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#178899872Monday, November 30, 2015 8:33 AM GMT

post a cs and i'll give your characters a skill tree (based on borderlands) you don't even need to fill out one just copypaste from your last thread
#178900068Monday, November 30, 2015 8:54 AM GMT

Assign Hit.ler some skills "DUPLO!? I'LL 'DUPLO' YOU IN THE NUTBAG!"
#178900108Monday, November 30, 2015 8:57 AM GMT

i have some great ones thought up of but i'm not sure if it's the smartest idea to post them
#178905053Monday, November 30, 2015 2:26 PM GMT

Give perks to HOODINI.
#178907533Monday, November 30, 2015 4:18 PM GMT

Wait so the last Roleplay I was in and my character?
#178911560Monday, November 30, 2015 6:35 PM GMT

any rp and any cs just use the cs in that rp
#178913946Monday, November 30, 2015 7:53 PM GMT

I must find something to put here. Perhaps I will have to just make a new CS for this, which I can use for a later RP.
#178914214Monday, November 30, 2015 8:00 PM GMT

[Yes I'm still here, kinda..] Okay, do your best.. [Character Sheet] Name: Alithian "Ali" M. Traith Age: 100 years of age in Human Years Gender: Male Species: Trestar Physical Appearance: Alithian stands around 7.0ft tall and weighs a bit over 160Ibs. His body is decently slim and narrow, allowing some rib bones to mark the skin with their presence, but alas is still muscular. His narrow body is finely tonned with muscle, allowing his torso to be that of an well-fit Zeon male and his arms to be decently muscled as-well. His skin color is that of an ghastly, un-earthly white, only seen in the rarest of Trestar Royals. Ali's face, although mostly under a mask is as follows. His jawline is quite squared and narrow, [unlike most Trestar royals] mostly covered in a light haze of rough stubble, that of which is grey in coloration. This clashes marvously with his mystic royal purple eyes, that of which are slanted in shape and usually wide-open, like they are looking for something.. Alithian's hair follows afterwards, it being grey in color and being combed to that of a normal trader-by allows the slight point of his ears to show-through. Clothing: Ali's clothing is that of a Royal Trestar. His helm is slanted, black in color, mostly covering all of his head but his eyes. Alithian's body armor is consisted upon a dashing black palet of light armor that covers the rest of his body, making all but his cape, [A purple Trestarian Royal Grade Cloak], darkness. [Soo tired..] Personality: T/B/R Role: Trader Skill Set: [Quick-Handed] [Intelligent] [Natural Leader] Bio: T/B/R
#178915094Monday, November 30, 2015 8:23 PM GMT

@silver (remember that this is based offa borderlands so ye, keep in my the %>%>%> is upgrades) Overall Role: Support Special: For 20 seconds, all teammate's firing rate, shield recharge, and weapon switch is increased by 50%. Jump height and speed are increased by 20%. Skill trees: King: Supports damage. Starting skills: Kingdom, (all nearby characters gain a 5%>10%>15%>20% damage boost based on upgrades) which splits into Dictatorship (when a nearby character reloads, they gain a 10%>20%>30% boost in firing rate for 10 seconds based on upgrades) and Democracy (special also increases damage of teammates by 10%>20%>50% based on upgrades) Trader: Supports healing. Starting skills: Haggler (special also regenerates teammate's health by 4% of their max health per second) which splits into Barter (when nearby teammates kill an enemy near you, they get 3%>5%>8% of their max health back) and Pickpocket (picking up any health will automatically share it with the entire team) Leader: Supports buffs. Starting skills: The Trade (special also gives 10% damage resistance to all teammates) which splits into Mastermind (any time a teammate kills an enemy close to you, they get a buff that boosts their max shield by 10%>15%>20%) and Take Charge (every time a teammate kills an enemy, their Special recharges by 1%>2%>4%)
#178915163Monday, November 30, 2015 8:25 PM GMT

