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#178884377Monday, November 30, 2015 2:27 AM GMT

You hear crash and multiple crackling sounds. An explosion, from what you can hear, breaks out. You fall unconscious. You appear in an open plains with a few rocks scattered about. Dazed, you try to remember what has happened. While searching, you stumble upon a book. It is a book of anatomy, history, and biology of races. You read. Humans are the thriving race, living in plains. Rolling green hills make for great grazing animals to feed, which the humans hunt for food. It is the biggest part of Tathorym, so humanity was able to spread fast. There are many towns spread around, but the most popular is the large kingdom which they call Sorrem (might change the name due to over popularity), or popularly know as "Sanctuary". Sanctuary's main castle is atop a hill, peering over the kingdom. In the shadow that the castle makes, is where bandits and thieves scurry about. There are many stores to browse for countless hours. Their religions are the Gods, and they worship many different ones. They erect shrines for each God, and demolish them if one falls from their power, preforming a ceremony for the fallen god, then the new one. The Tathorites have been around longer than any other race. They live in the thick rainforest that they call "Eldayos". Eldayos consist of tall, slender giants, and primitive creatures swing from each tree which the tribals tend to attack indiscriminately. They stand normally about 8 to 9 feet tall, bulky appearance, low intellect, bumpy studs atop their heads, braided ponytails and small goatee-like beards for the males, long flowing hair for the females, and teeth that stick out of their mouths from a large underbite. They only have tribal huts and wooden walls for protection, but since they're very secluded (and incredibly bulky), no other race bothers them. They do have chieftains, which stand out with large mask they wear. Their religion is based on basic needs, so they worship the Titans instead, shrines created from wood and shrubbery. Since they have destructive purposes, the forest around them are shriveled and burnt, causing most species to be run out of their terrain. Frozagans, grow hair for insulation in the cold tundras of Frozaga. They are descendants of a great dragon that lived in the tundra. The dragon is a strange creature, since no one knows what it is, a God, or a Titan. Frozaga is home of giant wyrms and dragons, making it a fierce land to live in. But, they reap the rewards of the many ore deposits that litter their land, thus, making them excellent smithies. They also believe that their land is for the most powerful race to live in, so they have a smug personality about themselves. These people are excellent Cyromancers, winged Frozagans that use Cyromancy on the battlefield is a formidable foe. There is a massive castle that most Frozagans live in, by the name of Faledorn, that has four castles, each with different customs of the Frozagans. The castles(Or colleges to be precise) are, Weapons, Armor, Ice, and Smithy. At the center of Faledorn, there is a large fountain that leads into an ocean. The ocean has many islands to explore, proclaimed to have treasure, Frozagan Pirates donned with scimitars and rapiers sail away to the loot spoken of. Xanjelians, the strangest race of all, are incredibly bug-like, being upright but yet having mandibles and writhing tentacles. Typically, male Xanjelians have multiple small mandibles for speech, slender heads, and up to 8 eyes, with wings that buzz when they fly. Female Xanjelians are different, they have more sturdy and effective tentacles, using for latching onto prey and constricting them until they fall limp. They have no wings, and fewer eyes, although. Both genders have tentacle-like hair growing from their heads, much as 10 slots of tentacles are grown on their head. They come from the land of Xanjeli, which is a swampy terrain, with other predatory insects that the Xanjelians use for chitin and other materials. Their capital is a large side of a cliff, where the hive of the Xanjelians resides in. The leader is referred to as The "Matriarch" or the "Brood Mother". They are incapable to worship Gods or Titans, but only their leader since they were hatched by her. If anything, The Matriarch is their god, their religion. Although a strange race, they have a disease which grows fungus on them, which is infectious to all races. This disease grows fungus all over the host, covering them in a thick carapace of fungus. Even more strange, The Matriarch cannot get this disease, which causes some of the Xanjelians to question her. The rebellious Xanjelians are casted out to go to other places, such as Sorrem. Then there are the Aladorians, the "Little" race. They look very human, but their skin is silver, their bodies completely hairless. Nobody knows much about the Aladorians, but some know they came from their grand lost city, Alador. There is one salesman Aladorian, who sells machinery, automatons, and cybernetics. The other Aladorians that were spotted use electric magic in combat, which is a new kind of element to the other races. There is a charred section of the book that explains about something called "Dagarians". All you can make out is that they're created by a demonic god, and they are disguised as normal races. With further reading, you get to a "Hierarchy" section. Gods are entities that are masters of a form of power, such as elements, actions, personalities, and so on. They are normally disguised as ordinary people that roam all of Tathorym. People say that only the most powerful people can become Gods, but people has never seen anything of the sorts. Titans are an advanced form of the Gods. They are more broad when it comes to power, such as Magic, Power, or Elements. They are believed to have an own realm of their own, which they cannot leave themselves, only the influence of their power can reach the realm, like a mage unleashing powerful magical spells. Incarnates, two people who have indulged in two forms of tendencies. Good, and evil. They are rulers of the Titan-Realm. Nobody knows how the rank came to be, or how they were elected. One last page remains, but it is ripped in half. All it says is Void L-, then it cuts off. (Rules and acceptations.) (Common stuff, godmodding and the likes. You get the idea.) (This is an interactive RP, I dictate all the actions you perform. Talking to another RPer is in your hands, although.) (Always visit a library, find a book, or ask questions. You can find out a lot of details of where you are.) (You cannot be hierarchy...yet.) (If you are a race, be sure to follow what their traits are.) (If you are a Dagarian, you must be an utterly unique demon. You can also describe what your disguise looks like when you're incognito.) (You do not need to be all the races. You can be something far more strange and different, and again, utterly unique. This does not mean to make another race; you will be the one and only. I will be extremely nit-picky if you choose to be your own monster humanoid thingy-ma-jig...) CS Name: Race: Physical Appearances: Tendencies, personality, or quirks/pet peeves: (Physical Disguise if Dagarian.): Armory: Weaponry: Miscellaneous items and equipment: Styles of battle: Abilities(Be it battle-wise, unique, or misc):
#178887842Monday, November 30, 2015 3:16 AM GMT

Hourly bump.
#178893264Monday, November 30, 2015 4:56 AM GMT

Sa sa second bump. (Might add a little less.) ~"I have still not left the alleyway."~
#178940445Tuesday, December 01, 2015 2:59 AM GMT

Third bump. By now, bumps are gettin' useless. Aghhhhh I'll just make a collab mutant RP.
#178944522Tuesday, December 01, 2015 4:18 AM GMT

ffs where the hell is that reply?

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