#178869279Sunday, November 29, 2015 11:08 PM GMT

"Okay, I'll try my best, no promises though," I say with a grin, "don't worry about falling out though, I'll make sure you're safe and comfortable in here."
#178886777Monday, November 30, 2015 3:00 AM GMT

(Apparently giving your laptop the middle finger accompanied with some vulgar language and a restart fixes [what I thought were] screen light problems. I dunno, don't ask me, I'm just rolling with it. Haha) The Paladin giggles and nods. "Thanks" she says, setting her gear aside before pulling out her sleeping bag and making herself comfortable. After a moment, she pulls out a second and hands it up to you. "In case you want it at any point." Elizabeth says with a shrug, then lying her head down and attempting to fall asleep.
#178887461Monday, November 30, 2015 3:11 AM GMT

"Thanks," I say, taking the sleeping bag. "I'll probably be awake for awhile though. Let me know if you can't sleep, I'll try to do something to help you," I tell Elizabeth with a smile. Shortly after, I go over to sit on the edge of the carriage to watch the world go by.
#178887761Monday, November 30, 2015 3:15 AM GMT

She smiles and nods at you before slowly shutting her eyes, the soft sounds of sleep soon coming from her. As you watch the world through the back of the wagon, you can see Redwood slowly growing smaller and smaller in the distance, eventually to disappear altogether. After the first hours of fields, you find the cart and yourselves soon surrounded by a collection of trees on either side, growing thicker and thicker by the second. Deer and wildlife can be spotted if carefully looked for in the brush and road ahead, before darting to disappear into the endless forest.
#178888407Monday, November 30, 2015 3:26 AM GMT

It's peaceful out here. It's nice when I'm not shooting things trying to kill me. Maybe this kind of tranquility is why Elizabeth wants to retire. Well, I think I'd grow a bit bored of this if there wasn't any excitement in my life. I really do hope Elizabeth changes her mind, I'd hate to have to fix people's problems on my own. On the topic of Elizabeth, I look over at her to make sure she's asleep. Looks like she is, from those telltale soft sounds of her's. I'd be lying if I didn't say I thought she looked a bit cute. I look back at the environment, and soon find the tranquil wildlife and trees to be putting me to sleep. I head over next to Elizabeth and set up my sleeping bag beside her. Once done, I crawl in and allow myself to take a nice little nap.
#178888739Monday, November 30, 2015 3:32 AM GMT

After what only seemed like a short while, you soon find yourself waking up to both Elizabeth sitting at the edge rubbing her eyes, as well as the merchant looking down at you curiously. "Good morning." he said sarcastically, then chuckling and adding "It's quite the opposite, really. Already got the meat cooking if you two would help tuck the wagon away from the road; Horse is already taken care of." He then turns back to leave you two as he goes over to a small fire, stirring at the pot that was raised above the flames. A quick scan of the area shows the road to be nowhere in sight, though it could very well be less than fifteen feet away for all you could tell at the moment.
#178888943Monday, November 30, 2015 3:35 AM GMT

Rubbing the sleepiness out of my eyes, just as Elizabeth is doing, I look over to the pot and fire. I could use something to eat right about now. Though, I could use about five more minutes of sleep too. Drowsily, I rest my head on Elizabeth's shoulder and look up at her. "Did you sleep okay?" I ask.
#178889092Monday, November 30, 2015 3:38 AM GMT

She looks at you with a nod. "Better than last night." she states, slowly pulling you up with her. "Let's get this cart tucked away in the brush over there." she says with a point, going around front to grab onto one of what would be the horse's support beam.
#178889619Monday, November 30, 2015 3:47 AM GMT

"That's good," I say as I get up with Elizabeth. Soon after, I walk over to the front to help her move the cart over to the brush she's pointed out.
#178889845Monday, November 30, 2015 3:50 AM GMT

After moving it, she snaps a few of the low hanging tree limbs and bends them down to cover the cart, being careful not to separate the branch completely. "There, let's go get some food." she says, slowly walking her way over to the fire and sitting herself down. "Give it another five minutes or so and I think it'll be warm." the merchant said as he peered into the large copper pot. The smells of roasted meat and herbs began to fill the immediate area.
#178890200Monday, November 30, 2015 3:56 AM GMT

I sit down next to Elizabeth, warming myself up beside the fire. "I don't think we've been properly introduced. I'm Gage, and this lovely lady is Elizabeth."
#179224483Sunday, December 06, 2015 7:01 PM GMT

The merchant nods and looks up at you two. "Fredrick." he says simply, then pulling a tuber from the pot and giving it a testing bite. "Go grab some bowls from my bag over there, will ya?" he asks Elizabeth, who nods and gets up, then coming back with several small clay bowls, which Fredrick began scooping the food into before passing them out. "Potatoes and venison." he announces as he hands you a steaming bowl. "A few herbs for flavor, though mostly just elfroot. Enjoy"
#179225280Sunday, December 06, 2015 7:14 PM GMT

(He's back!) "Well, it's a pleasure to have run into you, Fredrick," I say, taking the warm bowl in my hands. For some time, I just hold it, allowing it to heat up my hands. Not exactly homemade, but nice nonetheless. Smells good, anyway. "Do you travel like this often?" I ask, beginning to eat from the bowl.
#179226608Sunday, December 06, 2015 7:33 PM GMT

