#178795290Sunday, November 29, 2015 12:27 AM GMT

I growl, as we slowly crawl in circles. I understand now. I jump back as he lashes his tail at me. He waits for me to attack. I awkwardly just stand there, not attacking. I back away, but I growl, lashing my tail with narrowed eyes to keep the tough appearance. Then I realize that it didn't seem to be bothered by my loud screeching. If my voice is loud enough to hurt my head, how did he just brush it off like it was nothing? I guessed it didn't have sensitive enough hearing, but how could it ignore this screech? I let out another disfigured wail that sounded like a chorus of death, and I made my own feathers rise. My own noise, intimidating me.
#178795679Sunday, November 29, 2015 12:32 AM GMT

In the flurry of the wail, I roar back in anger. In blindness, I try to ram it with my domed head.
#178795842Sunday, November 29, 2015 12:34 AM GMT

My Screech drowns his puny roar out, and I charge back into him, and we bump into each other's head, it's not a pushing game. I shove him, he shoves me, and we're both pushing each other, kicking up dust with our tails and unrooting dirt and plants with out feet cling into the ground. He's a bit tougher than I thought he'd be. Then again, he IS larger than me.
#178796738Sunday, November 29, 2015 12:47 AM GMT

I slide my head downwards, let the force slide the attacker. Then I raise my head up, grabbing it with my claws. I throw it again. This isn't going to end, and I starve. I mutter out a growl, then I walk off.
#178797123Sunday, November 29, 2015 12:53 AM GMT

I whimper in pain, feeling like giving up. I might as well let it all end... It might feel peaceful to die, instead of trying so hard and get nothing rewarded but pain. I let out a pitiful cry. It's high-pitched, but not loud. I give up. But... Will it be best to not try? I've given it my all...so far, nothing happened. I let out a cry, trying to imitate those small, two-legged creatures when i scream in their faces and make their ears bleed. I feel my face getting wet, but my face isn't bleeding.. It's happening again. I stifle a growl, and try to sound as weak and miserable as I feel.
#178797476Sunday, November 29, 2015 12:58 AM GMT

The noises of pain stop me. Then I look back. I only let out a merciful growl, then I trod off into the distance.
#178797919Sunday, November 29, 2015 1:04 AM GMT

Growling, I force myself to somehow get up. My body aches, and I feel..sleepy. I race after it, then speed up, and stop in front of him, growling. I approach him slowly..And collaspe. I roll onto my back, dirting my feathers. I seath my claws, and expose my belly. I want to die. I have no will anymore. My life is pointless. I should die. I don't even know what I am. My curiousity, my fears, my wonders, my dreams.. For no more pain, I will set aside.
#178799876Sunday, November 29, 2015 1:29 AM GMT

I roar out in triumph. Then, with no time to spare, I open my jaws up once more to flash my sabers. With anger and starvation setting it, I ram my sabers in its belly. I lift it up slightly, mauling it, then flipping it over. I rake my claws, spray acid, and maul it with my teeth. I spare no expense in dispatching it.
#178800138Sunday, November 29, 2015 1:33 AM GMT

Aryon In the small mobile shop, everything was trembling. A mighty roar arose. It was a Tyrannosaurus Rex. It sniffed around and smelt Aryon and the boy. It could be the end for Aryon here... CLIFFHANGER I'm too lazy right now.
#178800315Sunday, November 29, 2015 1:35 AM GMT

[PFFFFTT HAHAHAHAHA X"D you really think I'd give up and die THAT easy? X"D You make me laugh..] At the last second, I rolled away, making him charge into the ground as a reflex. I growl in anger, knowing how much more painful that would be. I leap onto him, pinning every limb down-his tail, two legs, and his neck. Now i can kill him. I can kill him and he knows it. I rise my arm to stab him, wondering what it would be like to taste his blood. But..I don't drive it down. Instead, I seathe my claws. I feel my eyes go soft. I screech, rushing off. What's wrong with me? What am I?
#178800657Sunday, November 29, 2015 1:40 AM GMT

[*Imagining Xeno's reaction in amusement and non-guilt...And writing my will, getting ready for him to kill me* ;~;]
#178801020Sunday, November 29, 2015 1:45 AM GMT

(Even though I'm covered in spikes, I'll let that slide. Damn, I was so psyched in murdering you.)
#178809926Sunday, November 29, 2015 3:58 AM GMT

After it moves off, I shrug off the incident like it was nothing. Now going back to my single-mindedly mission to eat something, I prop my long neck, catching a scent. There's something big, but afar. The scent is weak, but still there. Although sadly, there's a large square opening that is beyond my reach. It leads to the scent, and of course, the surface. Finally, I can breath. And eat. So in order to get out, I rake my claws and feet into the metallic parts of the elevator, and the very earth itself, upwards. I will eventually be free.
#178811444Sunday, November 29, 2015 4:20 AM GMT

I saw some normal sized-thing trotting around. It was fast, almost like me... Feeling my stomach growling from emptiness, I let out a huff. Just like me. I'm empty inside, and I can only growl in anger because of it. I begin to stalk it, coming closer and closer..slowly. Then I charge into it. It lets out a high-pitched screech that I've never heard of, and it's really loud. Annoyed, I stomp on it, crushing it's spine-I don't stomp too hard that I flatten it. It coughs up red liquid and I feel satisfied. It's a little small, but it'll have to do. It might be little bigger than the white scaled, two legged-creatures though. I hold it in my jaws, and begin to trot off, trying to find my way out. I feel like I'm lost, heading nowhere... But then I feel my foot go down. It's in a footprint, bigger than mine, slightly. I sniff at it, and I realize who it is. I let out a roar of frustration. Him. Again.
#178818296Sunday, November 29, 2015 6:14 AM GMT