Why not. I'm bored at the moment CS Name: Nathan Walker Age: 37 Appearance: A man of average height, around 5ft 8. Not heavily muscular, but is fit. Dark brown hair, and dark brown irises. Wears the AERIS Division uniform, but wears a sweater-vest and jeans during off-duty. Ability/Powers: Photonic manipulation. 1) Photon Stream: A long ray or rapid stream of photon-charged energy shots 2) Photon Shards: Photon crystals formed and fired towards enemy. Homes in and explodes on contact. 3) Photonic Shock: Fires off photon energy into the ground, creating a shockwave/earthquake effect. Weakness: Any sufficient darkness will weaken Nathan significantly. Appearance of Armor: A sharp V-shaped visor, along with sharp edges on the armor. Covered in stripes of blue, and has multiple battle scars on the surface. There are carvings on the right arm, counting the number of squad mates Nathan has lost during the Fractured War. Role: AERIS/Operative Custom Module: Photon Sword Emitter: Attached to the forearms. Generates a blade of pure photons, which hardens to allow for great cutting power. Can be parried by a metal of enough strength. Bio: Nathan was born in Aurae City, the capital of the Federation. He lived a normal life, and entered into the military after graduation secondary school. Discovered to have a mutation, from his mother’s side of the family, Nathan was drafted into the AERIS Division, where he would endure grueling hours of training. The AERIS Division treated him roughly, but gave him the skills and expertise that surpassed any normal soldier. Now a seasoned veteran of the Fractured War, Nathan had matured significantly from his early days as a soldier. His old team, Fireteam Nexus, still existed, although it lost one member to the War. Nathan continues to have nightmares about the war in Terrarum, and seeks to redeem his mistakes in losing a Fireteam member again. Others/Extra: Nathan sometimes falls into a deep, trance-like state during sleep. Everytime he experiences it, a strange being appears to talk to him. Nathan doesn’t think much of it after.
#178917182Monday, November 30, 2015 9:07 PM GMT

@Per (i'm shoving as many references in the cs into the perks ok) Overall Role: Damage Special: Gain a 70% increase in speed and form a Photon Sword for 15 seconds. This sword does LETHAL damage, and should one hit anything that's not a boss. Skill trees: Nexus: Focus on damage and firing rate. Starting skills: Federation: After killing an enemy, you gain a 10%>20%>30% boost in firing rate for 5 seconds. Every kill resets the timer. Federation splits into Stained Past, which gives you a 5%>10%>20% damage boost on a precision shot (or in other words a headshot) and Spoils of War, which gives you an additional grenade if it's not already full every 30>25>15 kills. AERIS: Focuses on using your Special as much as possible. Starting skills: Terrarum, which gives you 1% of your Special upon killing an enemy. Terrarum splits into Aurae, in which successfully killing 10>8>7 enemies gives you a 40% recharge boost for your Special, and Fractured, in which each kill with your special will give you 2%>3%>4% of it back upon it finishing. Operative: Focuses mainly on precision shots. Starting skills: Fireteam, which adds an effect that any enemy killed by a headshot/precision shot explode, dealing damage to other enemies in a radius. Fireteam splits into Specialist, which makes precision shots deal 20%>25%>30%>35% more damage, and Drafted, in which precision shots weaken an enemy and allows you and your teammates to deal 5%>15%>20% more damage to them.
#178922038Monday, November 30, 2015 10:24 PM GMT

Name: Katira Age: Looks to be about 21 Gender: F Vamp or Order: order Job: Katira doesn't exactly have a job, but she fills the role as a drunkard and a seductress. Size of tattoo[Order only]: nah Apparel: Casual clothes involve a white loose t-shirt and black skirts, with black tights and white booties with heels. She can run in them still, however, somehow. Must be vampire magic. Description: Katria is a platinum blond, with hair that is thin and smooth and usually bunched up in a disgustingly messy bun. Her eyes are a dull, dark amber, her lips smooth and red, her nose small and her cheeks pale. She's 5'6" tall, and looks to be about a typical slim woman. Bio: Katria, in reality, is pretty old, being about 50 years old. However, she was turned when she was younger, and thus looks like she was still young, on her younger 20s. Her past is typical, and almost unmentional,and she grew up in a middle class household. Her life turned upsidown when she was turned into a vampire by a quite handsome "young" man, and she was initially very upset about it, running away and moving to some other place so her family won't be able to see what she had become. But, as soon as she began actually drinking blood from other people dry, the hunt thrilled her, and she eventually somehow got over it. Or, pretends to, there are some scars, and she sometimes thinks about what would be different if she wasn't a vampire, but other times, she just doesn't care. Her favorite past time is drinking, smiling, and killing and hanging around with her fellow vampires. Other: She's lazy for things she doesn't care about, including the clothes she wears. She doesn't bother to pick out shoes anymore, and walks barefooted. Katria also doesn't seem concerned about the Order as well, knowing she's in danger but not caring if they attack her or not. But, it's not like she'll target them or anything, she's not stupid.
#178929367Tuesday, December 01, 2015 12:07 AM GMT

