one. The Agreement is being Finalized and the RRWUK (RUKW) Circuit will go live on the 21st at 2 pm, EST. 7:00 pm, GMT. This agreement was first sought out by RRWLEAKS, and written by Fire McMahon.
#178010362Saturday, November 14, 2015 7:17 PM GMT

From my point of view, this post was an absolute waste of time, space, energy, effort, brainpower, and strength. I think in my attempt to read your enormous word wall, I may have blacked out. I still am trying to read the first few lines, and every time I do, I repeat fainting because of how boring, dull, and unorganized you have sorted these words in which you have typed upon your computer. You have wasted so much time of your life typing that giant mass of words, you could've went outside and played with a ball, so that you could maybe get some actual physical exercise, but instead you decided to mindlessly type up a word wall with no clear point to it. You could've at least made a paragraph indentation for each couple thousand lines, so that we could take a break from reading it and get back to our lives, only to read the same, boring, massive storm of words that you shoved down our throats, and stuffed into our brains. Maybe if you had considered this before, you would have never poisoned the thousands of brains of readers, and you would've never caused so much trauma. I have never seen such a stupid wall of words in my entire life, because maybe instead of committing this horrible crime you could've done something valuable with your life. Because of you, many people are sick, lying in bed with a terrible headache because of all of these words floating on the page in one, gigantic bubble of boring..

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