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#178939883Tuesday, December 01, 2015 2:51 AM GMT

Signup Thread: http://forum.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=178743810 --- (I neglected to ask further questions, because I forgot about it, but I was serious about the darkened white question. Is your character grey-skinned? Or did you mean to write that he's a tan Caucasian?) SHIP SYSTEMS BOOTING, PLEASE WAIT WARMLY. . .. ... SHIP SYSTEMS BOOTED, WELCOME USER: Ratchit Trailhorn SHIP RUNNING ON UTOPIA OS PLEASE ALERT AN ADMINISTRATOR IF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS NOT IN ORDER. [Your name?: Ratchit Trailhorn] [Your gender?: Male] [Your age?: 34] [What do you look like, and what are you wearing?: From what i know, i stand at a normal height for people my age (5'9). My body is somewhat skinny, and my skin is darkened white with a touch of unnoticeable paleness. My hair is a darkened orange; although when i was a child it was bright strawberry orange. My eyes are the brightest thing on my face, with a nice bright blue color to them. I'm wearing a normal blue charvet shirt with striped sweatpants, black and white. A small scar resides on my cheek.] [Why are you leaving the Earth?: I need to gain a better life; i also need a good adventure.] [Do you recall your past life? If so, speak about it. If the memories are too bitter, then let your past be left unsaid.: The days of childhood in my life are quite blurry, although i recall some specific, notable facts and occurrences. First, Ratchit means invention, which is my first name. Second, i got my scar from a pocketknife. Me and a past friend of mine were cutting a rope for an art project, when i accidentally collided my cheek into the knife while i crouched down. My life isn't really the best because of multiple reasons. I recently lost my job; the opportunities remaining soon became slim and i can no longer find an occupation. All residents of my current family have either moved away or died; therefore keeping me alone in my current household.] --- We all say we don't want to be alone. Solitude is a poison. It eats away at whoever is unfortunate enough to be cursed with the ingesting of such a poison. It's terrible to be alone. As the great man Bob Ross once said, "Everybody needs a friend." But you've got nothing. Your family's gone, and you're all alone. What better way to cure loneliness than to go out in the lonely expanses of space? And so, here you are. You're sat in the fairly-cramped single-seat cockpit of your newly-bought spaceship. This cockpit is located at the front of the ship. In front of you is the windshield, allowing you to see out into the ship hangar. Also in front of enter stick for controlling your ship. At your feet are two rudder pedals. On your left armrest is the throttle, and on the right armrest are several buttons with different friendly colors. From your VR training, you know that these buttons are meant to operate the holographic computer, as well as actually switching it on. Although the area is cramped, there's enough room for you to get up and head to the other rooms within the ship. Though, there aren't very many other rooms. SHIP ROOMS: [Cockpit] [Crew Quarters 1/2]* [Cargo Hold] [Kitchen/Sitting Area] [Bathroom]** *In order to recruit companions onto your ship, you must have enough room for them and yourself in your Crew Quarters. There are two spots open in your Crew Quarters, and you are currently taking up one of them. The Crew Quarters, like the rest of your ship, can be upgraded. **The Bathroom is very small and uncomfortable. It has a toilet and a shower. The holographic computer boots itself up, and its screen pops up in front of your windshield, though it isn't opaque and you can still see through to your windshield. Currently, the holographic screen is blue, with white text on it. WELCOME PLEASE DO THE FOLLOWING BEFORE TAKING FLIGHT PLEASE CHOOSE THE COLOR OF YOUR HOLOGRAPHIC COMPUTER SCREEN: PLEASE CHOOSE THE COLOR OF YOUR SHIP LIGHTS: PLEASE ENTER YOUR SHIP NAME:
#178940223Tuesday, December 01, 2015 2:56 AM GMT

#178940803Tuesday, December 01, 2015 3:05 AM GMT

Your interior lights flick on and illuminate the ship with a green color. The screen and holographic keyboard that popped up in front of you remain their default blue color. Once you've configured basic settings for your ship, the ship inclines upward, the end pointing up to the ceiling. The ceiling soon opens itself up, and the windshield tints itself to protect you from the sun. "You're all set for takeoff," you hear a voice say over your ship comms. All that's left to do is push the throttle up and leave this place. Of course, it's not too late to abandon this space-faring endeavor and stay home where it's safe and there's plenty of oxygen.
#178941722Tuesday, December 01, 2015 3:21 AM GMT