◽Charles◽ I got up again in pain. I fought the pain. I need to find somebody to help me, even tho those creatures might kill me. I yelled in pain again. I fought to keep awake. I walked through the woods slowly my feet dragging. I heard a loud ror. I jamp behind a tree. I was breathing fast. I waited for it to pass. It passed me. What was that one, I thought. I continued my journey... -12 minutes later- I stumbled across aryon, a young boy and some kind of dinosaur. He lifted up is gun higher. "Don't trust the dinosaur" I said in pain. He aimed his gun to the dinosaur. He started shooting. His arm and hand were in pain. The pain were like pins/needles getting stabbed into his skin. He hoped a gun would do damage...
#178818911Sunday, November 29, 2015 6:25 AM GMT

(I'm still in the mobile shop, you know.) Aryon The boy began to cry when gunshots were heard. Aryon popped up to see what's happening. There was a man with a gun shooting at the Tyrannosaurus Rex. The T-Rex was in pain. Aryon calmed the boy down and told him to stay in there, while he jumped out of the shop. He grabbed a whole bunch of stuff to throw at the T-Rex. It distracted it for a while. To be continued...
#178819298Sunday, November 29, 2015 6:33 AM GMT

◽Charles◽ I kept pulling down on the trigger trying to harm the dinosaur. I felt rage take over him. "This is what you get for hurting my team" I yelled. I kept shooting. I gritted his teeth in pain. I felt the pain spreading all over his body. I gave a faint smile to the boy. Then I turnt head again. He kept shooting. My hands loosen on the gun. I felt like my veins were on fire. I felt dizzy again. No, no I can't give up now, I yelled in my head. I kept shooting and reloading. Everytime I shoot and reload my gun feels heavier. I forced my eyes to stay open. "I'M SORRY I FAILED YOU LIKE I DID WITH MY TEAM MATES" I yelled in pain. I put the gun around my shoulder. I fell to the ground screaming in pain. Then I blanked out.....
#178819609Sunday, November 29, 2015 6:40 AM GMT

Neoprit. I reach the top, climbing over onto the pavement. I can breath, I am not shackled by small quarters no longer! The scent is stronger, closer. I run to it, but I quickly realize it's on another island. A bridge was destroyed by something, but that matters not. All that matters is the flesh. With my back-blades, I rotate them to protrude outwards. Then I jump into the water, using the blades to cut through the water, swaying my tail and body side to side. After snagging a large shark in the water, I finally reach the area. The scent is nearby. I continue to follow it, now I realize what it is. It is big, covered in downy feathers. It immediately looks at me. It appears it is being attacked by a flesh, although its attention is on me. (AKA the Tyrannosaurus.) With no time to tarry, I open my jaws, roaring angrily and monstrously. It's time to battle. (The size projected by a human.) (Tyrannosaurus, 40 ft long and 12-15 ft tall.) (Neoprit, 56 ft long and 25 ft tall.)
#178820004Sunday, November 29, 2015 6:49 AM GMT

(Oh Shizazle! Shiz is getting real!) Aryon Another dinosaur came around. It seemed like a mix of many other dinosaurs, it was even larger than the T-Rex. This time, the boy wet his pants. All of us were scared, even the scientists inside the building on lockdown. The T-Rex and the monster began to clash it out. In the meanwhile, Aryon grabbed the boy and carried along the unconscious man with the gun. They ran all the way to the other side of the development center. There, they recuperated. The roars of the dinosaurs in the clash were so loud, that Aryon got very startled at times. The boy was crying so much. Eventually, the back door of the center opened. A scientist helped us in and quickly locked back down the door.
#178820439Sunday, November 29, 2015 7:01 AM GMT

◽Charles◽ I suddenly woke up. I looked around. I seen the two boys and a scientist. I started panicking. "Where the hell I am?" I said he got up. I screamed again in pain. I,do not remember anything about what happened. "Who the hell are you people" I asked. "Did you kidnap me" I yelled. I gritted my teeth in pain. He felt the growing pain in his arm and hand. The pain was traveling down to his back. I tried getting up but failed due to the pain.
#178821173Sunday, November 29, 2015 7:22 AM GMT

(Two scientists and a boy*)
#178821353Sunday, November 29, 2015 7:28 AM GMT

(That what I ment
#178843050Sunday, November 29, 2015 5:15 PM GMT

After a giant clash of teeth and brutce force, Neoprit came in top. He puts his foot ontop the dead Tyrannosaurus. Then, he lets out a victorious roar. It echoes, filling fear in the hearts of many. I then eat the Tyrannosaur, repeatedly ramming my saber teeth into it.
#178845644Sunday, November 29, 2015 5:53 PM GMT

Aryon That man woke up. "Calm down," Aryon said, "We're here to help." The final roar of the T-Rex was heard in the room. It died. "What was that?" The crying boy asked. "How could it beat the T-Rex? Are we gonna die?" "I don't know," Aryon stated, "I don't know, kid." The boy began to cry even harder.
#178845771Sunday, November 29, 2015 5:55 PM GMT

I stop eating. That sound. It angers me. I walk towards it, sniffing and growling at the same time.