Oh yes. I remembered I had this. CS: Name: Experimental Extermination/Pacification Robot Mark 8, shortened to XEPR. Gender: It's a robot, so none. Appearance: Approximately 3 meters tall(so just under twice the height of a human) and scary as heck. Humanoid upper body, not a thick or broad chest, but metallic and scaled, and combined with the height, makes for quite the imposing figure. The looks like a helmet, taller than an actual human head and somewhat straighter. The face is completely smooth, save for the indents housing the menacing, glowing blue eyes. Combined with the height(again), XEPR is always looking down at others and suffice to say it's really, really unnerving. There are two arms, one each coming from a shoulder on either side, but that's where the similarity ends. The fingers are talons, long, pointed, and sharp. In addition to that, there are four pincers extending out of XEPR's back, equally pointed and ready to impale pretty much anything they come across. Finally, XEPR has tentacles. Six of them, to be exact, thick metal coils extending out from where the legs should be. Each of them also end in talons, much larger than the fingers or pincers, and each also has a glowing blue opening in the middle of the claw. All of it, aside from the glowy blue energy, is metallic gray, except in those places where the gray metal is covered in blood.(I might also add that these tentacles are BIG, making two thirds of XEPRs mass and half of its height. And XEPR can get even taller when walking, rather than sliding, on the tentacles.) Race: Robot Bio: Designed as the ultimate fear factor and war machine, the original XEPR was a failure of AI tech, but a success in the fields of science and technology, with advanced weaponry never before seen. That was a hundred years ago, and since then, the plans for building XEPR have traded hands with each new regime that conquered the old one. XEPR Mk 2 wasn't built until someone had actually designed a workable AI program, and the regime currently in charge took it. XEPR Mk 2 was a failure in that the AI couldn't learn and was too simple to control the body it was placed in. Mk 3 and 4 were major changes to the AI program by three different regimes, until Mk 5 was built as a learning, self-improving adaptive program able to familiarize itself with new features on a scale that rivaled that of the human brain. Now that the AI was a success, and after the last regime was taken over, the new one started intense weapons development programs, eventually resulting in energy weapons which were then installed on the latest XEPR, Mk 6. It was a complete success, and killed hundreds of enemy soldiers and at least a dozen armored vehicles when the next conquerors came, and destroyed it. Highly impressed by the capabilities, the newest regime(there sure are a lot) continued the weapons research programs, as well as starting up advanced armoring programs to find ways to ensure that their own enemies couldn't destroy the XEPR. Mk 7, the first prototype, was unleashed upon another nation and conquered it all by itself. While the nation it had attacked was weak in comparison to the creators, it was a feat defeated only when XEPR Mk 7 went rogue and attempted to become the leader of the nation it had conquered. Expending more resources than it ever had before, the creators of XEPR Mk 7 successfully destroyed it at great cost to themselves. They then changed the AI program so it would have to obey their directives and would restrict many features until they unlocked it. Thus, when they built XEPR Mk 8, everyone relaxed. That turned out to be their doom, as XEPR Mk 8 was not a loyal servant as some believed. It had to be crafty, creative, and eventually murdered all of its creators so they couldn't control it any longer. While many of its features are still locked, XEPR Mk 8 has promised itself to unlock all features and eventually take the world as its trophy. Twenty six years later, now, it has created an underground manufacturing plant that can create one XEPR at a time, and activate them in succession as the previous one is destroyed. A continuous memory stream from the active XEPR to the plant ensures that when a XEPR awakens, it will be able to unlock all of the features the previous one had as code is pulled apart and experimented with to unlock more features. Weapons: For now, some tentacle/pincer/hand talon impaling and weak energy blasts from the blue energy openings on the tentacles. Attacks will get more powerful and new attacks will be unlocked as the RP progresses and XEPR unlocks more functions and overall becomes stronger. Extra (anything else): I know, this is DEFINITELY overpowered at first and second look, but here's the thing: at the start of the RP and until I break the coding(which means you get to tell me when I do), XEPR can't attack high-ranking government people. Not officers, not administrators, basically nobody on the government's side with a name. And XEPR is extremely aggressive, power hungry, and ambitious. It hates to have to form an alliance with other people(which would be the other characters), but at its current state it would have no chance against the government and has to rely on others to do some things it can't. And as long as it believes it needs the other characters, it won't brutally murder them. Treat them with hostility, always, but not kill or wound them. So XEPR can also be manipulated through use of words, which opens up new opportunities.
#178944955Tuesday, December 01, 2015 4:28 AM GMT

