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#178111299Monday, November 16, 2015 11:29 AM GMT

I mean, there is plenty wrong with CS:GO. They're just a few minor problems. Valve has done a good job with the game. As we speak I'm actually solo queuing for a match. CS:GO is one of the only games that keeps me coming back. print("KAPPA SPAM IN CHAT!")
#178114900Monday, November 16, 2015 3:01 PM GMT

counter-terrorists have to buy their guns from their governments
#178119853Monday, November 16, 2015 6:21 PM GMT

The graphics suck. Made with source engine You can't prone What? Like you can't prone in fallout 4? There is no aiming. (Apart from scopes) Thats the point of your aiming,skill... It's filled with russians. gg It's made by valve. Please explain It costs $ and asks for $ for skins. COD costs money and asks for money for 4 maps (You get free maps on workshop for csgo) Skins should be free. Trading cases for skins? The DLC gets removed after 3 months. To make way for more DLC The competitive sucks. Please explain The multiplayer sucks. The entire game is multiplayer you dummy No story mode. They tried doing a story mode...failed... No co-op. Lobby? The graphics suck. Haven't you already said this? Only 5 people per team (WTF) The maps are built for 5vs5 (Left/A Mid Right/B Making tactical choices) Too many hackers. VAC/Overwatch? It's too easy to hack. You have experience of hacking it? Master hacker? VAC breaks the game. You fool. I can't go AFK. You fool X2 The bots are stupid. People would rather have bots than AFK people, thats why people get kicked for AFK Terrible AI. You just said that you Foolx3 Boring maps. *Thought out, well crafted maps* You can't blow up buildings. I don't think you understand "Tactical shooters" You cant plant the bomb where you want. I really hope this is fake... The bomb isn't planted until it is firmly placed on the ground. You gonna plant a bomb in mid air mate? Weapons cost so it's pay to win. You need money to buy weapons a match/All weapons are free, you only pay for skins/Foolx4 Skins make you better at the game so it's pay to win. How you foolx5 The local servers are terrible. Please, pay for your own severs Filled with scammers. Maybe you shouldn't be dumb... I hate this planet...
#178124225Monday, November 16, 2015 8:25 PM GMT

I don't like it because i'm bad at it.... sorry
#228157293Monday, November 27, 2017 9:04 PM GMT

awp is one shot #### #### with armour, really it should leave you with the ammount of health you get when you get wall bang body shotted Below iz dumb lol

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