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#178254903Thursday, November 19, 2015 6:31 PM GMT

Realistic Professional Basketball League S1 Guidelines By oDimes _________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENT 1] The History of RPBL 2] General League Rules 3] In-Game Rules 4] Sizes 5] Staff Guidelines 6] *Links to the Official RPBL Court and Ball _________________________________________________ 1] The History of RPBL The Realistic Professional Basketball League is a League that has been tried to make by many other leagues. The league is very relatable to PBL and somewhat LBA. oDimes had made a court with a higher hoop, larger width and length courts, and a ball with a higher velocity. The league is made to be more realistic than PBL, but also fun. _________________________________________________ 2] General League Rules 1. Advertising other groups or games in RPBL servers or on the RPBL wall, will have punishments decided by BoD+. 2. Arguing with referees during games, on multiple occasions will lead to a suspension from either 1-3 games depending on the seriousness. 3. Staff members are not allowed to make decisions with suspensions without consulting Colakk or oDimes. 4. Staff members are not allowed to make biased calls during RPBL games, based off of hatred towards a team or player. 5. Any racism on the RPBL wall will lead to a automatic suspension of 1-3 games depending on the seriousness. 6. Spamming the group wall will lead to a 1 game suspension after 3 warnings. 7. No staff members are allowed to referee their own team’s game. 8. Staff members are required to referee at least 1-2 games every 2 weeks, ATLEAST. 9. The RPBL court and ball was created by oDimes, anyone claiming to have made the court or ball is invalid. 10. Coaches can play on their team’s roster. 11. Players are allowed to change their on-court sizes at a maximum of 2 TIMES in 1 season. You cannot just be a different size every game. Failure to abide by this rule will result in a 3-5 game suspension. 12. The size ranges for games are “.8 – 1.41”. 13. Pressing is not allowed after 5 seconds, instead od 3 seconds like normal PBL. 14. Backspacing is a travel. 15. Forcing to get a PW is not press; it has to be intentional by the defense, not the offense. 16. Buzzer beaters are valid as long as the player JUMPS at 1 second, once he is in the air, his shot is valid for a buzzer. If he is still on the ground at 1, it is clearly not a buzzer. 17. There are 4 quarters, which are 15 minutes each. 18. Team roster MAX is 15 for S1, in S2 there will be 8 teams and roster max will be 14. 19. When you sign a player, PM oDimes his or her size and position. 20. Have fun, obviously. _________________________________________________ 3] In-Game Rules 1. There is 24 seconds for a team to shoot on offense, after a shot is bricked the shot clock restarts. 2. The league is a primary 4v4 league, but teams can have an option to 5v5, and if not enough players are present, then there will be a 3v3. After 15 minutes, if a team does not have 3+, the teams will FFL. If both teams do no have 3, then both teams lose. 3. Fouling will occur if a referee determines a play to be brutal. It may randomly occur that a bigger man flings a smaller man off of the court that will be charged as a flagrant. 4. Reselecting is considered a double dribble, and is a turnover. 5. Backspacing is a travel, and is a turnover. 6. You are allowed to jump when you get a pass or a steal. 7. Games are 4 quarters and 15 minutes each. 8. Playoffs will be the top 4 teams for S1. 1st seed vs. 4th seed, 2nd seed vs. 3rd seed. 9. Arguing with referees, pressing 3x, being excessively verbally brutal to opponents, and getting multiple bench warnings can lead to a tech shot. 10. If you get boosted up in the air, and make the shot, that is an “And 1”, and you get the shot plus the one free-throw shot. _________________________________________________ 4] Sizes Command is ":size [player] {number}" PG: .8 – 1.05 SG: .9 – 1.1 SF: 1.1 – 1.2 PF: 1.2-1.35 C: 1.38-1.41 _________________________________________________ 5] Staff Guidelines 1. Any decisions or suspensions made must be PMed to oDimes or Colakk. 2. If you are a team owner, and you sign a player, PM oDimes the name of the player and his POS and Size. 3. If a staff member is inactive for 1 week+ without a valid excuse, they will be fired. 4. All executives and referees must read this whole document. _________________________________________________ 6] Links to the RPBL Ball and Court RPBL Court : http://www.roblox.com/RPBL-Official-Court-item?id=321264442 RPBL Ball : http://www.roblox.com/RPBL-S1-Offical-Ball-item?id=321233556 _________________________________________________ If there are no obvious rules in the rule book, please still keep a civil and productive manner. We want this league to be a success. Have fun! oDimes

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