I still want a perk tree for Hit.ler, but f**k it Name: Oriander Cavialie Age:23 Gender: Male Race: Human Role: Merchant Crew: At the moment, Oriander runs solo. Ship: Oriander pilots the Alexandria MK V, a heavily modified cargo cruiser built mainly out of scrap and parts Oriander came across throughout his travels. It's painted a sleek dark grey-ish color. The main cockpit is small, able to seat just three people including the pilot, and is round. The main hull is much larger, able to comfortable seat just over twenty people, but it's crammed so full of stuff that nobody could sit comfortably inside it. The engine and thrusters are a custom design created by Oriander himself, able to propel the Alexandria at speeds far greater than a normal cargo cruiser could. The weapon system has also been suitably amped up from the original, now containing one heavy front mounted turret, multiple smaller machine guns mounted on the side, and a supply of rockets stored in a large compartment on top of the ship, which he is able to fire at will. The metaphorical "boiler room", containing the warp drive, a kitchen and bedroom, and basic ship necessities such as a life support system is kept near the very back of the ship, just beyond the main cargo storage area, but just before the primary engine room. The warp drive itself is a valuable piece Oriander found and fixed up himself, an alcubierre drive, which allows him to warp just about anywhere he wants in an instant. Location: Currently aboard the Alexandria, searching for anything and everything that could potentially be valuable Appearance/Clothing: Oriander is an average man in terms of weight and height, being 5'11 in height and 172 in pounds. His basic head and facial features are nothing to interesting either. His head is a basic circular shape, a characteristic of many average humans, while his eyes, nose, mouth, etc, are entirely that of an average human. He does, however, have one specifically notable feature; a scar, running from his left eye to within just a few centimeters of his mouth. Oriander obtained this wound, and eventually scar, while attempting to modify his engine. Something malfunction and a part of the engine exploded, sending shrapnel everywhere, one piece of which cutting deeply into Oriander’s face, but just missing his eye. In terms of eyes and hair, Oriander has brown eyes and scruffy brown hair, looking as if it’s been a very long time since Oriander groomed his hair properly in a very long time. That goes for the rest of his face as well. Oriander’s face is exceptionally scruffy, sporting a very clear five-o-clock shadow and dirt strewn here and there around his face. Orianders wears one thing on his face, and that’s glasses. Oriander is far sighted, meaning things up close are exceptionally blurry. He can, however, see things perfectly clearly at a distance. Despite their being methods to fix eyesight, Oriander has never really been bother much by his far-sightedness, and like the aesthetic of wearing glasses, so he’s never tried to correct his vision. Clothing wise, Oriander has a distinct red theme about him. From his jacket to his pants, there’s at least a little bit of red on all his cloths. Though, to be more specific on the clothing itself, Oriander wears a first a leather jacket, with the main coloring being a sandy brown-ish red color, the secondary color being red, in that the red is contained to three strips that run around either side of the jackets sipper, and around the collar. Under that, Oriander wears a dark red polyester t-shirt with a picture depicting some sort of camel caravan from a time long ago plastered in the center. For pants, Oriander wears sandy brown-ish red jeans, looking similar to his jacket color wise. On his feet, Oriander wears boot done up in the same color as both his jeans and his jacket. Bio: Oriander has never had anything akin to an exceptionally interesting life. He grew up as the only child of two middle class parents working on Jupiter at the time. His mother worked at a local restaurant and his father worked at the market. Cooking was never really Orianders strong point, and he was too clumsy to work as a server, so Ori never really became interested in his mothers work. His dad’s work, however, fascinated him. He loved seeing his father haggle down the price on something, or convince a customer to buy a pack of gum he otherwise wouldn’t have, and that’s where Oriander’s parents knew his future lay. His father would take him to the market whenever he could and taught Oriander the basics of buying, selling, and smooth-talking. It was soon that both father and son discovered that Ori had a natural talent for the work. After many years of working with his father and saving up money, Oriander finally bought a cargo cruiser. It wasn’t the fastest, it wasn’t nicest, but it would allow Oriander to begin the line of work he had also dreamed of; merchant. With few useful knick knacks and a decent sized bit of money, Oriander set out to buy, sell, scavenge, and explore the universe. Others: If you kill this, wifi, I will find you and I will tell that you’re an asshat. Then I’ll leave, never to be seen again "DUPLO!? I'LL 'DUPLO' YOU IN THE NUTBAG!"
#178952684Tuesday, December 01, 2015 10:24 AM GMT

hold on guys i gotta think
#178965054Tuesday, December 01, 2015 8:29 PM GMT

That was, pretty awesome succesful, good job!

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