Taking your example, Elizabeth allows the bowl to simply warm her hands, though hunger soon led her to be drinking the stew and pulling out any pieces of solid food to quickly pop into her mouth. The Paladin looked up and nodded as you spoke to the merchant. Fredrick blew a stream of air over his bowl for a moment before slowly beginning to eat from it. "Sometimes, aye." he answered. "I deal with general trade, flipping and transporting items where they're needed, rather than focusing on a single trade. Thus, sometimes the journey is short and only takes me a few miles to deliver farm tools and produce. Other times, it leads me to bringing wine to the parched cities of beyond The Spine."
#179226923Sunday, December 06, 2015 7:37 PM GMT

Flipping items. That's a lucrative business. Just buying and selling, that's all. Maybe if Elizabeth is serious about her retiring, we could buy a carriage and start up a trading company. I know, I know. Anything besides an adventurer's life isn't something I'd really be comfortable with. But, I think I'd be less comfortable going on with this mercenary business without Elizabeth. "How long have you been in the business, then?" I ask Frederick as I continue to eat the meal he's so charitably prepared for Elizabeth and me.
#179227770Sunday, December 06, 2015 7:48 PM GMT

After thinking for a moment, he answers "Hmm, probably been about twenty years or so. You lose track after a while," he says with a chuckle. He pulls out a small wineskin for a moment before taking a gulp and looking back at you. "What about you two? You don't seem like standard sellswords; Usually ends up I pay you were that true."
#179228287Sunday, December 06, 2015 7:55 PM GMT

"Liz and I own a little shop some distance away from here. We do all kinds of jobs for people that involve the use of bolt-and-blade. We usually try to stay out of boring and basic mercenary-work, like fighting in a war or escorting a carriage. We stick to dealing with larger problems that people bring to us, and enjoying the larger pay we get as well," I say, before adding with a smile, "Gage and Elizabeth's Mercenary Service. Look us up if you ever need something, I'll give you a discount."
#179247312Monday, December 07, 2015 12:42 AM GMT

Fredrick nodded, finishing his bowl and quickly scooping himself another helping. "Sounds like grand work, be sure it doesn't get you killed, eh?" he said as he began eating. After a few quiet minutes, he pulled out a flask of water and rinsed his bowl, then putting it away and lying down by the fire. "Be sure you put it out when you retire." he said with a yawn.
#179273518Monday, December 07, 2015 4:42 PM GMT

"Oh, we'll try our best not to," I say, continuing on with my food. I wonder if we'll have breakfast tomorrow? Maybe, maybe not. We'll see though, we'll see. I said good night to Fredrick and assured him I'd put out the flickering flame when Elizabeth and I were ready to sleep. Once Fredrick set himself to sleep, I looked over at my companion. There's something I felt like I needed to tell her, but I'm not sure what it is. Words lost somewhere in my mind before it reached my tongue. Probably nothing important anyway. "Did you get enough to eat, Liz?" I ask.
#179298403Tuesday, December 08, 2015 1:41 AM GMT

The Paladin looks over at you after taking care of her dish, nodding as she relaxed against a nearby tree. "More than enough," she said, the satisfaction clear on her voice. "What about you?" she asks, giving you a curious look.
#179361983Wednesday, December 09, 2015 4:52 PM GMT

"I got enough too," I say, cleaning my bowl and setting it beside the rest. Soon after, I crawled over towards Elizabeth and lied down on the ground near her. I don't think I could go to sleep right now if I tried. I don't think Elizabeth would be able to either. She slept on the ride here just as I did. "The stars are pretty," I comment, looking up at the sky, "don't you think they're pretty, Liz? They remind me of you."
#181170785Wednesday, January 06, 2016 10:30 AM GMT

The Paladin looked over at you as you joined here, readjusting her back against the tree as she tilted her head upwards. "That they are." she agrees in a slight whisper. "Each one is a lost soul redeemed by the Maker." she continues as a slight smile appears on her face. "It's like a million guardian angles watching over us... Only, it seems the 'heresy' is true, and the Maker is failing us in our hour of need." she then finished with a slight sigh.
#181170829Wednesday, January 06, 2016 10:35 AM GMT

Is it wrong to say we don't need the Maker? At least, we don't need him right now. My soul doesn't need to be redeemed until I'm dead. I'll be in the sky one day too. Will Elizabeth be there near me? I can only hope so. A million guardian angels watching over us. I guess that's all they're doing. Just watching. No intervention, just observation. That's fine. That's just fine. I never needed to rely on angels. Unless of course, you could consider Elizabeth an angel. Oh, look at me. Never in my life have I thought such a cheesy thing. "Don't worry Liz," I say, putting my hand over hers, "we'll fix all this. Promise."
#181170904Wednesday, January 06, 2016 10:43 AM GMT

The Paladin looks down at you as your hands meet hers, then hugging you with her head resting against your shoulder. "I hope so." she said with a deep sigh. "So much is going wrong in the world these days, I only hope we can do a little good."
#181171013Wednesday, January 06, 2016 10:52 AM GMT

"Um..." I murmur as Elizabeth hugs me. There was never a point in my life where I was in this position. That position being hugged by a girl. My mother could never hug me, she died too soon. I never created relationships with women that lasted very long either. Except of course, with Elizabeth. She's never hugged me until now. This is... comfortable. I think I'm happy right now. Happy and confused. Slowly, I wrap my arms around Elizabeth and hug her back. "We'd um..." I start. Why can't I speak properly right now. I've always prided myself on being a good speaker. That's one of the reasons why our business is still running. "Um... we'd better... get to sleep. We won't be able to do much good if our sleeping schedule is off, right?" I ask, still holding Elizabeth close to me.