After taking a few deep breaths and thinking about the future journeys i'm about to endure, i slowly push up the throttle.
#178946908Tuesday, December 01, 2015 5:12 AM GMT

You slowly push the throttle up, the roaring of the engine growing louder and louder as you do. Soon, you find yourself blasting off, escaping the bounds of this planet. Before long, the throttle shifts back to its neutral position, and you're drifting in space. You could visit the planets in your solar system, though if you think you'll find them too boring and lifeless, you could switch on your holographic computer to see what interesting locations are around.
#178956569Tuesday, December 01, 2015 3:25 PM GMT

I switch on the holographic computer, intending to find out more about optional travel destinations.
#178999168Wednesday, December 02, 2015 8:33 AM GMT

A list of possible destinations pops up on the holographic computer screen. >Sector 432, Station IV >Planet Oraimo >Country House >The Friendly Asteroid Eatery >Come In to the Inn, Inn >Earthling Welcome Center
#179003895Wednesday, December 02, 2015 3:16 PM GMT

I look over the options. Have i ever seen any of these before? No; i haven't. I check to see if there is any perfunctory descriptions of these locations.
#179053992Thursday, December 03, 2015 4:40 PM GMT

A short note pops up beside each entry after you select the "show more, I'm indecisive" option. >Sector 432, Station IV - The fourth-built space station in the 432nd Sector of the Ultimatum Galaxy. It's well-known as being a pretty nice place and having fun drinks. >Planet Oraimo - A strange planet populated by a race of sentient plants that often make philosophical quandaries and lectures about being plants. In recent years, more and more explorers have showed up to this planet, for reasons only known to them. >Country House - A mansion floating around in space. Contrary to its name, it's not actually located in any country, it just floats around in space. The resident and owner of the mansion is a hospitable sort, and often allows people to stick around for awhile. >The Friendly Asteroid Eatery - A small diner located on top of an asteroid. >Come In to the Inn, Inn - A floating inn, nearby to the Friendly Asteroid Eatery. >Earthling Welcome Center - A floating welcome center in space, fairly close by to Earth. Sometimes, you can even see it in the sky from Earth. It's purpose is to welcome people from Earth into space.
#179066848Thursday, December 03, 2015 10:42 PM GMT

(Will we at any point interact with other ISRPers?) Maybe the Friendly Asteroid Eatery would do me good. I'm rather hungry, with a large appetite. I wonder what they serve there.
#179094014Friday, December 04, 2015 8:24 AM GMT

(I don't want to tell you no, because I might change my mind on that. But, probably not.) You select the Eatery and a warp bubble soon forms around your ship. When you push the throttle up, space's celestial entities begin to zoom by your windshield faster than light. Eventually, your ship slows down, and the throttle returns to its neutral position, followed by the warp bubble's collapse. You're drifting near an asteroid. On top of the asteroid is a nice-looking wooden building. A bit small, though. A sign is stuck into the asteroid, just outside the building, reading "The Friendly Asteroid Eatery." Behind the wooden building is what looks like a parking lot, except for spaceships instead of cars.
#179094041Friday, December 04, 2015 8:26 AM GMT

########### screen: ###### ########## Hashtag ####### ship ######: Yellow #### of ship: The Hashtag #######
#179101051Friday, December 04, 2015 3:43 PM GMT

(okay) Dazed by the speed i was recently traveling, i see if i could park in any available spaces.
#179121072Saturday, December 05, 2015 12:24 AM GMT

#179144650Saturday, December 05, 2015 10:25 AM GMT

(You don't have to bump this thread, ever.) You manage to park between a bright blue spaceship and a yellow spaceship. You were too distracted by their stupid colors to pick out anything else notable about them. There don't seem to be very many ships around here, so it's probably not too packed inside.
#179221179Sunday, December 06, 2015 6:05 PM GMT

(Okay, i don't get this. Do i just get out and walk to the door, or...?)
#179221725Sunday, December 06, 2015 6:14 PM GMT

Have you never been an ISRP before? You just do whatever action would make you happy. You could walk to the door and head inside, unless you think the fact that it's not packed will bore you. In which case you can stay in your ship and fly off somewhere else. You could sprint to the door, if you're feeling like leg-work. You could walk around the building to see if there are any homeless or unsavory people about, you could peek through the windows. Just do an action.

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